If you actually knew anyone in the shoe business, you would know that this isn't true. The actual grey market kix are made in the same factories, by the same people, with the same molds and materials as the "authentic" Nikes and Jordans. Nike and Jordan brand know this as well.Its not the same as Gucci or Louie fakes where they are lower quality. Nikes and Jordans are already mass produced sweatshop garbage, just like the grey markets.
FALSE. There is a legit check section for a reason. Myself and others are able to spot the GMs VERY easily. If it's the same shoe, how is this possible?

There are bad fakes still being made. These are noticeable. In the last thread dudes ppsted a few gms and cats were saying that the footlocker bought ones were the fakes. How is that possible?

uneducated dudes? why do you think i rarely even post in the LC section. Dudes go in there to boost post count and dont know what they are talking about. Call blantant fakes as legit and people following suit.
There are bad fakes still being made. These are noticeable. In the last thread dudes ppsted a few gms and cats were saying that the footlocker bought ones were the fakes. How is that possible?
Are you serious famb? 

You think the 16 year old at footlocker has the same level of knowledge as us cats that are regulars in the legit check forum? Hell. half of NT doesn't know/can't see the differences between GM pairs and retail pairs. I can buy a pair of GM 3s that would FAIL miserably in the legit check forum, and I bet I can successfully return them to ANY retail location in my mall. 

Did you really just say that since it's possible to fool a cash register jockey at footlocker, that they must really look the same? Cmon b, they don't even look at the shoes for more than 3 seconds anyway. 
I'm sorry JC Chambers, but you're pretty much saying, that generally speaking, GMs look just like the real thing. You've lost most of your credibility right there.
Im saying that the kix u call gm are made in the same factories , with the same molds,by the same people, with the same materials as the kix cats wait in line at footlocker for. Thats a fact. Take from it what you will. As far as my credibility as a real shoe discerner or sneakrhead, I don't care about that as long as my street credibility remains as it always has; impeccable.
Nah I just meant credibility in general, in regards to this thread. IDK what you've been looking at the past 2 years, but GMs are OBVIOUS to me. I think, for the general consumre, who ISN'T a sneaker enthusiast...they aren't gonna see the differences. 

But to me? GMs look VERY different than the real thing. Shape included.
Air randy does get legit pairs, very few.

order some kicks from him, then and now. same thing. FAKES. bruh, i got a pair of shoes from him before. SAME FAKES AS EVERYONE ELSE!

WC IV, Bred IV, TORO IV, Bred- ROyal- black toe 1's, Concord XI, Jordan 3's all kinds.

no comparison. High quality fakes. Can they fool people? sure but if you buy legit kicks and actual pay attention they are no comparison. Send me these "authentic" kicks you bought or received and i can see for myself.

Every GM shoe i received was high quality but in no way shape or form to a legit sneakerhead who actually pays attention to what they buy would be fooled by them.

I even mentioned TWO (2) sellers openly admited to me that the kicks WERE NOT authentic. WERE NOT.

what else proof is there when its direct from the horses mouth? the guys feeding you and your IG and social media sellers with these pairs? the same guys scaming you all advertising as early release and 100% authentic straight up told me they were 99.9% exact replica..

i posted this the day it happened and no one really cared. Doubt anyone cares now but ive been in this little GM dilemma for awhile now and went the extra mile foolin around with these dudes to help NTers who want to listen. No point in wasting my breath trying to educate anyone outside of NT since they are children and dont want to listen to the truth about their kicks that they spent a lot of money on being fake.

If you dont want to believe me, fine. I dont mind, no one gives a crap what i say like im talking out of my *** anyways but the fact is ive actually talked to these sellers to act like buddies with them just to get information to help people on here.

dont mind me.

You can speak from a few experiences buying fake kix online, Ill speak from knowing people who manufacture and import millions of dollars worth of shoes in the same factories that Nike uses. Im not making money off of any of this. Like I said before, Id rather cop some Loui, Gucci, Guiseppe kix that I know I won't see being worn by every 15 year old kid in the streets. I dont consider myself a sneakerhead, despite owning hundreds of pairs of kix. I buy what I like, I dont care about the history, if its OG or whatever. I don't roxk the gms at all, but im not blind to the fact that they are the same as what u get at finishline, eastbay etc.

then who are the sellers selling "authentic" pairs

i didnt even read your post aside from the first line regarding my experience. name your sources, sellers? i had no issue telling you who i got the kicks from and they were fakes. THose are pretty much the most known China sellers overseas. I havent been researching as much as no idea if theres anyone bigger or what

you are keeping yours a secret for what reason?
I'm sorry JC Chambers, but you're pretty much saying, that generally speaking, GMs look just like the real thing. You've lost most of your credibility right there.

Im saying that the kix u call gm are made in the same factories , with the same molds,by the same people, with the same materials as the kix cats wait in line at footlocker for. Thats a fact. Take from it what you will. As far as my credibility as a real shoe discerner or sneakrhead, I don't care about that as long as my street credibility remains as it always has; impeccable.

how are they made same factory and materials when they are different?

I wanna see some sites posted so I can see these "cheap" GM's for myself. :rofl:

All the people backing GM fail to post good quality photos or name their sources.

Does anyone still mess with air randy / marquee sole? :rofl: :rofl:
I wanna see some sites posted so I can see these "cheap" GM's for myself.

All the people backing GM fail to post good quality photos or name their sources.

Does anyone still mess with air randy / marquee sole?
People def still mess with marquee sole. Mental Kicks is crazy popular right now. 
SO you are talking out of you ***? gotcha.

if you are gonna say something at least back it up with proof. you sound just like the kids on facebook crying about their fake kicks. If you are gonna make a statement about kicks being legit then post proof. If you dont wanna post it on here you can PM me or someone else. Im not gonna post anything on here that you dont want posted but if you are gonna argue about something without proving your point then what exactly is the POINT?
What about one dude the closet collector??? he supposedly gets his stuff directly from Nike...

he 100% legit? or does he tap into the dark side at times as well.

Under what name or website is Air Randy now currently selling GM sneakers. Remember, we are allowed to name and discuss sellers in this thread unlike in the original GM thread. I cleared this with mods already, which is why I removed that part from the rules list on the first page. As long as you don't do it in a way that is supportive or endorsing the site or seller, it's ok. So again, under what name/platform is Air Randy still selling?
Im saying that the kix u call gm are made in the same factories , with the same molds,by the same people, with the same materials as the kix cats wait in line at footlocker for. Thats a fact.
Yet they look COMPLETELY different....sounds legit.
What about one dude the closet collector??? he supposedly gets his stuff directly from Nike...

he 100% legit? or does he tap into the dark side at times as well.
NO DJYoung....he does NOT get his stuff directly from Nike. He just says that to "add" credibility...which he has none of left. Do me a favor...go and try and find his youtube channel on youtube. YOu know....the channel that he RELIES on to do all of his marketing and self promotion. Where is his channel now....hmmmmmm?

Dude sells straight fake/GM garbage.

P.S: His channel was terminated for pushing GM garbage. 
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NO DJYoung....he does NOT get his stuff directly from Nike. He just says that to "add" credibility...which he has none of left. Do me a favor...go and try and find his youtube channel on youtube. YOu know....the channel that he RELIES on to do all of his marketing and self promotion. Where is his channel now....hmmmmmm?

Dude sells straight fake/GM garbage.

:lol: i figured he did..

I'm team under retail (shout out to the swoosh connect)

So let me get this this straight.........

Back when fakes were sold well under retail it was easy to call them fakes...

Now that fakes are sold way over retail its a big debate???

I'm so confused about this whole thing. :lol:

And what the heck is mental kicks? Their site looks exactly like the sites from the mid 00's that sold sponge bob print dub zeros :rofl:
Yet in the last thread nobody could tell the differenceor spot the gms, lol.
WRONG. IN the last thread, a LOT less people couldn't tell the difference because  everyone was used to spotting fakes the the old way. Fakes don't look like that anymore. It's not like that anymore. Gotta know what you're looking at to spot the differences. To some, very hard to tell, to many of us.....OBVIOUS DIFFERENCES.

That thread ended a YEAR ago. A lot has been learned in that year famb.

And your memory is conveniently selective. REad the thread again. While a LOT more people then were less informed, there were still LOTS of people that could tell the difference. NinjaRetard's GM 3's were posted.  He kept sayin..."its da same shoe, b". Yet everyone ripped his pair apart, noting the incorrect EP, the laughably puffy, misshapen collars, and the widow's peaks right in the middle of the toe box. The ankles were so badly shapen that they were creasing under the pressure of the incorrect shape. They were a joke. 

Yet you choose to say "NOBODY could tell the difference." If you're gonna try to make your point, atleast dont be ridiculously straight lying about how the thead went down.
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