Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

I feel like Rose was a product of the "casting couch", got sold a dream, realized she could've had her extraordinarily mediocre career without ******* a sweaty, hairy, fat guy and now wants to "take down the whole system".
I mean, I get what you are saying but, if you were a celeb and you Tweeted this, you would lose all endorsements

But sometimes a person can be right and ppl can be too dumb or disagree to the point they want you to suffer consequences for it.

Life aint fair. Doesn't mean you are not right.

But also if I was a celeb it'd be totally up to me if I wanted to say that publicly knowing the potential consequences. Besides if just needed to get it out there I'd just post on NT.
I feel like Rose was a product of the "casting couch", got sold a dream, realized she could've had her extraordinarily mediocre career without ******* a sweaty, hairy, fat guy and now wants to "take down the whole system".
I mean you can at least see why she's angry.
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I feel like Rose was a product of the "casting couch", got sold a dream, realized she could've had her extraordinarily mediocre career without ******* a sweaty, hairy, fat guy and now wants to "take down the whole system".

Nah fam, she knew what she was getting into then and she damned sure as hell knows what she's doing now. Peep her Wiki page - she had a good run up until 2006-2007 then her TV and movie work starts tapering off. Also looks like she gets some work done on her face too but that's beyond the point. Main thing is that bills and the inability to keep up with lavish lifestyles (and habits) gets harder.

All of us in here smart enough to know that Hollywood's a cesspool. Timing of her statements along with a book and documentary is highly suspect.
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I just think it will foster the culture of silence. These dudes got the cheat codes to Hollywood and have made money for a while. Same applies to other areas where this happens.

I also think it's naive to benefit off your looks like that then turnaround and complain about the benefit you received that gave you the platform to be heard once your looks faded.
That's why I said it's all good and gravy when you're young and cute. Now that you're older you wanna turn activist when you still benefit from playing the game.

But you wore this on the red carpet. Man please

To this
sorta double standard issue like the male teachers vs female teachers chasing them young bodies?
She definitely grew up in that culture. Probably has never been right mentally.
What has Rose McGowan revealed in her memoir Brave?
Rose McGowan opened up about a life of homelessness and abuse long before her alleged sexual assault at the hands of “predator” Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein.

In her new memoir, Brave, the actress tells of being raised in a polygamous cult by “cruel” parents who she claims forced her into a relationship with an abusive older man.

Problem is that feminist will tell a young women like that to take control of her sexuality and claim it for herself. Walk around Hollywood half naked feeling empowered, but Hollywood looks at you like you are begging to be fondled. I'm not saying it's right at all. But I have seen plenty of arguments claiming that women dressed like that are not inviting sexual attention but being free. It's the men who can't control themselves.

I wouldn't go swimming in shark infested waters if i was leaking blood and making myself easy prey.

The fact that the theme of the movement is to speak up rather than remain silent shows how well established these rules of Hollywood are.

I'm not doubting she's messed up.
sorta double standard issue like the male teachers vs female teachers chasing them young bodies?
Yep. That double standard ain't going no where. Men And women are not equals sexually. But we live in a society that openly encourages women to have comparable sex lives to men.
That’s what i’m wondering. I thought she said she got raped and people are posting she just wants attention now.

Just this one new idiot trying to argue she knew what she signed up for because she walked naked on a red carpet
Also if you look in to her background, she was basically raised in a cult and suffered abuse as a child.

That's not your average woman.
This movement hasn't fully unleashed on the music industry. Especially in hip hop culture.

Also it seems everybody that did something bad before this movement is getting off for the most part.
This movement hasn't fully unleashed on the music industry. Especially in hip hop culture.

Also it seems everybody that did something bad before this movement is getting off for the most part.

Pretty sure they said the music industry lid is going to be blown clean off pretty soon. They are moving toward their own #MeToo #TimesUp movement. It's already in the works:lol::nerd:
on top of that I feel, being the conspirator that I am, the media would, at any chance given would love to shine a negative light on the black community while having their whites celebrities look perfect angelic and harmless. many white celebrities come from terrible backgrounds but it doesn't seem like "it follows them" everywhere they go forever
I said cot damn, even after supporting Trump who would've known Scott Baio was such a perverted freaky pedophile sexual predator?
you guys ever read these female trump supporters comments online? jesus christ its like they are pro sexual assault **** is disgusting
With all this going on in Hollywood

Why is Chris Brown still popular?

Probably because he didn't sexually assault anyone. To our knowledge. And what he has done, to our knowledge, he has already paid for. Plus, his victim wasn't of a certain demographic to spark national outrage. It made some noise and his popularity fell somewhat, but he is still very much popular.

Plus he gave the world "Deuces".
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