Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

I want to believe that he didn't. Much in the way the Tyson, and Tupac didn't "rape" their victims. I also tend to believe that Tyson and Tupac didn't "rape" their "victims" either.
I don't have a horse in the race.

I wasn't there. He say vs. She say.

Folks just need to move on. And to say someone shouldn't be able to recover from that accusation of rape just screams, "I have a personal issue with Kobe."
In that same vein then, all this Harvey Weinstein studf is he said she said. Bill Cosby stuff is he said she said. You’re well within your right to pretend nothing went down simply because it’s the word of one part against the other.

But the fact remains Pamela Mackey **** shamed Katelyn Faber into not testifying and then Kobe Bryant immediately paid her off.

It’d be one thing if Kobe testified in court and was proven innocent but he got off on a technicality. So it’s silly to not believe all of this would revisited during a period where women are actually being taken seriously when they share their version of events
Cashflow Cashflow

I agree, it is all he say vs. she say. Many have mentioned that throughout this thread, which is why others have questioned the validity of claims.

I just want to understand why you feel, "He should never recover from rape."
Why does that energy only apply to the Oscars?
Did you feel that way about him being able to resume his NBA career as well?
I don’t think that energy should solely be applied to Oscars but at the same time I can see why these events are being brought back to light. With the #MeToo, #OscarSoWhite, etc movements shining a light on various injustices, of course Kobe Bryant would receive backlash for his Oscar win when Casey Afleck, James Franco and others are being shunned for the same accusations. All these various individuals are facing issues from things that have happened years ago, so why would Kobe be immuned to that?

Kobe’s alleged offense pretty much was swept under the rung and that was a product of time we were living in, before the big boom of social media. I think the rest of his career plays out much differently if the charges occured in 2013 versus 2003. I personally don’t feel a rapist should be celebrated no matter how good you are at your craft.
Cashflow Cashflow There are full details on the Kobe case out there for analysis. Kobe had rough sex with a troubled individual and almost lost his career and most of his endorsements over it. There was a court case and there was insufficient evidence for him to go to jail for his actions. Bear in mind that there have been no other accusations made of him since then and he in all likelihood has had other trysts due to him being a superstar athlete.
Bruh you never been in a relationship?
Where the woman was in charge, led, bread winner, in control, made decisions, and took care of me?

:lol: No.

So yeah I'd like to experience the matriarchy on a political and societal level.
Matriarchy is buns. Whole lotta " I feel like..." Not a lotta rational fact based thinking. Not saying emotional intelligence is bad. I just dont want that to be the lead influence in charge of things.
I mean, rational women do exist.

But hey, even so, I'd like to see an entire country ran that way.
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I don't have a horse in the race.

I wasn't there. He say vs. She say.

Folks just need to move on. And to say someone shouldn't be able to recover from that accusation of rape just screams, "I have a personal issue with Kobe."
If someone believes he raped a woman wouldn't that personal issue be that Kobe is a rapist?
Cashflow Cashflow There are full details on the Kobe case out there for analysis. Kobe had rough sex with a troubled individual and almost lost his career and most of his endorsements over it. There was a court case and there was insufficient evidence for him to go to jail for his actions. Bear in mind that there have been no other accusations made of him since then and he in all likelihood has had other trysts due to him being a superstar athlete.

Howdo you manage to get the facts wrong when there’s as you say full details on the Kobe case out there for analysis.

There wasn’t a court case because after being **** shamed, named “accidently” by the defense in court, and the subject of public scrutiny, Faber told prosecutors that she wasn’t going to testify which is why the case was dismissed.

Bear in mind that there have been no other accusations made by her since. That whole last paragraph you’re going down a weird slippery slope. And its that type of thinking that gives folks in power so much cover. Because he’s a “superstar athlete,” why would he resort to rape? That logic is assinine. And this was the same logicthat was used in 03 by the general public on top od the fact that she was unattractive. “Why would he have to rape that, he can have any woman inthe world?”
Howdo you manage to get the facts wrong when there’s as you say full details on the Kobe case out there for analysis.

There wasn’t a court case because after being **** shamed, named “accidently” by the defense in court, and the subject of public scrutiny, Faber told prosecutors that she wasn’t going to testify which is why the case was dismissed.
Is that a fact though? Or your assumption as to why she chose not to testify?
Howdo you manage to get the facts wrong when there’s as you say full details on the Kobe case out there for analysis.

There wasn’t a court case because after being **** shamed, named “accidently” by the defense in court, and the subject of public scrutiny, Faber told prosecutors that she wasn’t going to testify which is why the case was dismissed.

Kobe was vilified more so than the accuser. Almost all his endorsers dropped him save for Nike and even they didn't use him for any marquee advertising. Hell since this is a sneaker forum, it's a known fact that the Huarache 2K4 & 2K5 were the Kobe 1 & Kobe 2 respectively. The accuser took Kobe's money in the civil suit instead of testifying against him and putting him away. Hopefully you're aware that the justice system does indeed put people behind bars if there's sufficient enough evidence against them.
Hopefully you're aware that the justice system does indeed put people behind bars if there's sufficient enough evidence against them.

Bruh, how many rape cases and rape charges are you privy to when you make that statement? :lol: Sound wild gullible.
They found audio of Tarantino defending Roman Polanski in 2003.

Dude actually said the 13 year old Polanski drugged and raped wanted it.

I like dudes movies but I'm not gonna feel sorry if this gets him out the paint.
serious question
him sayin what he said
would u watch another one of his movies again
knowing thats how he feels???
serious question
him sayin what he said
would u watch another one of his movies again
knowing thats how he feels???
He did apologize, a kinda weak one imo. But he seems to realize what he said was bad

But to answer your question. I probably would watch one if his movies again if some in my company wanted too. I won't pay to see one of his movies though.
Kobe's case is a tough one to call. I almost can't from an opinion on it either way because I want to give both parties the benefit of the doubt. And at the same time I have my suspicions on both

Kobe's lawyer did **** shame the girl. But if you a black man in a court fighting for you life and livelihood, then I can understand why you would not play nice.

The court of public opinion and the court of law are two different beast.
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He did apologize, a kinda weak one imo. But he seems to realize what he said was bad

But to answer your question. I probably would watch one if his movies again if some in my company wanted too. I won't pay to see one of his movies though.
where would u draw the line
on never seeing one of his movies period
Kobe's case is a tough one to call. I almost can't from an opinion on it either way because I want to give both parties the benefit of the doubt. And at the same time I have my suspicions on both
i dont think kobe raped that girl
though i wasn't there
will also point out his taste in women are not good
where would u draw the line
on never seeing one of his movies period
If he was on some Roman Polanski or Harvey Weinstein **** too.

I don't expect purity from people, so dumb comments on the radio, even if the are vile, I can somewhat wrap my head around why he would say something that dumb. But some lines once crossed I am so sicken I can't look past it.
If he was on some Roman Polanski or Harvey Weinstein **** too.

I don't expect purity from people, so dumb comments on the radio, even if the are vile, I can somewhat wrap my head around why he would say something that dumb. But some lines once crossed I am so sicken I can't look past it.
i get what ur saying
or think i do
but are u saying u can rationalize him saying the stuff
or saying dumb stuff per say
but acting or participating in the dumb stuff
would cross the line for u
why is that
i feel that WE
not pointing u out
but we as people
give people passes sometimes
well all the time for saying dumb ****
when i dont think we should
just cause he doesn't do the dumb **** he commented on
shouldn't be a reason we rationalize it
u know
maybe one of the reason folks keep doing dumb ****
is cause we allow folks to get away with saying dumb ****
lets get the folks who say dumb **** out the paint as well
not just folks who do dumb ****
and im speaking for myself as well
cause i will probably see his next film depending on how good trailers look
i get what ur saying
or think i do
but are u saying u can rationalize him saying the stuff
or saying dumb stuff per say
but acting or participating in the dumb stuff
would cross the line for u
why is that
i feel that WE
not pointing u out
but we as people
give people passes sometimes
well all the time for saying dumb ****
when i dont think we should
just cause he doesn't do the dumb **** he commented on
shouldn't be a reason we rationalize it
u know
maybe one of the reason folks keep doing dumb ****
is cause we allow folks to get away with saying dumb ****
lets get the folks who say dumb **** out the paint as well
not just folks who do dumb ****
and im speaking for myself as well
cause i will probably see his next film depending on how good trailers look
I am not giving him a pass I am saying I can how he got to that point where he would say something like that. He was trying to defend a friend and someone he admired. Within Hollywood there was a narrative adopted by many people and pushed by many in the press as to why Polanski's actions were not as bad as they say they were. I could think that maybe dude wanted to defend his idol, he got defensive, saying spewing vile **** many others were saying. I am not excusing his word, he said them, they were disgusting, screw him for saying it, but I try to view people as people. And I try to understand the forces that drive seemingly smart people to say and do dumb ****. Quentin was not, and is not, the lone Polanski defender. Tons of people were on that buffoonery, so it speaks to a bigger problem

It is the same way I don't give people that are racist a pass, but I understand how someone could come to hold racist views. To many times people grab onto the simplest explanation to things, and we miss the important stuff. Hollywood is not just so hostile to women because of a few bad men, their are systemic forces in place that make it that way.
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Kobe's case is a tough one to call. I almost can't from an opinion on it either way because I want to give both parties the benefit of the doubt. And at the same time I have my suspicions on both

Kobe's lawyer did **** shame the girl. But if you a black man in a court fighting for you life and livelihood, then I can understand why you would not play nice.

The court of public opinion and the court of law are two different beast.

This happened in '03 in Colorado too - different times. They would've thrown Kobe in jail for decades if there was sufficient evidence against him.
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