Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I work in account management, which essentially requires me to bounce from city to city in the NY/NJ to meet accounts of mine. Once the virus numbers started increasing I knew my job was gonna shutdown then inevitably got the call that we were furloughed for obvious reasons.

Just got the call today that our positions are now officially terminated |l Sucks because it took me a few months to find this job and it's only been a year since I worked for them. Now I'm about to be out with this massive unemployed workforce looking for jobs. Wish me luck bros

Good luck, bruh. Might be a blessing in disguise. I’m going to do some applications when companies start back hiring myself.
So starbucks can ask for rent breaks, stay in business but the moment a small family run coffee shop asks for the same govt goes, "stop asking for handouts." Got. It.

Guess I know where I wont be getting coffee anymore.

I had already kicked my Starbucks habit a couple years ago and started making my coffee at home, but this quarantine finally allowed me time to perfect my wife's caramel macchiato so she's off that too!



I find it hard to believe transmission is only possible one way though...
We gotta find out how the original jump to humans occurred or it could just continue to happen over and over. The world needs to pressure CCP into allowing a real scientific investigation ASAP.
Gavin Newsome proposing 10% cut in pay for all state workers

My kids' private (Catholic) school requested that the already underpaid teachers and staff "donate" 25% of their take home pay back to the Church since they are missing out on weekly offerings with no Sunday services. SMH
I have a feeling all parents will be getting the same letter...
My kids' private (Catholic) school requested that the already underpaid teachers and staff "donate" 25% of their take home pay back to the Church since they are missing out on weekly offerings with no Sunday services. SMH
I have a feeling all parents will be getting the same letter...

Lol, well if they aren't offering services then wth do they need money for anyway?
President Trump took a swipe at Dr. Anthony Fauci, his adviser, who said Tuesday that opening schools in the fall would be risky. Trump said: “To me, it’s not an acceptable answer.”

:rofl: :rofl:
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