Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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this is good news and Nate Silver (among others) has been talking about it for a while, thanks to shibadekobe shibadekobe posts.

I should say, correcting the #cases based on positivity rate is tricky in itself, but it gives a ballpark reassurance that the cases are trending downward faster than the raw numbers, mostly because we severely underestimated the numbers before.

also, in nearly every model and projection I've seen that discusses it, they try to correct for the positivity rate. but true, these details don't often make it the masses.
I thought Prospect Park was only doing to go orders then I see this. Dudes willing to possibly get sick or die for hookah. Folks walking around with mask half way off their face like a fashion statement too. Even the cops standing right next to each other socializing.

I thought Prospect Park was only doing to go orders then I see this. Dudes willing to possibly get sick or die for hookah. Folks walking around with mask half way off their face like a fashion statement too. Even the cops standing right next to each other socializing.

from what i've learned, a lot of people still don't think this is serious
it's crazy i've met a lot of people who forreal have no understanding of what is really going on so it's no surprise people are out here moving like this
The issue seems to be people don't really fully comprehend the growth of an airborne disease. So many people are like "it won't effect me" or "i might have it now and just not have symptoms"

They fail to grasp the reality of:
1. It could effect you. It seems to hit different people in different ways. Obviously the elderly and immune-compromised are at greater risk
2. If you just go about your life like its all good and do have it you can spread it to A LOT of peole (hence the night club situation in Korea was it?)

So even though it might not effect you the fact that you can carry it and give it to people that it could potentially kill is a really big issue. But so many people (young people) seem to think because they won't get sick then they can go about their lives...and everyone else can just be careful
It is times like these, when so much is unknown and rampant spread of false narratives becomes truths that we as a country could take a unified stance on how to slow down the spread and the process for the eventual vaccination of the virus.
wonder if new hires will be paid according to the cost of living in the city they work from
couple of friends had the option to relocate and keep their bay area salaries awhile back, but decided to stay
I'm really curious how stable the job market in the Bay Area will be once SIP is lifted.
wonder if new hires will be paid according to the cost of living in the city they work from
couple of friends had the option to relocate and keep their bay area salaries awhile back, but decided to stay

Dumb. I would of took my *** to Texas or Arizona and kept with the Bay Area salary till things went back to some type of normalacy.
Dumb. I would of took my *** to Texas or Arizona and kept with the Bay Area salary till things went back to some type of normalacy.
this was like in 2010, but he didn't want to pull his kids out of school and live in atlanta. eventually, he switched jobs and moved back to ny cause that's where they were from
this was like in 2010, but he didn't want to pull his kids out of school and live in atlanta. eventually, he switched jobs and moved back to ny cause that's where they were from

Makes sense. I wouldn't want to pull my kids either. Now I see why he made that decision.

This could be huge for people who rent as well as for landlords. If more companies like twitter offer remote work and start shutting down offices, the desire to live there will drop significantly.

You can pay $3k to live in a modest apartment in San Fran, or you can move to a state where you can buy a huge crib for $2k mortgage while making the same salary. It'll be interesting to see how this unfolds.
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