Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and that you can make the most of it, regardless of the current pandemic. 2020 has been a challenge for many of us, but I am hopeful we can get through this soon enough.

Be safe, enjoy the food, and enjoy your holiday!
Just got a group text about playing football tomorrow morning. Cmon people.
man someone just hit me with the "Turkey Bowl tomorrow at 9am" text aka the super spreader bowl.

Dude that sent it is mad reckless too. Havent seen him post a single IG story at home since the pandemic. DEFINITELY on the do not interact list :smh:
I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and that you can make the most of it, regardless of the current pandemic. 2020 has been a challenge for many of us, but I am hopeful we can get through this soon enough.

Be safe, enjoy the food, and enjoy your holiday!
Same to you.

This will be a different Thanksgiving than most but that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy it.

Instead of the usual turkey, I'm contemplating some dry-aged ribeye.
I like these quotes
“Upon return, he will follow all necessary health and safety guidance and quarantine,” the spokesperson said.
Must be nice to have these jobs where you’re salaried and can go on a two week vacation after doing something avoidable.
Party lines are blurring imho. Why can’t we all travel and follow the same guidance and quarantine?

Those NYC hospitalizations charts are frightening. I feel they’re 2 weeks away from reaching their new peak. What’s nyc doing wrong?
Same to you.

This will be a different Thanksgiving than most but that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy it.

Instead of the usual turkey, I'm contemplating some dry-aged ribeye.
Will be adding brisket to the menu this year.

Also if folks are able to donate to local food banks to help those who are in need of meals
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Per the Philadelphia Inquirer, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Texas and Tennessee may be the first to get the vaccines? Looks like personnel in those places are already getting training on storage and handling requirements.

I’m sure it’s been mentioned a number of times already but any thoughts on the whole Bill Gates thing when it comes to his ‘involvement’ with vaccines?

I don’t want waste my time looking it up myself but i’m hoping someone with more patience and sense then myself has a logical take on it all :lol:
I’m sure it’s been mentioned a number of times already but any thoughts on the whole Bill Gates thing when it comes to his ‘involvement’ with vaccines?

I don’t want waste my time looking it up myself but i’m hoping someone with more patience and sense then myself has a logical take on it all :lol:


my man, you are looking to connect the dots posted by mfs who use Windows computers to accuse Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, of enacting a global conspiracy to collect and store the data of everyday citizens.

a coherent narrative on the matter you will not find.

that typed, he does have a history of work with global vaccination and medical outreach programs.

In 2015, an unassuming-looking Bill Gates came on stage at the TED conference in Vancouver to issue a dire warning.

"If anything kills over 10 million people over the next few decades, it is likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than war," he told the audience.

His prescient words picked up some coverage at the time, including from the BBC - but largely went unheeded.

But now, the video of this talk has now been viewed more than 64 million times - with many people more interested in the reasons behind that speech than the talk itself.

Some accuse of him of leading a class of global elites. Others believe he is leading efforts to depopulate the world.

Still more accuse him of making vaccines mandatory, or even attempting to implant microchips into people.
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