Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Many folks that are true followers are flat out pissed at newsom and the Denver mayor. Plus the folks going To Hawaii. But I realize the audience here. I’ve been here 15 years and always kept it non political. I shouldn’t known my role.

quite a few on their side are calling for their departure.
Yes it is the audience here that's the problem, not your struggle takes

Mink infected with a mutated strain of COVID-19 in Denmark appear to be rising from the dead, igniting a national frenzy and calls from local officials to cremate mink carcasses.

While the sight itself is certainly terrifying for the residents of West Jutland, a region of the country grappling with confirmed COVID-19 cases connected to mink, there is likely a scientific explanation for the zombie-like reemergence from their graves.

A Danish police spokesman, Thomas Kristensen, told a state broadcaster that gases form while the body decays underground, according to the Guardian.

“In this way, in the worst cases, the mink get pushed out of the ground,” Kristensen said of the nightmarish sight.

Denmark confirmed to be the setting for the next Resident Evil game
double shutdowns Economic ruin. Non essential stores shuttering. Grocery stores closing ( only state in the world to do this) but you know my troubles. 300 plus items popping up on eBay soon. But yeah. You know my struggles. The best mask and closure compliance state is surging. Thanks though.
double shutdowns Economic ruin. Non essential stores shuttering. Grocery stores closing ( only state in the world to do this) but you know my troubles. 300 plus items popping up on eBay soon. But yeah. You know my struggles.
Miss with this victim act, b.

First, no one is unsympathetic to the economic impact any kind of shutdowns have

Second, No one is one acted like they know your troubles. I said they were not an excuse to make these bad false equivalencies

For someone that claims he is calling down the middle, you really seem to be peddling one sides' talking points a lot
Many folks that are true followers are flat out pissed at newsom and the Denver mayor. Plus the folks going To Hawaii. But I realize the audience here. I’ve been here 15 years and always kept it non political. I should’ve known my role.

quite a few on their side are calling for their departure too. Lots of political lines crossed. Many jobs and homes lost.
If I may, who you vote for?

Denmark confirmed to be the setting for the next Resident Evil game
Yea I sat on the mink **** up stories.
Seems like we decided to move decisively and swiftly. Maybe too decisively and too swiftly. I live on the 11th. floor, so I should be safe from the rising mutant zombie weasels.

I had a ermine try and take me out one day when I was fishing. It’s basically a weasel.

those things aren't scared of anything. I stomped my feet at it and it just walked at me faster. :lol:

I don’t want beef with zombie minks.
As somebody whose made vaccines for the last 9 years y’all gotta understand it’s so many levels passed through before y’all get to use it. Trust me they not throwing out some bs and saying here this will save you. It’s the smartest people walking this earth and the most sophisticated technology. Believe me when they give the approval for it you will be ok.
There is a crisis of information and trust in the institutions that is happening throughout the world and the folks you least expect to believe in the conspiracy theories surrounding the development of this vaccine are the ones pushing all the misinformation.

My father is sending me stuff from Africa and a few days ago, he asked me if I wanted an anti-covid infusion. I asked him who told him that was an appropriate/preventive treatment, and he mentioned Dr Raoult. Apparently this dude ( https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/12/magazine/didier-raoult-hydroxychloroquine.html#commentsContainer ) has been promoting something of the sort and people down there have been all over it. Turns out that my brother also believes that the same guy proved that hydroxychloroquine cures COVID, that he is being blackballed by Big Pharma, and that the vaccine trial results are not real because they have been developed too fast. My mother thinks that the virus is a creation from a Chinese lab.

These are people with graduate degrees in the sciences (so, they supposedly know what good/bad research looks like), multilingual (which means they have access to a lot more information than other people), and related to doctors and nurses on the front lines of this epidemic (so they have access to the anecdotes directly from the people who see these patients on a daily basis). And yet, they all seem to get their information from social media sources that they trust a lot more than proper media outlets, scientific publications, and their own training. I'm sitting here, wondering how people who know the effort it takes to write master/phd level research papers can trust the seriousness of the work of someone who claims to have published 800 scientific papers in 10 years (that's 1 publication every 4.5 days).

These fools were planning to travel to TX early next year (probably because tickets are still cheaper than usual) and the fact that there are 18-wheelers full of COVID bodies there still doesn't seem to register. Every day I get at least a forwarded message on WhatsApp regarding COVID that I just shake my head at because of all the lies and half-truths it contains, and whenever I point out or question the BS, I get lectured about how "I need to hear the other side" aka "consider my ******** is valid for a minute."

Yesterday, I finally compiled a list of articles I could find that touch on everything from the failed hydroxychloroquine tests to what it takes to get a EUA (emergency use authorization) from the FDA and how US officials contributed to the cycle of misinformation about the virus. At least, next time we talk, they'll know not to bring up their nonsense.

Both sides aren’t the same. But to the average person who follows politics casually, a lot of people feel both sides are the same.

You’re more than welcome to disagree with them, think their stance is ridiculous etc, and there’s validity to it.

For me personally. I don’t have any expectations for these conservative senators and governors, and soon to be former President. They’ve shown who they are and made it clear as can be. They’ve handled covid poorly and have made a mockery of masks, social distancing and doing the right thing and being considerate to those around you. I have expectations and standards for someone like Gavin Newsome.

It sucks for politicians on the left because they essentially need to be on their A game at all times and not slip up because they’re held to a much higher standard than these clowns on the right who’ve downplayed covid and mocked masks.

For me his hypocrisy looks horrible from an optics perspective. While it obviously pales in comparison to the nonsense clowns like DeSantis in Florida have been peddling. But optics are big in politics. His slip ups allow that both sides are the same conversation to exist in the first place amongst your political causals who barely follow politics, have their preferences but don’t lean strong either way which make up a decent portion of voters. And in elections each politically aware vote from someone who see through the GOP’s nonsense counts the same amount as each vote from a political casual who feels both sides are the same and is more prone to fall for the GOP punch lines and foolery.
Many folks that are true followers are flat out pissed at newsom and the Denver mayor. Plus the folks going To Hawaii. But I realize the audience here. I’ve been here 15 years and always kept it non political. I should’ve known my role
It's not about politics, it's about logic, and there is nothing logical about the approach Republicans are trying to follow.
What good does it make to keep everything open and let 350 million people get sick if the consequences of that are an overly stressed medical infrastructure, a drastic reduction in the American population life expectancy, the inability for most services (including the military and other critical industries like utilities) to function in the absence of healthy people, an economy in the dumps anyways (70% of the economy is consumption and sick people don't go out to bars and they don't go out to shop), the eventual bankruptcies resulting from covid-related medical bills?
The vaccine cost $2 billion to develop, stimulus bills are priced at a couple of trillions, hundreds of billions have been lost, but none of that is more expensive than incapaciting your entire population, crippling ALL sectors of your economy, and losing millions of American workers, consumers, and taxpayers in a matter of months.

For you to argue that what Democrats are doing is the same as what Republicans are doing betrays a huge blindspot regarding the cost of each approach.
I wish I never saw this again. For little over the past month. I'll just hear her randomly say "cornavirus." It's excessive, it is funny at times like a couple moments ago:
Anti-lockdown rallies across the country last weekend




Anti-lockdown rallies across the country last weekend




Yep. We're absolutely ****** no matter who the President is. Literally every other country who has dealt with COVID successfully had much stricter lockdown rules and there were no protests. And honestly, I don't even blame some of these people. People are losing businesses, can't work and their livelihoods are at stake. I blame the inability to provide a monthly crisis income from the government while this **** is going on. That's what the successful countries have done, and we haven't, and will not do.
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