Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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wuhan home to the coronavirus and fentanyl

“Fentanyl and coronavirus are two exports we shouldn’t tolerate. No cheap goods are worth this devastation.“

I'm dying bro


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Stay at home order is being extended for another 3 months. Some businesses are being allowed to open, with restrictions of course.
Supposedly this is not true. They made an error. Not sure how you can make an error with something so big. But they said it was an error today

however, they did extend it with no date set.
Supposedly this is not true. They made an error. Not sure how you can make an error with something so big. But they said it was an error today

however, they did extend it with no date set.

Source? Cuz that’s been out a few days now and if it was false I would have thought they would have been retracted...

dc doing the same...
Then maybe doctors aren't qualified to clarify what's legit and not legit medical supplies. I had a doctor tell me the other day that ear flap ones are also legit. And there's medical supplies stores here, operated by Beaumont, that sells the ear flap ones. I know what I read on cdc..but then I hear what doctors say...idk bro.
I mentioned the other day that I watched an episode of 60 minutes a couple of weeks ago. And they were catching people selling fake masks and when they brought the masks to the expert chilling in the car, he didn’t even need to touch them and look any further when they brought a fake pair of N95 because it had the ear loop. He specifically said he knew they were fake because of the ear loops. I legit would like a 100% confirmation
Source? Cuz that’s been out a few days now and if it was false I would have thought they would have been retracted...

dc doing the same...
Yes. Not sure where I can pull the source but they came out today and said she didn’t mean it the way we took it. Maybe google mayor Garcetti and his interview on GMA interview. He talks about it as well but then also made some conflicting comments that again, seemed to confuse residents even further

This made more sense then everything I
Have read about this plague since January.

As I said on here time and again we will be stuck with the disease the chinese government has placed on the world.

The coronavirus is going no where I personally believe it'll only get worse

There will be no cure more families affected lives changed and more people around the world will be sacrificed

This is great data.

Very very roughly --

Spain has 270k positive cases. Population is 47 million, so with 5% antibody prevalence that means 2.3 million have been exposed. So we're getting about 1/8 cases (of course, this will vary dramatically by region and amount of testing).

I think NYC numbers were similar but higher, with ~15% having antibodies and 2% positive with covid.

All in all, these both confirm a fatality rate above 1% but likely not too much higher. So I'm glad those idiots claiming this has a true fatality rate of only 0.2% can shut up now.
thank you
how do you **** that up though? I remember watching it and going man, Newsom said that so calmly like it was no big deal. So now looking back, it did feel like it was worded wrong. Whats weird is the callers didnt ask him more about it when he was done with his speech. First question should have been "can you come again with that 3 month talk???"

But part of me what's to think they meant it but then saw the backlash and now doing some damage control but wtf did you think was going to happen when you said 3 months??
Most people who have it won’t go to the hospital.

A few of my family members went to the hospital for something unrelated only to be diagnosed with COVID, then soon after they died. Can’t find their body within the facility because it’s so stacked with corpses .
Yeah it's grim in NYC, all types of **** figuring out what to do with all the bodies, even trying to pawn off ones who are about to die before they do to other facilities. The people claiming fake only need to take a trip, it's right there on American soil.
This is great data.

Very very roughly --

Spain has 270k positive cases. Population is 47 million, so with 5% antibody prevalence that means 2.3 million have been exposed. So we're getting about 1/8 cases (of course, this will vary dramatically by region and amount of testing).

I think NYC numbers were similar but higher, with ~15% having antibodies and 2% positive with covid.

All in all, these both confirm a fatality rate above 1% but likely not too much higher. So I'm glad those idiots claiming this has a true fatality rate of only 0.2% can shut up now.
Isn’t the flip side true too? 7% death rate for Italy is being shoved down our throats. As others have said all along, this is deadly, higher than the standard flu but not too much higher when it’s all said and done.
Yes. Not sure where I can pull the source but they came out today and said she didn’t mean it the way we took it. Maybe google mayor Garcetti and his interview on GMA interview. He talks about it as well but then also made some conflicting comments that again, seemed to confuse residents even further

Source? Cuz that’s been out a few days now and if it was false I would have thought they would have been retracted...

dc doing the same...

A news article here.

Maybe Yes.
Maybe No.

Popped up in tube feed, we’ve all seen the meme.
Something light hearted, guys lifting the mood of service.

Edit: added additional followup vid
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Gretchen Whitmer scares me a little. Like she could have been one of the ladies in Get Out. You think all is good until the door closes and suddenly, you're running for your life. Something about the eyes and her smile.

She could have played Daniel Kaluuya's girlfriends Mom in the movie.
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