Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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is it true LA is shutting down till July? Getting conflicting info. Im 100% on the medical safety and social distancing side, But I don’t think this is right. People won’t be able to feed themselves like this.

LA Times is saying that the plan is to gradually relax the stay at home order. So maybe by July things will be more open? Nobody knows right now.

You also can’t feed yourself if you’re dead. 😐
Isn’t the flip side true too? 7% death rate for Italy is being shoved down our throats. As others have said all along, this is deadly, higher than the standard flu but not too much higher when it’s all said and done.
True, I think in March we didn't really know what to make of the Italy numbers. It was the first outbreak outside Wuhan, the hospitals were overwhelmed, and the population skewed older, so I think we sometimes got carried away. But most legit analysis estimated we'd see a fatality rate between 0.5-5%, but we just needed more time and data. Also, I don't know if I'd say "not too much higher." Seasonal flu is ~0.1%, so this is ~10x higher.

This virus has really found that sweet spot of not being too dangerous while still being very dangerous. Hopefully as we get to know it better and get better at treating it and at protecting those who are most vulnerable we can blunt the damage and get the fatality rate to be effectively even lower.
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damn bros so for people to be safe safe we need either a vaccine, herd immunity, or both. what if China is first & only country to create the vaccine...y'all think they would share with America?? we probably last in line if we get anything at all lol. what if there's never a vaccine (HIV) for this? let's talk about herd immunity now...so we would need 60-70% of the population to get it in order for that to happen. American has ~330M people x 60%-70% x ~2% (CFR) = ~3.9M to ~4.6M deaths. Good thing we have a good president to lead us through this tough time, though.
damn bros so for people to be safe safe we need either a vaccine, herd immunity, or both. what if China is first & only country to create the vaccine...y'all think they would share with America?? we probably last in line if we get anything at all lol. what if there's never a vaccine (HIV) for this? let's talk about herd immunity now...so we would need 60-70% of the population to get it in order for that to happen. American has ~330M people x 60%-70% x ~2% (CFR) = ~3.9M to ~4.6M deaths. Good thing we have a good president to lead us through this tough time, though.

lets not forget the whole world is in this mess thanks to china
if they didn't kill off the doctor and charge him for "spreading rumors" maybe this would not have got so out of hand

their probably will be no vaccine for coronavirus

"good president" are you serious ?
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lets not forget the whole world is in this mess thanks to china
if they didn't kill off the doctor and charge him for "spreading rumors" maybe this would not have got so out of hand

their probably will be no vaccine for coronavirus

"good president" are you serious ?

Lol of course not
Fact check: No, you should not be wearing gloves in public

interesting, but some of the stuff she's talking about is common sense and can apply to not wearing gloves too.

I never have an itch to scratch or touch anything about my neck when i have gloves on. And when i do go out that requires me to wear gloves, the phone doesn't go with me. In fact, if I'm driving and wear gloves, I leave my car unlocked and don't bring my keys. Thats how far i take the cross contamination aspect. Is it 100%? Hell no, but I'm cutting some of the chances by taking certain precautions.
We're most definitely gonna have Covid-19 forever...or for hella hellaaaaaa long. Without daily, free, testing for every single person, it's wraps. The 2 week incubation period is the end all be all. Because you can be infecting people non-stop and not even know you're sick. And then if it's not free, people will be less inclined to get tested. Then if they are sick, after having paid for the testing, the vac better be free... people aren't gonna spend any more money to get the vaccine; people will just self medicate and treat, same as they do when they get sinus infections, upper respiratory, bronchitis, and walking pneumonia. All the while, infecting people left and right. It may not always kill at the same rate, unless it mutates some more, but this could definitely be a yearly occurrence for the foreseeable future. Especially when the restrictions lift and people get comfortable going out again in public places and out hanging in crowds
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interesting, but some of the stuff she's talking about is common sense and can apply to not wearing gloves too.

I never have an itch to scratch or touch anything about my neck when i have gloves on. And when i do go out that requires me to wear gloves, the phone doesn't go with me. In fact, if I'm driving and wear gloves, I leave my car unlocked and don't bring my keys. Thats how far i take the cross contamination aspect. Is it 100%? Hell no, but I'm cutting some of the chances by taking certain precautions.
Ultimately we need more data. There's a little bit of evidence indicating that hand-to-mouth transmission is rare. How rare is unknown though.

This reminds me of masks. Initially we said "don't wear masks" because most people don't use them properly anyway, but now we're all wearing masks because it might help a little bit, even if used improperly. If they have no benefit, we need to consider the amount of waste they will generate if we did advise everyone to wear gloves.
Fact check: No, you should not be wearing gloves in public

Try getting into a store without wearing them. I keep gloves in my car in case I need to make a stop. There needs to. Be a fact check about riding alone in your car with a mask and gloves on :rofl: idiots

Corona virus vaccine :lol: how's the vaccine for all the other corona viruses through history look?
Try getting into a store without wearing them. I keep gloves in my car in case I need to make a stop. There needs to. Be a fact check about riding alone in your car with a mask and gloves on :rofl: idiots

Corona virus vaccine :lol: how's the vaccine for all the other corona viruses through history look?
try getting into a store without gloves?

gloves are trash. and impractical. they aren't required anywhere.
no vaccine this year, no vaccine next year either.
I think late 2021 is possible if the testing goes well. Early on in the outbreak, Fauci described the vaccine testing and approval process as generally taking around 12 to 18 months.
You also have to take in account that treatments in general like Remdesivir have been getting approved at an expedited rate.
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