Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I get the small business angle, or even businesses in general, but when I keep hearing about stimulus money and paying businesses to close/people not to work I cant help but wonder where people think this money is going to come from. With the amount of people that have been out of work, the amount of businesses that closed or are running at low capacity, states revenue is taking a significant hit come tax time. I feel like the economic impact of all of this as it stands hasn't really hit us yet, and people are calling for even more money printing going forward. The US economy is a house of cards and I just wonder how bad this is really going to get. It doesn't look good.
It's not a zero-sum game. It's, as you said, a house of cards. I'm not an economist, but what I read early on in the pandemic is that supporting people by borrowing some federal funds, even if it adds to the national debt, is the best solution because it avoids people foreclosing on their homes or not paying rent. When those things happen, they have domino effects that multiply the initial problem.

For better or worse, the federal government can easily absorb these losses if it is short term. The average American cannot.

This is not even getting in to the bigger problem -- that, as long as the virus is spreading uncontrolled as it has been, the economy has no hope of running at full strength, lockdown or no lockdown.
I’m completely behind masks in public places, but Wearing your mask in your car with the windows up is just stupid.

Why does it matter to you?

They could be working, driving on there way to pick up other riders.

They might be running errands and not want to constantly put on and remove their mask with unsanitized hands.

Frankly it's pretty stupid to see someone wearing their mask in the car and think that it's stupid.
Sorry guys for getting political. This threads been great overall.

The stress of 5 hour grocery store lines (and so much food going to waste at the places forced to close) was getting to me. My governor has since given essentials the option to have employees tested every 14 days (on their time if over 50 employees), and they will not be forced to close if they have more than 4 cases in a 14 day period. They will be exempt. We were up to half of the stores in my state on watch lists to potentially close.
She’s also announced using 2/3rds of our remaining cares money to give out $1200 flat check to unemployed (who she made unemployed). So that’s a start I guess.
The pandemic made people unemployed

If governors did nothing, and the death toll was getting ready to touch the million mark, there would be a massive economic contraction too.

Hell, much of the economic contraction we have seen has been demand side. Meaning the pandemic is causing people not to engage in an economic activity like they used to.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford just wondering on your thoughts on New Mexico? Generally the poorest and least educated, the governor was one of the first to shut it all down. It hit the Navajo nation super hard early on and those numbers affected us as per capita deaths reached 22nd rank. The governor let a tad more open (but also had booze stores close down as one of only two states to do so for 6 week). Maybe we got lax. But the governor also blamed the lax control of Colorado, Arizona, and texas. We got punished for their higher cases as we sat low.

and just as of two weeks ago, we have a new shut down in order. Again, one of the first in the nation. This just feels like it’ll hit us or any region no matter the restrictions . Cases appear slightly lower than a 10 day case peak

To an outsider, we did the oppsoite of North Dakota and South Dakota, but remain in the same place? Yet two never shut down fully. Some states couldn’t afford a 6 month shutdown if it meant starting at stage 1.

New York is rising so fast. They’ll eclipse their first peak by New Years. It feels so sad because so many have sacrificed.
It's not a zero-sum game. It's, as you said, a house of cards. I'm not an economist, but what I read early on in the pandemic is that supporting people by borrowing some federal funds, even if it adds to the national debt, is the best solution because it avoids people foreclosing on their homes or not paying rent. When those things happen, they have domino effects that multiply the initial problem.

For better or worse, the federal government can easily absorb these losses if it is short term. The average American cannot.

This is not even getting in to the bigger problem -- that, as long as the virus is spreading uncontrolled as it has been, the economy has no hope of running at full strength, lockdown or no lockdown.

I get what you're saying and I'm not necessarily against it but it sounds like borrowing from peter to pay paul. Kicking the can down the road so to speak. I think there are also unforeseen and unintended consequences of printing money the way we do and after the last couple decades I just wonder how long that can be sustained.

I also wonder if this doesnt produce a sort of welfare state where you see business close just to get the payout. Work your *** off, risking you and your employees health and safety just to opperate at 50% capacity/revenue. Or close up and take the free money.

The money is there, it has to be spent differently.

Perhaps a case can be made on a federal level but as you may or may not know, the state of MN isnt allowed to deficit spend for such things.

Convincing the bureaucrats in DC to go against their benefactors in favor of the nameless and faceless seems like an uphill battle to say the least, regardless of which party is in office.
I get the small business angle, or even businesses in general, but when I keep hearing about stimulus money and paying businesses to close/people not to work I cant help but wonder where people think this money is going to come from. With the amount of people that have been out of work, the amount of businesses that closed or are running at low capacity, states revenue is taking a significant hit come tax time. I feel like the economic impact of all of this as it stands hasn't really hit us yet, and people are calling for even more money printing going forward. The US economy is a house of cards and I just wonder how bad this is really going to get. It doesn't look good.
Not attacking you, but this is a bit like saying "you shouldn't have had the baby" after its been delivered. At this point it's either:
- accept that we will sacrifice millions of people at the altar of austerity
- tell people to stay home and pay those who can't work from home.

The moment mask wearing, social distancing, and all precautionary measures were politicized is the moment we lost this war. Now, the only choice we have is how we're going to lose.
Football obviously doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but “oops”. Crazy that they weren’t being more careful with the backups - they should have had them in at least 2 bubbles because that was always going to happen if they were sloppy with distancing.

Football obviously doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but “oops”. Crazy that they weren’t being more careful with the backups - they should have had them in at least 2 bubbles because that was always going to happen if they were sloppy with distancing.

Funny how this wont effect the outcome of the game or their season at all.
Why does it matter to you?

They could be working, driving on there way to pick up other riders.

They might be running errands and not want to constantly put on and remove their mask with unsanitized hands.

Frankly it's pretty stupid to see someone wearing their mask in the car and think that it's stupid.

Yeah, I gotta wear one on a full 10 hour+ warehouse shift every damn day, so taking it off for a 5 minute car ride just so other people don't judge me is ******* stupid. Also, I wear glasses, so re-positioning/finagling it when I get to wherever I'm going is way more of a hassle than just leaving it on in public basically in every case other than when I'm eating/drinking or in the car by myself for an extended period of time.

the NFL´s arrogance and ***-brained logic in managing this crisis truly reflects the larger American response.

there was ZERO PLAN in place. imagine this **** happens in the playoffs...or one of these dudes needs tubing?

NFL played a whole season worth of stupid games here.

Not attacking you, but this is a bit like saying "you shouldn't have had the baby" after its been delivered. At this point it's either:
- accept that we will sacrifice millions of people at the altar of austerity
- tell people to stay home and pay those who can't work from home.

The moment mask wearing, social distancing, and all precautionary measures were politicized is the moment we lost this war. Now, the only choice we have is how we're going to lose.

...damn, we did lose didn´t we?
The NFL has been on, “you boys are going to play some football, we got big money tv deals with fox, nbc and espn and if you want your non guaranteed contracts, the show must go on” this season.

Unless they’re forced to shut down, they’re going to keep playing.
Like America at large telling states and local governments to deal with it the NFL told teams to figure it out on their own
I mean its weird that team sports have been back. mlb had to deal with players spreading it, miami marlins especially but not surprising. Now we’ll see how the nba season goes outside of a bubble. These athletes do want to play even with the risk of getting it than staying home and chillin. They also want to get their season salaries.
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