Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Was telling ppl this summer

ppl not giving a damb bruh

I have an acquaintance who is a nurse here in the nyc area and she’s traveling like nothing is happening. She was in Southeast Asia less than a month ago and was on the west coast 2 weeks ago.

even the first responders don’t care. I have another friend who is an ER doctor and he was t taking is seriously back in March and April either.
I have an acquaintance who is a nurse here in the nyc area and she’s traveling like nothing is happening. She was in Southeast Asia less than a month ago and was on the west coast 2 weeks ago.

even the first responders don’t care. I have another friend who is an ER doctor and he was t taking is seriously back in March and April either.
Its become normalized
Like school shootings
Gavin Newsome and the folks in charge started off well but they really aren’t handling this good at all now. The restrictions they have in order are all over the place
Gavin Newsome and the folks in charge started off well but they really aren’t handling this good at all now. The restrictions they have in order are all over the place

all these counties doing their own thing and too many people are mUh fReEduMs so the state itself is a hot mess.
My wife’s hometown recently hosted all of the games for their HS football state championship - and now that zip code has the highest percentage of cases in the state.

I had to go to target yesterday to pick some stuff up. I kinda got a laugh out of seeing the place over staffed with employees but much more emptier than it normally is on a Black Friday. The lady I talked to at the register told me that aside from right when things opened that the place was quiet all morning long.
I’m completely behind masks in public places, but Wearing your mask in your car with the windows up is just stupid.
Yep. We're absolutely ****ed no matter who the President is. Literally every other country who has dealt with COVID successfully had much stricter lockdown rules and there were no protests. And honestly, I don't even blame some of these people. People are losing businesses, can't work and their livelihoods are at stake. I blame the inability to provide a monthly crisis income from the government while this **** is going on. That's what the successful countries have done, and we haven't, and will not do.

If they’re going to shut stuff down, especially with minimal notice and expect businesses to comply. They need to offer some type of safety net so that they’re protected from potentially going under. If that happened I’m sure they would be more willing to do so over staying open with capacity restrictions, limited to outdoor dining and to go orders, having hours changed.

We got literally one measly stimulus check way back in April and they acted like that was doing us some huge favor. Unemployment has been at levels not seen since the Great Depression and barring an extension disaster/pandemic unemployment is set to expire on December 26th and this is all just spiteful, screw everyone politics from Mitch McConnell.

If they want people to stay in, you gotta break them off and give them some type of financial safety net. You’re going to have your “but it’s my freedoms idiots” who are just going to be defiant to be defiant. They’re selfish trashy people.

But you got a lot of people working and trying to pay the bills in unideal circumstances however they can because they have to and if they don’t, they’re scared they’re going to get evicted and the bills aren’t going to get paid. Give them some type of safety net to where if they stay at home and keep the going out to a minimum they’ll be fine and most would gladly comply.
that, I’m not against closing things but you gotta pay them to be closed.

I mean I totally understand people staying open when they should be closed. Who else is going to pay their bills?

we don’t have a functioning government so it’s everyone for themselves.

it’s like they really are trying to ruin small businesses here. They shut down a coffee shop but leave the liquor store open so people don’t turn up and riot again.

if you want people to stay home pay them and same for businesses.
because last saturday i spent 6 hours in a car with someone who tested positive on Monday.
I have no symptoms thank god, but i have some doubt
Im happy im negative tho, just going to test again next week to make it official

i did the swab test and followed the instructions to a tee.

lets see how the next test goes.

Im not even sick and the anxieety is too much cant imagine if iw as actually sick.

yall stay safe fambvz
I would suggest getting a PCR test done to confirm. If you had a rapid test done too soon after exposure it could have been a false negative.
It’s been a week since you were exposed and have no symptoms so you’re probably good. Your friend could have gotten infected after you were together.
We’re the windows rolled down in the car?
I would suggest getting a PCR test done to confirm. If you had a rapid test done too soon after exposure it could have been a false negative.
It’s been a week since you were exposed and have no symptoms so you’re probably good. Your friend could have gotten infected after you were together.
We’re the windows rolled down in the car?
Yessir windows rolled down heater on, its cold in Cali!
Yeah im planning on doing another test in a week
I get the small business angle, or even businesses in general, but when I keep hearing about stimulus money and paying businesses to close/people not to work I cant help but wonder where people think this money is going to come from. With the amount of people that have been out of work, the amount of businesses that closed or are running at low capacity, states revenue is taking a significant hit come tax time. I feel like the economic impact of all of this as it stands hasn't really hit us yet, and people are calling for even more money printing going forward. The US economy is a house of cards and I just wonder how bad this is really going to get. It doesn't look good.
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