Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Yep. We're absolutely ****ed no matter who the President is. Literally every other country who has dealt with COVID successfully had much stricter lockdown rules and there were no protests. And honestly, I don't even blame some of these people. People are losing businesses, can't work and their livelihoods are at stake. I blame the inability to provide a monthly crisis income from the government while this **** is going on. That's what the successful countries have done, and we haven't, and will not do.
New Zealand had some struggle protests when Jacinda Bae put Auckland on lockdown but they didn't get much traction.

Strong leadership and community shaming of these idiots can go a long way.

The astrazeneca oxford vaccine ran into some roadblocks
"Scientists and industry experts said the error and a series of other irregularities and omissions in the way AstraZeneca initially disclosed the data have eroded their confidence in the reliability of the results. "
There will be no shortage of volunteers once the vaccine is available. The common person has much more confidence in the vaccine.

Denmark confirmed to be the setting for the next Resident Evil game
If you’re going to do something do it right don’t half *** the job. Should of burned those minks right away instead of trying to bury them.

My test came back negative
Hard time believing it :lol:
Why what’s wrong? If you are having symptoms maybe it’s a false negative
This man Joe Rogan said instead of imposing lock downs the governors should’ve focused on telling people how to strengthen their immune system and gave out free vitamins. On what planet where people who refuse to wear a paper mask in a grocery store going to suddenly buy kale and workout? This dude lives in a fantasy world.
This man Joe Rogan said instead of imposing lock downs the governors should’ve focused on telling people how to strengthen their immune system and gave out free vitamins. On what planet where people who refuse to wear a paper mask in a grocery store going to suddenly buy kale and workout? This dude lives in a fantasy world.

Rogan my guy but he’s been way off the whole time on covid :lol:
rogan and his friends been *****in about not able to travel and losing booked shows during the whole time
Rogan's idiocy has def taken a right turn recently.

This "Gavin Newsome was at a dinner" and "Pelosi got her hair done" is really aggravating. He makes it seem like because people break the rules one time that the rules are bogus. Dude people are gonna people...that doesn't mean the rules don't help. You ever tell your kid not to use bad words...then turn around and do it 3 second later? Yeah...shut up already
If you’re going to do something do it right don’t half *** the job. Should of burned those minks right away instead of trying to bury them.

Why what’s wrong? If you are having symptoms maybe it’s a false negative
because last saturday i spent 6 hours in a car with someone who tested positive on Monday.
I have no symptoms thank god, but i have some doubt
Im happy im negative tho, just going to test again next week to make it official
My test came back negative
Hard time believing it :lol:
Maybe you didn't put the probe far back enough into your nose/brain...

It's funny though because there's now a new covidiot conspiracy theory, which is that the PCR tests are giving back too many false positives. Which obviously if anything your test was not a false positive. And PCR is the gold standard in science for decades for a reason.

Anyway... glad you tested negative and (more importantly) that you're asymptomatic. Transmission is not 100%, so it's not surprising that you could come out of this without covid.
Maybe you didn't put the probe far back enough into your nose/brain...

It's funny though because there's now a new covidiot conspiracy theory, which is that the PCR tests are giving back too many false positives. Which obviously if anything your test was not a false positive. And PCR is the gold standard in science for decades for a reason.

Anyway... glad you tested negative and (more importantly) that you're asymptomatic. Transmission is not 100%, so it's not surprising that you could come out of this without covid.

i did the swab test and followed the instructions to a tee.

lets see how the next test goes.

Im not even sick and the anxieety is too much cant imagine if iw as actually sick.

yall stay safe fambvz
Pre-ordered mine. :pimp:

My hat arrived this morning.


As thousands of athletes get coronavirus tests, nurses wonder: What about us?

From Nov. 8 to 14, the NFL administered 43,148 tests to 7,856 players, coaches and employees. Major college football programs supply dozens of tests each day, an attempt — futile as it has been — to maintain health and prevent schedule interruptions.

Major League Soccer administered nearly 5,000 tests last week, and Major League Baseball conducted some 170,000 tests during its truncated season.

Sandoval, meanwhile, is a 58-year-old front-line worker who regularly treats patients either suspected or confirmed to have been infected by the coronavirus. In eight months, she has never been tested. She says her employer, California Pacific Medical Center, refuses to provide testing for its medical staff even after possible exposure.

Watching sports, then, no longer represents an escape from reality for Sandoval. Instead, she says, it’s a signal of what the nation prioritizes.

“There’s an endless supply in the sports world,” she says of coronavirus tests. “You’re throwing your arms up. I like sports as much as the next person. But the disparity between who gets tested and who doesn’t, it doesn’t make any sense.”

you would think these billion dolllar owners and organizations could step up and provide some support for the cities that support them, subsidize their stadiums and provide them a platform to advertise to the masses.

one of these dudes could literally buy a million tests for hospitals in and around the hometown.

...but I guess the stability of civilization is not their problem.
Out here at a bowling alley in Hudson Wisconsin and nobody is wearing a mask .. dam no wonder the state has increasing covid cases
the mask problem , cuz at least that’ll help prevent some spread .. I still gotta socialize especially during this peak work season ..
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