Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I love NY so I don't plan on leaving but I understand wanting to avoid paying huge rents.

I think overall cost of living is going to go down so even if you do want to stay its about to get more affordable. In due time I would think things balance themselves out. As others been saying before the pandemic is just speeding up the process.
Have had several friends move out of the city in last two months. I'm already looking at new places since rent is down by 25% in most of the desirable neighborhoods. COO already told us 2020 is a a wrap for in office working. Going remote rest of year(350+ person company). Our CEO's father in law died of covid two nights ago and we have 5 team members in India recently test positive. Just a bummer.
Is there a site that has updates on states that have opened? Clearly, if your state opens, it doesn't mean run out and go everywhere but I'm just curious what their numbers are looking like.
I love NY so I don't plan on leaving but I understand wanting to avoid paying huge rents.

I think overall cost of living is going to go down so even if you do want to stay its about to get more affordable. In due time I would think things balance themselves out. As others been saying before the pandemic is just speeding up the process.
I think if there was a time to invest in real estate in ny it'd be now. Not a lot of buyers to compete against and I'm sure price is down.

Too bad it doesn't apply one iota to me as I currently lack the funds lol

I'm sure there will be others who'll capitalize.

80 Deg is forecast.

I think if there was a time to invest in real estate in ny it'd be now. Not a lot of buyers to compete against and I'm sure price is down.

Too bad it doesn't apply one iota to me as I currently lack the funds lol

I'm sure there will be others who'll capitalize.

2022 better timing...let commercial real estate collapse further, WFH expands, more people are moving or want to move out of cities into suburbs, high unemployment....Trump2.0 vs Xi's CCP...etc
I'm a little sad by my little cousin's social media post today.

She's a good girl but I think she's just slowly being brainwashed by conservative talking points.

Complaining about staying at home and sharing posts about the need to open up the economy.

What's sadly ironic is it's hardly a hardship to stay at home. Her parents are rich, she lives in a mansion, and her corner of the house is the size of my parent's home.

She's 19. Their minds are still changing all the time so I'm still crossing fingers that she doesn't become like her dad too much. Her mom - my aunt - is still cool peoples.
I'm a little sad by my little cousin's social media post today.

She's a good girl but I think she's just slowly being brainwashed by conservative talking points.

Complaining about staying at home and sharing posts about the need to open up the economy.

What's sadly ironic is it's hardly a hardship to stay at home. Her parents are rich, she lives in a mansion, and her corner of the house is the size of my parent's home.

She's 19. Their minds are still changing all the time so I'm still crossing fingers that she doesn't become like her dad too much. Her mom - my aunt - is still cool peoples.

RIP your PM's :lol:
I'm a little sad by my little cousin's social media post today.

She's a good girl but I think she's just slowly being brainwashed by conservative talking points.

Complaining about staying at home and sharing posts about the need to open up the economy.

What's sadly ironic is it's hardly a hardship to stay at home. Her parents are rich, she lives in a mansion, and her corner of the house is the size of my parent's home.

She's 19. Their minds are still changing all the time so I'm still crossing fingers that she doesn't become like her dad too much. Her mom - my aunt - is still cool peoples.

They are brainwashed until the virus hits someone they love and then they see **** is real.
I work in account management, which essentially requires me to bounce from city to city in the NY/NJ to meet accounts of mine. Once the virus numbers started increasing I knew my job was gonna shutdown then inevitably got the call that we were furloughed for obvious reasons.

Just got the call today that our positions are now officially terminated |l Sucks because it took me a few months to find this job and it's only been a year since I worked for them. Now I'm about to be out with this massive unemployed workforce looking for jobs. Wish me luck bros
I work in account management, which essentially requires me to bounce from city to city in the NY/NJ to meet accounts of mine. Once the virus numbers started increasing I knew my job was gonna shutdown then inevitably got the call that we were furloughed for obvious reasons.

Just got the call today that our positions are now officially terminated |l Sucks because it took me a few months to find this job and it's only been a year since I worked for them. Now I'm about to be out with this massive unemployed workforce looking for jobs. Wish me luck bros

praying for your bouceback big dawg
I'm a little sad by my little cousin's social media post today.

She's a good girl but I think she's just slowly being brainwashed by conservative talking points.

Complaining about staying at home and sharing posts about the need to open up the economy.

What's sadly ironic is it's hardly a hardship to stay at home. Her parents are rich, she lives in a mansion, and her corner of the house is the size of my parent's home.

She's 19. Their minds are still changing all the time so I'm still crossing fingers that she doesn't become like her dad too much. Her mom - my aunt - is still cool peoples.
She's probably upset she's not hitting her projected revenue on her ********.
This could be huge for people who rent as well as for landlords. If more companies like twitter offer remote work and start shutting down offices, the desire to live there will drop significantly.

You can pay $3k to live in a modest apartment in San Fran, or you can move to a state where you can buy a huge crib for $2k mortgage while making the same salary. It'll be interesting to see how this unfolds.

I was born in the Bay and still live and work here. This would be huge for folks who are here and not working these high-paying tech jobs. It'll be great for traffic, it'll be great for housing, having a more controlled flow of people into one part of the state is just a joint W.

However, I think it's a bit shortsighted to believe that when the dust settles you'll have a SF salary living in the middle of the country. We already scale salaries based on COL so I would imagine moving forward that would still apply if folks opt to live somewhere else completely. If not that, they'll probably more lenient WFH policy (like 3 at home 2 in the office)
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