Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Not sure this is the right message to be sending at the moment. The CDC has flopped many times over in the past year.


CDC Says Fully Vaccinated People Can Gather Privately Without Masks

I have no problem with advising that fully vaccinated people can get together because they will anyway and the risk of transmission is ridiculously low. I don’t like that they also included language that you can also include members of the household whose risk is low because those are likely to be the ones who haven’t been prioritized for vaccination yet, so they’re essentially giving the go-ahead to gather indoors for everyone.
In hindsight, it should help with herd immunity - having those vaccinated with the ones who aren't and/or can't.
If that's what you believe.

You said that having vaccinated people with unvaccinated will help with herd immunity... how? The unvaccinated will be the ones carrying the virus. That virus cannot spread to the vaccinated unless it evolves to include mutations that allow it to escape vaccine induced immunity. Therefore, evolutionary pressure will make it more likely to occur. There is nothing about that scenario that helps herd immunity.
You said that having vaccinated people with unvaccinated will help with herd immunity... how? The unvaccinated will be the ones carrying the virus. That virus cannot spread to the vaccinated unless it evolves to include mutations that allow it to escape vaccine induced immunity. Therefore, evolutionary pressure will make it more likely to occur. There is nothing about that scenario that helps herd immunity.

My bad, my point is you want as many people obviously to be vaccinated to be surrounded by those who arent.

With that, the numbers are declining here, things are looking better than they have been in the last year.
I just came here to say that the media and local governments in Southern California are committing one of the biggest crimes against humanity that I’ve personally ever witnessed as an adult:

The narrative that they’re pushing on folks is that there is a tiered vaccine rollout.

I’m gonna keep this short so let me just explain one thing and be super clear about it- there is no tiered rollout.

You can go to CVS dot com, input your info like I did (I’m not in any of the tiers that are allegedly the only ones allowed to be vaccinated right now) and get a vaccination within 2 weeks.

If you want the vaccine in SoCal you can get it with or without insurance. No cost, no hassle, once you arrive they only ask to see your ID and insurance if you have it. If you don’t have insurance, it’s still FREE!

It angers me that the news and Public officials have led people in my city to believe that they can’t get the vaccine RIGHT NOW!

It’s every man for themselves out here, so ignoring these alleged tiers is not “skipping the line” because they are literally throwing out vaccines at the end of the day. There is absolutely no excuse for that. People are literally still dying from Covid.
I just came here to say that the media and local governments in Southern California are committing one of the biggest crimes against humanity that I’ve personally ever witness as an adult:

The narrative that they’re pushing on folks is that there is a tiered vaccine rollout.

I’m gonna keep this short so let me just explain one thing and be super clear about it- there is no tiered rollout.

You can go to CVS dot com, input your info like I did (I’m not in any of the tiers that are allegedly the only ones allowed to be vaccinated right now) and get a vaccination within 2 weeks.

If you want the vaccine in SoCal you can get it with or without insurance. No cost, no hassle, once you arrive they only ask to see your ID and insurance if you have it. If you don’t have insurance, it’s still FREE!

It angers me that the news and Public officials have led people in my city to believe that they can’t get the vaccine RIGHT NOW!

It’s every man for themselves out here, so ignoring these alleged tiers is not “skipping the line” because they are literally throwing out vaccines at the end of the day. There is absolutely no excuse for that. People are literally still dying from Covid.

Is the problem that you're describing exclusive to places like CVS or is it also happening at county/state/federally funded vaccination centers? I imagine pharmacies don't have an infrastructure to validate tiers online, but they are probably supposed to validate it when the person shows up. Or maybe it's just the good old honor system? One of the biggest crimes against humanity though? I can think of a few others...
Is the problem that you're describing exclusive to places like CVS or is it also happening at county/state/federally funded vaccination centers? I imagine pharmacies don't have an infrastructure to validate tiers online, but they are probably supposed to validate it when the person shows up. Or maybe it's just the good old honor system? One of the biggest crimes against humanity though? I can think of a few others...

Cvs is federally funded. The sites don’t check. You have to self verify you meet the criteria. The reason they don’t validate beyond that is they don’t want certain demographics to be scared or not get the vaccine. Not everyone that needs the vaccine is going to be able to produce legitimate work status.
Is the problem that you're describing exclusive to places like CVS or is it also happening at county/state/federally funded vaccination centers? I imagine pharmacies don't have an infrastructure to validate tiers online, but they are probably supposed to validate it when the person shows up. Or maybe it's just the good old honor system? One of the biggest crimes against humanity though? I can think of a few others...

Same thing is happening at the Cal State Los Angeles vaccination super site which is federally funded.

I’m not here to compare atrocities with anyone btw.
The vaccine rollout is a bit of a mess but as long as there aren't doses thrown away, it's ok.

They're trying to tailor it by 1) age, 2) occupation, 3) health status, 4) how many contacts you have, 5) ethnicity, 6) zip code (and city and county), etc., and there's multiple tiers within each of these. Or, you're just at the right place at the right time and you get the vaccine today.

It's getting to be ridiculous. Two or three tiers would've made sense, but they're trying this 100-tier approach that ultimately just makes it so somebody who is motivated and internet-savvy can get the vaccine whenever they want and the public officials can pretend like they're doing something while those who are supposed to have gotten the vaccine already are endlessly navigating confusing websites with little transparency.

With 10 weeks until we have enough doses for every adult in this country (after having gone 50 weeks waiting), this just doesn't seem like the ideal approach, but at the same time it's not the end of the world.
The vaccine rollout is a bit of a mess but as long as there aren't doses thrown away, it's ok.

With 10 weeks until we have enough doses for every adult in this country (after having gone 50 weeks waiting), this just doesn't seem like the ideal approach, but at the same time it's not the end of the world.

Oh come on!

Deal with the reality of the situation and stop speaking in hypothetical terms.

There are doses being thrown away on a daily basis. It’s not up for debate.

A simple solution is to allow a certain amount of people to wait on standby to prevent dose waste.

And try telling anyone that has lost a loved one to Covid or someone battling Covid in the hospital that “it’s not the end of the world”.
Oh come on!

Deal with the reality of the situation and stop speaking in hypothetical terms.

There are doses being thrown away on a daily basis. It’s not up for debate.

A simple solution is to allow a certain amount of people to wait on standby to prevent dose waste.

And try telling anyone that has lost a loved one to Covid or someone battling Covid in the hospital that “it’s not the end of the world”.
If anything, I agree with you and the point I was making was that all this effort to try to target the vaccine to certain groups has its issues. It was a good idea for the first tier (health care workers and people in nursing homes, for example), but now it's too convoluted and not really serving its purpose. We may as well stop the charade and just open it up to everybody now. The highest-risk people should have been vaccinated by now (there are exceptions to this, of course), so we're instead in more of a herd immunity phase, so the more people we vaccinate, the better, regardless of the order we do it in.

I don't know the numbers on how many doses are being thrown away. We've administered 92 million shots now, which is 79.1% of the supply, so somewhere between 0% and 20.9% of the doses have been wasted. If it's more than 10% or even 5%, that's a big problem that needs to be addressed. If it's <1%, that's not great, but for an operation on this scale it's not unheard of.

There are lots of instances of people getting a dose on standby, but I don't know if most places are putting any effort into that. It seems like a fairly easy problem to address (each county could maintain a registry of interested people and randomly choose XX people each day to be put on standby).

And by "it's not the end of the world," I was comparing the two scenarios (hyper-tailored roll-out vs free-for-all), and my point was that in 10 weeks we should have hit our target either way. Somebody could spend a lot of time modeling the outcomes of the two approaches, but my guess would be that the effect on the number of deaths wouldn't be different enough between the two to be able to decisively say one approach is superior. I should've used a less charged phrase...
There are lots of instances of people getting a dose on standby, but I don't know if most places are putting any effort into that. It seems like a fairly easy problem to address (each county could maintain a registry of interested people and randomly choose XX people each day to be put on standby).

We have held multiple vaccine events at my workplace and not a single dose has been wasted. We maintain a list of employee family, friends, and community members who are outside of the current tier and they are contacted in order of priority when somebody misses their appointment. So far there has been no shortage of people ready, willing, and able. As long as there's an effort put forth, no doses should be wasted. Getting my second dose of Moderna tomorrow and expecting that "man flu" to kick in shortly afterward...
You can go to CVS dot com, input your info like I did (I’m not in any of the tiers that are allegedly the only ones allowed to be vaccinated right now) and get a vaccination within 2 weeks.
Just heard about this yesterday. Wish it were this easy in NY. :nerd:
Seems like the variants arent as contagious or lethal. Mutations sometimes weaken a virus too. Hopefully thats the case.

I do expect it to drop to ~1% by June here in NYC. I also expect there to be a new shot annually.
Heard on The Daily that the Brazil variant is 30% more deadly?
We have held multiple vaccine events at my workplace and not a single dose has been wasted. We maintain a list of employee family, friends, and community members who are outside of the current tier and they are contacted in order of priority when somebody misses their appointment. So far there has been no shortage of people ready, willing, and able. As long as there's an effort put forth, no doses should be wasted. Getting my second dose of Moderna tomorrow and expecting that "man flu" to kick in shortly afterward...
Glad to hear you're getting your second dose.

I do wish they let more organizations handle vaccine roll-out for their members and local communities. Our university is all ready to go but the state isn't letting them start distribution yet.
Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 7.08.48 PM.png

About 70% of Americans in general are considered overweight or obese, so it’s not as disproportionate as the headline would lead you to believe.

Semi-unrelated, but we REALLY need to find something better than BMI to categorize people’s risk, because it’s painfully flawed. Apparently being 175 at 5’10 is considered “overweight” which is ridiculous.
About 70% of Americans in general are considered overweight or obese, so it’s not as disproportionate as the headline would lead you to believe.

Semi-unrelated, but we REALLY need to find something better than BMI to categorize people’s risk, because it’s painfully flawed. Apparently being 175 at 5’10 is considered “overweight” which is ridiculous.

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