Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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my daughter is almost two and she's had a cough for over a week and a fever for about 3 days so we call her dr. and they say she needs a covid test before they see her. my wife takes her she said it was terrible. nobody else in the house got sick but my son's school said he has to stay home until we get the results. i was a little irritated but we didn't come this far by sticking with all of the guidelines only to start slacking off now.
my daughter is almost two and she's had a cough for over a week and a fever for about 3 days so we call her dr. and they say she needs a covid test before they see her. my wife takes her she said it was terrible. nobody else in the house got sick but my son's school said he has to stay home until we get the results. i was a little irritated but we didn't come this far by sticking with all of the guidelines only to start slacking off now.
Hope she recovers soon. I had no idea that kids that young could even get tested.
NY can’t get out of this plateau of hospitalizations :smh:
New cases seem to be stubbornly high as well, which will inevitably lead to hospitalizations and deaths.
Yeah it's worrying me that the pandemic is being presented as on its way out and that cases are dropping everywhere but this is not the case in NY. People over here hear this news and starting easing up, restrictions being lifted, an almost vacant governor's seat, throw in 2-3 60 degree days last week where people feel invincible and you get a bad recipe.
I know I mentioned this before but I think after this is all but dead throughout the country, NY will stay within a plateau and lag waaay behind other states.

Last Wednesday (57 degrees) I went for a walk around the business street over here and every rstaurant was packed with people in those little "outdoor" seating houses.
Yeah it's worrying me that the pandemic is being presented as on its way out and that cases are dropping everywhere but this is not the case in NY. People over here hear this news and starting easing up, restrictions being lifted, an almost vacant governor's seat, throw in 2-3 60 degree days last week where people feel invincible and you get a bad recipe.
I know I mentioned this before but I think after this is all but dead throughout the country, NY will stay within a plateau and lag waaay behind other states.

Last Wednesday (57 degrees) I went for a walk around the business street over here and every rstaurant was packed with people in those little "outdoor" seating houses.

Those little outdoor seating houses have been packed even in 40 degree weather. They get so packed cause theyll fill in every seat. Ironically its probably better sitting in the actual restaurant as they limit the people in there. Go figure.
Yeah it's worrying me that the pandemic is being presented as on its way out and that cases are dropping everywhere but this is not the case in NY. People over here hear this news and starting easing up, restrictions being lifted, an almost vacant governor's seat, throw in 2-3 60 degree days last week where people feel invincible and you get a bad recipe.
I know I mentioned this before but I think after this is all but dead throughout the country, NY will stay within a plateau and lag waaay behind other states.

Last Wednesday (57 degrees) I went for a walk around the business street over here and every rstaurant was packed with people in those little "outdoor" seating houses.

There's alot of people who are in for a rude awakening thinking COVID is just going to miraculously vanish and one day soon it's going to be OVER. There are currently over 7M people who are infected with COVID-19 right now in the US and we're still averaging over 55k cases per day. Unfortunately this virus is going to be with us for a long time.
Where do you guys stand on the idea of vaccination passports? In theory, it would make perfect sense to provide an incentive to get more people vaccinated if they are allowed to do more and feel comfortable that they are surrounded by other people who are also “safe” but of course it would also require companies to actually enforce it. I read that the US Government has no interest in issuing one. I think it’s a mistake to leave it up to some other entity to centralize and standardize the process, if it is going to exist. It will get complicated when one is required by other countries to enter and we don’t have one.

Maybe those that refuse vaccination should wear a color coded badge
on their chest to identify themselves. Everywhere they go.

Or what about electric collars like we use on dogs/livestock?
For everyone.
Those not vaccinated are given a very small radius to live in...
if they roam outside that zone, they get shocked - for the first offense...
anyone been to a gym?
they are opening up without reservations anymore
i'm going to hold off on rejoining 24 for awhile
Been away so long I lost the flavor...lol
I will not work out wearing a mask though. tf

Maybe those that refuse vaccination should wear a color coded badge
on their chest to identify themselves. Everywhere they go.

Or what about electric collars like we use on dogs/livestock?
For everyone.
Those not vaccinated are given a very small radius to live in...
if they roam outside that zone, they get shocked - for the first offense...
Doesn't sound that bad 👍
All adults may be eligible to receive a vaccine in a couple of months. But whether doses actually will be available will depend on a lot of things going right.

“We’re getting better at it,” Calitri said, of the manufacturing process. “I think people don’t know how challenging it is to make billions of doses of a product that you did not have a process for nine months ago. And then to scale that up even further. There’s so much involved from an engineering perspective, from a quality perspective, from a compliance perspective, and from a safety perspective. We’re not making widgets. We’re making a product that people inject into their bodies—into healthy humans—and it has to be perfect. We need to make sure of that for every single dose. That takes engineering, it takes science, it takes time.”
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All adults may be eligible to receive a vaccine in a couple of months. But whether doses actually will be available will depend on a lot of things going right.

“We’re getting better at it,” Calitri said, of the manufacturing process. “I think people don’t know how challenging it is to make billions of doses of a product that you did not have a process for nine months ago. And then to scale that up even further. There’s so much involved from an engineering perspective, from a quality perspective, from a compliance perspective, and from a safety perspective. We’re not making widgets. We’re making a product that people inject into their bodies—into healthy humans—and it has to be perfect. We need to make sure of that for every single dose. That takes engineering, it takes science, it takes time.”

good read, thanks for posting. The chemicals used and biotech processes involved are incredibly detailed so massive manufacturing of all those tiny glass vials in a few months is wild.

I was eligible yesterday went online ASAP to schedule an appointment, confirmed and everything. Got a text a few hours later that my appointment was canceled due to supply and whatever was left earlier is booked up :smh:

im young-ish and somewhat healthy lol I can wait
good read, thanks for posting. The chemicals used and biotech processes involved are incredibly detailed so massive manufacturing of all those tiny glass vials in a few months is wild.

I was eligible yesterday went online ASAP to schedule an appointment, confirmed and everything. Got a text a few hours later that my appointment was canceled due to supply and whatever was left earlier is booked up :smh:

im young-ish and somewhat healthy lol I can wait

We've had problems in the UK too - I’ve been working in one of the mass centres at the weekend but got an email a few weeks ago saying that due to supply issues no casual work would be available - they were prioritising those with full time contracts (which is fair enough) - amd then all of a sudden today I got 3 emails getting progressively more desperate sounding saying that shifts are available - and there are lots. Hopefully that means the supply is more stable - and as more need their second dose I should get a few months more work.
We've had problems in the UK too - I’ve been working in one of the mass centres at the weekend but got an email a few weeks ago saying that due to supply issues no casual work would be available - they were prioritising those with full time contracts (which is fair enough) - amd then all of a sudden today I got 3 emails getting progressively more desperate sounding saying that shifts are available - and there are lots. Hopefully that means the supply is more stable - and as more need their second dose I should get a few months more work.

sounds promising if they’re begging for folks to give the shots. Does NHS keep y’all updated about supply/appointments? Over here were basically furiously refreshing like a snkrs drop lol
We've had problems in the UK too - I’ve been working in one of the mass centres at the weekend but got an email a few weeks ago saying that due to supply issues no casual work would be available - they were prioritising those with full time contracts (which is fair enough) - amd then all of a sudden today I got 3 emails getting progressively more desperate sounding saying that shifts are available - and there are lots. Hopefully that means the supply is more stable - and as more need their second dose I should get a few months more work.

With more countries stopping the Oxford/AZ vaccine, that should mean more doses are available in the UK? I also heard you should be getting Moderna soon. With that 12 week dosage spacing, you must be getting close to the point of administering second doses as well. UK really seems to be moving quick.
Yeah, I think the fact that some European countries don’t want the Oxford one could mean more for here. At the moment we’re still doing first doses for risk categories and over 65s but the second doses will start soon amd then it goes down in 5 year bands.

There’s a central NHS database and you get invited to your slot - no spare ones at the moment as they’re making sure they have the supply for second doses - it would be a problem to run out obviously.

I think in the next few weeks we’ll see the numbers go up significantly - it’s a bit inefficient at the moment - the end of the late shift is slow as they’re desperate not to waste doses so don’t open a new vial lightly - it feels like there could be a stand-by queue if the supply is there.
05fordgt 05fordgt

Sucks you're in PA man, not sure how far u are from NYC but I could probably set up an appointment for u at my job in the Bronx.

Have you tried indicating you're a smoker (even if you're not)?

That won't do any good as I'm already in the highest tier group being a organ transplant patient. Truthfully, I don't understand how someone who smokes gets the same tier as me. Maybe that's cold of me but smoking was a choice (which is an addiction now, I know, but still a choice. My liver failing was not a choice, as I never had and still never have had alcohol. Just pulled the bad genetics card in my family tree I guess). Plus I learned I can't go to places in NY as the places on the one site to find a vaccine said you need to bring ID That shows your a resident of the state your getting the vaccine from.

We're like that here. They won't allow county hopping to get a vaccine. Have to stay in the county of you apply via the county health commission. Now pharmacies, that's open season. Just getting an appointment is basically impossible. Your more likely to see a UFO before I can get an opening.
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I heard 6-7 European countries are back with new lockdowns or restrictions. Do they have the same vaccines as the USA?
Are they as vaccinated? The drop down in US is remarkable, yet NY and Jersey lead the nation in new cases per capita.
Haven't been keeping up to date with all new variants. Anything to be concerned about or do the vaccines pretty much take care of them?
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