Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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^are they verifying employment? what ID do you need to show if you say, for instance, work in a school?

AFAIK they do check. There were news stories about people signing up for the Long Beach site online by lying on the application then getting turned away at the site during their appointment time.

you’d probably have to show your work ID or some other form of proof of your job/workplace. I’d set up an appointment and then call and ask what you need to bring ahead of time.
AFAIK they do check. There were news stories about people signing up for the Long Beach site online by lying on the application then getting turned away at the site during their appointment time.

you’d probably have to show your work ID or some other form of proof of your job/workplace. I’d set up an appointment and then call and ask what you need to bring ahead of time.
I’ll add to that, my county allows you to fill out a self attestation form if you are unable to get a doctors note saying you have a qualifying health condition. Other counties likely have something similar.
We so ****ed up politically his directions won't mean ****. Red states will do anything to stick it to him even if they secretly agree it's the right move

Have to keep reminding that it’s just not red states. People out here are acting a fool despite Biden asking people to hold it together for just a few more months

i already hate this holiday for all the “I’m 1/84th Irish” drunk obnoxious losers that flood the street every March, but I thought things would be calm this year. Nope! So many bars are completely full with almost no COVID protocols being followed (I can confirm this as I was walking to Walgreens earlier today through downtown). Americans are just awful
Have to keep reminding that it’s just not red states. People out here are acting a fool despite Biden asking people to hold it together for just a few more months

i already hate this holiday for all the “I’m 1/84th Irish” drunk obnoxious losers that flood the street every March, but I thought things would be calm this year. Nope! So many bars are completely full with almost no COVID protocols being followed (I can confirm this as I was walking to Walgreens earlier today through downtown). Americans are just awful
Yo I rant about this every year. Americans be reaaaaal proud of their Irish immigrant status once a year.
How does one go about getting the shot?

I have no idea where to even start looking. I have Kaiser. Live in California. Under 65.

That was me 2 weeks ago.

As I mentioned earlier in the thread- CVS in the LA area wasn’t checking to see if you’re in the proper tier a week ago when I got the vaccine.

All they ask for is your ID and insurance info if you have it.

I think in the week that has passed more people realized that CVS was giving shots to anyone who showed up so it may be harder to secure an appointment but just check daily.

I had to drive to a cvs further out for my first shot but it was worth it.

My second shot is scheduled for the beginning of April at a CVS within walking distance from me.
Yo I rant about this every year. Americans be reaaaaal proud of their Irish immigrant status once a year.

Most of them have absolutely zero connection to Ireland and zero knowledge/respect for Irish culture/history, but they’ll make sure to support a racist stereotype by behaving like completely drunk idiots in public. Same goes for Cinco de Mayo, my other most hated day of the year. They’ll spend 364 days hating on Mexicans but will use that one day to dress up in sombreros and get $@@$ faced
Girlfriend has been doing student-teaching at an elementary school. Just got word today an aide she works with tested positive. She's obviously getting tested. What are the guidelines for when you should get tested after exposure to a confirmed case? Also, should I be getting tested and if so should I be waiting a few days?

Update: She tested negative, thankfully.

In less than 2 hours I’ll be heading with her to get her first dose of the vaccine. Hoping to potentially get any leftovers if possible.

Also, where are you guys getting your daily data from? I was relying on CTP until they shut down last week.
Vaccination is slow AF in Colombia right now.
everything is pretty much open right now. Overall all number are down

but I can’t wait for the US to start commercializing it within the country so I can take my mother up there for her two shots.
Update: She tested negative, thankfully.

In less than 2 hours I’ll be heading with her to get her first dose of the vaccine. Hoping to potentially get any leftovers if possible.

Also, where are you guys getting your daily data from? I was relying on CTP until they shut down last week.

Any sensible guidance is that a test is pointless and a negative result is meaningless at this stage. If you’re exposed to a confirmed case you need to quarantine because of the incubation period - depends on local guidance but usually 10-14 days.
Anything else is Trumpian “but I feel fine nonsense” and is part of the reason there have been 500k deaths.
Any sensible guidance is that a test is pointless and a negative result is meaningless at this stage. If you’re exposed to a confirmed case you need to quarantine because of the incubation period - depends on local guidance but usually 10-14 days.
Anything else is Trumpian “but I feel fine nonsense” and is part of the reason there have been 500k deaths.
FYI- It has been 11 days since he first mentioned the exposure so I think it’s safe to assume the negative test result and apparent lack of symptoms would indicate she’s in the clear.
Parents got their 2nd Moderna shot on Friday. They had no side effects so far (after speaking w. I assume after 2 days and no symptoms, they will have none? I hope thats the case.

My 2nd Pfizer shot will occur on the 25th. Hopefully I too will have no side effects from getting the vaccine.
If your in New York and got family members over 60 try the local Walgreens and Duane reades at around 8m in the morning easily booked mine for the fam
24 hours since my second shot and I feel good. A little arm pain but it’s not as bad as the first. Should be all good tomorrow.
Got the J&J vaccine on Saturday at Dodger Stadium and was surprised at how empty it was. Was expecting to be there a few hours based on what I was reading, but I was in and out of there in less than an hour.
Side effects were awful last night tho. Around 9 I got a really bad headache and sore neck. I felt tired so I went to bed early and I woke up an hour later shaking with chills. Had a fever and woke up in the morning with my clothes and sheets soaking wet. Thank goodness it didn’t last too long and I woke up just a little tired and now I feel fine. I’m just glad to have gotten vaccinated and got this over with. Hopefully things will start to get close to normal soon.
Got the J&J vaccine on Saturday at Dodger Stadium and was surprised at how empty it was. Was expecting to be there a few hours based on what I was reading, but I was in and out of there in less than an hour.
Side effects were awful last night tho. Around 9 I got a really bad headache and sore neck. I felt tired so I went to bed early and I woke up an hour later shaking with chills. Had a fever and woke up in the morning with my clothes and sheets soaking wet. Thank goodness it didn’t last too long and I woke up just a little tired and now I feel fine. I’m just glad to have gotten vaccinated and got this over with. Hopefully things will start to get close to normal soon.
Glad you’re good man. That’s exactly how I felt after the J&J shot. **** was terrible.
Somehow was able to schedule a first dose through Walgreens, but I wasn't able to schedule a second one simultaneously. I guess I'll ask about it when I show up to my appointment?

Scheduled a second dose through CVS since Walgreens did me dirty :smh: Told me I was on my own to secure a second dose since I technically glitched my way into getting dose 1 but not dose 2 through their system. Apparently Walgreens doesn't let you schedule dose 2 on its own until a day before you're due, and with the uncertainty and unavailability of appointments in their system, I didn't want that stress :lol:. Super relieved to have an appointment locked down now.
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