Some of you guys need to get your terms right. There is no doubt that GMs exist - there are second shift shoes and the thrown over the fence thing - but that doesn't account for the on demand supply - they're just copies. Sure, the copies are better than they used to be but don't kid yourself that you're being clever and buying direct from the factory.

High-end GM is a total misnomer too - they're either GM or fake, there are no degrees.

Nothing to do with b-grades either.
Exactly. Your somewhat right. But you cannot say its GM or fake. It all depends on your defination of "FAKE" I had a lets call it "GM" sneaker business in mid 2000 when fakes was blowing up. Nike shut down my website after a few years . I was making close to 100k a year during that time but gross sales was more.

I had a partner we went to china during those lectrnic expos to find more suppliers and other niche products. I had a good china girl whom i knew for years and she was show us around and viit the factory

Basically GM's is when they make enough shoes for NIKE contract wise and they resell whats left over or during 3rd shift they will run a production of 10,000 shoes and send them right out the back door quickly or somebody steals the blueprint and takes it to another factory to make the shoe. Now some places may cut cornors ont he production of the shoe but now days to me there isnt a such thing as a fake shoe. If footlocker took and sold those fakes then you would call them real.. LOL

best way to describe GM's is this below, so whether you want to call it fake is up to you

Definition of a GM sneaker: shoes that use the same materials and blueprints to create a shoe, sometimes in the same factory. When they're made in the same factory, it is after they have fulfilled Nike's contract for shoes. They just keep making more. Other times they're made in different factories (Nike doesn't own factories, they outsource most footwear production) but use the same materials and method to construct the sneaker. Quality is usually a little lower than normal (quality inspection isn't as strict, etc), but in some cases like some of the Jordan 11s, the quality is on par or even better. Also known as Unauthorized, 3rd shift, etc.
Ignoring all this guys posts, you were making 100k off pure hustle every few weeks now with all these businesses you claim yet you still went out and bought a used V6 challenger.

Do niketalk a favor and logout for good. No idea how some people on here still believe you about anything. It's quite clear you are a liar. Anything you bought is straight up fake.

The shoes are not legit, I've probably dealt with GM's in hand more than anyone on this site. None of them even compare and were all received from your favorite crap china sellers
Now this guy saying his fake diamond fooled jewelers and a testing machine...

Bruh. Can y'all report this kid. I'm getting a headache from all his lies and the fact that he takes the time to think em up and type it out hoping dudes believe it. PA-THETIC
To be fair moss will pass as diamond on a tester. Not sure why y'all are even entertaining the superb character though.
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Dude claiming he's capable of selling fake diamonds to jewelers :lol:

You and everyone else should be millionaires
His justification is because millionaires do it. LMAO where does he get this info from? 
i dont buy or wear jordans but i am picking up a sz 12 of those jordan VI that come out saturday

somebody wanna send me a GM pair to compare ill send em back to you i promise

ill pay shipping both ways
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Khaled does get seeded pairs from Jordan Brand, but he also gets fake GM shoes from a connect just like yours. Let me put it to you like this...the same people supplying your awesome ebay connect with Infrareds is also cooking up some 2009 space jams as we speak. They'll be made and shipped to your door in 3 weeks.

okay, i've been out the game for years... last "heat" i copped were DMPs and 10/13 pack.

this GM stuff is new to me. with that being said.


that **** is beyond wild to me.

so stuff i copped early back in the day could've been GM? if so I ripped off a lot of people at Dunk Exchanges. or did this not exist yearsago?

the sneaker game is hitting new levels still to this day.

if answered already, sorry please point me to the post.
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It's worth noting that these GMs only really started popping up in droves after Nike moved 99.9% of their production to Pou Chen/Yue Yuens China facilities.

This article is well worth a read for anyone interested in this topic...

Here are some interesting excerpts about:

- The origins of "grey market" products
Now that Western companies are pervasively outsourcing the manufacture of their products to factories overseas, they're entrusting their precious intellectual property - designs, molds, specifications, trade secrets - to hundreds of contractors and subcontractors all over the world. It's extremely hard to police global supply chains, and IP is leaking out through 1,000 cracks.

The simplest and most dramatic form of the problem is something that Asia-based investigators jocularly refer to as the "third shift," the "midnight shift," or the "ghost shift." Say a U.S. company orders 20,000 dresses from an overseas factory. The contractor fills the order during its two day shifts but then runs off 10,000 extra at night, possibly using inferior materials. Those he sells out the back door, so to speak, trademark and all.

- The issues they can create
Sometimes even brand owners can't tell whether an unauthorized product is a counterfeit (a product bearing a trademark that its maker never had authority to use) or the result of third-shift activity.

In late 2001, for instance, Too Inc., which runs the Limited Too chain of clothing stores for girls, discovered that discounter TJ Maxx was selling 31 styles of Limited Too apparel at markdowns - 653,000 garments. TJ Maxx was stocking many more units than Too had ever ordered from its Asian suppliers, and what Too had ordered was still being sold in its own stores.

When Too sued TJ Maxx to stop sales, though, its lawyers candidly admitted that they weren't sure whether the clothes were counterfeits or third-shift goods. Though discounters can always be enjoined from selling counterfeits, some judges will let them sell third-shift goods unimpeded, viewing the latter as legally "genuine."

- Why brands don't do anything about them
Even in its wider sense, the third shift is a subset of a broader problem: the countless ways in which companies lose control of intellectual property when relying on an outsourced supply chain. IP leakage is the glitch in the ascendant paradigm for doing business.

"When you're outsourcing, you provide specifications, drawings, blueprints," says Peter Humphrey, who runs a risk-management firm in Shanghai called ChinaWhys. "What can easily happen is, someone takes it down the road to his brother or uncle," who also has a factory. "Before you know it, there's ten or 20 factories in that county making knockoffs of your product."

Brand owners typically don't admit to having suffered from third-shift or other IP-leakage problems. "It makes you seem like you've been an idiot," explains professor Chow. "These are people you've hired. You didn't exercise due diligence." Most brand owners approached for this story either declined to discuss the issue or denied experiencing the problem.

New Balance even tried to stop one of its manufacturers from selling unauthorized New Balance sneakers and NB ended up losing the trial.

Anyone with experience contracting manufacturers in China can tell you this is just a part of the game and a cost of doing cheap business.
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Do they have actual authentics being sneaked out the back? Yes

But ain't none of you seeing those tho. You guys clearly don't hnderstand. These dudes do get 1-2 pairs of authentic tic early releases and take pics to fool y'all

When you order the kicks you get high quality fakes that don't even compare to the real deal. Why you think you got all these china dudes in IG with samples all of a sudden or first leaks of kicks. Stolen smuggled out the factory. Take pics and being passed around then the fakers make exact copies that they can color way wise.

Any shoe that pops up, custom or not a few weeks later these dudes got thousands of pairs for sale just like those Marquette iv's that were saw ONE picture of then they went and made em. Oregon x's, ovo vi's, I can go on and on

The shoes we are discussing from if, twitter, china dude, your local scum bag. All fake.

I'll bet any money
you are a troll and you somehow relate to every single thread on this forum. you are a liar

ive gotten GM's for free from all these sellers. the shoes are 100% FAKE. they are nothing like the real deal. If you think they compare then your "authentics" are fake too
TRUTH RIGHT HERE. This man knows. He was up to his elbows in GM Concords....pushing them like they were real. Got condemned for it for years. To this day he still takes on a lot of heat for it still.

Truth is he really did think they were real. We all did. But he's learned a lot, the hard way...and I can honestly say Zyzz knows what the hell he's talking about. He's lived the GM life FIRST HAND. Got caught up with one of the most notorious GM producers in it's short history. If anyone has first hand experience with the differences between GMs and retail pairs, it's def Zyzz.
This is what im saying. My friend has connects in these factories and actually knows how these gm kix r produced and who produces them. He posted in the last thread.He has spent MILLIONS of dollars with these same factories that we are discussing. Those of u who know me on here already know what company and who im talmbout. For the record, im not condoning rocking these kix. I dont rock them and rarely buy nikes or jordans these days anyways. But they are exactly the same as official kix, minus the Nike/jordan profit.

i am so confused now after reading htis
Ignoring all this guys posts, you were making 100k off pure hustle every few weeks now with all these businesses you claim yet you still went out and bought a used V6 challenger.
Ouch. Damn breh, why you gotta cut so deep?
I ordered about a grand worth of gms to compare. I couldn't tell the difference between them and the ones I got from Eastbay. The only reason that I was even entertaining the idea is because my friend who used to post on here owns a popular shoe company and dealt with the counterfeit problem with his own company. He spoke to others in the industry and they affirmed that the factories that make the official shoes make the gms as well. They rold him that there isn't much he can do about it.Nike doesnt own any factories. They contract the work out and the factories do their own thing on the side with the leftover materials from the official run and the official molds.

So the guys selling to your friend was telling them they are the same shoes?
If you actually knew anyone in the shoe business, you would know that this isn't true. The actual grey market kix are made in the same factories, by the same people, with the same molds and materials as the "authentic" Nikes and Jordans. Nike and Jordan brand know this as well.Its not the same as Gucci or Louie fakes where they are lower quality. Nikes and Jordans are already mass produced sweatshop garbage, just like the grey markets.
FALSE. There is a legit check section for a reason. Myself and others are able to spot the GMs VERY easily. If it's the same shoe, how is this possible?
Air randy does get legit pairs, very few.

order some kicks from him, then and now. same thing. FAKES. bruh, i got a pair of shoes from him before. SAME FAKES AS EVERYONE ELSE!

WC IV, Bred IV, TORO IV, Bred- ROyal- black toe 1's, Concord XI, Jordan 3's all kinds.

no comparison. High quality fakes. Can they fool people? sure but if you buy legit kicks and actual pay attention they are no comparison. Send me these "authentic" kicks you bought or received and i can see for myself.

Every GM shoe i received was high quality but in no way shape or form to a legit sneakerhead who actually pays attention to what they buy would be fooled by them.

I even mentioned TWO (2) sellers openly admited to me that the kicks WERE NOT authentic. WERE NOT.

what else proof is there when its direct from the horses mouth? the guys feeding you and your IG and social media sellers with these pairs? the same guys scaming you all advertising as early release and 100% authentic straight up told me they were 99.9% exact replica..

i posted this the day it happened and no one really cared. Doubt anyone cares now but ive been in this little GM dilemma for awhile now and went the extra mile foolin around with these dudes to help NTers who want to listen. No point in wasting my breath trying to educate anyone outside of NT since they are children and dont want to listen to the truth about their kicks that they spent a lot of money on being fake.

If you dont want to believe me, fine. I dont mind, no one gives a crap what i say like im talking out of my *** anyways but the fact is ive actually talked to these sellers to act like buddies with them just to get information to help people on here.

dont mind me.
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