Got ROBBED in Downtown Oakland by some goons on Saturday Night...

coulda been worse. remember that shooting on Hollywood Blvd right outside of Club Sugar. smh. glad ur alive NT fam!
I'm sure this thread is full of people from SF and Daily City who want to act like Oakland is the only city where you can caught. :lol: :smh:

Glad no one got hurt OP. You say you been here your whole life, this could have happened ANYWHERE.
My boy and I got in a brawl at the Layover during First Friday a couple months back. It started out as **** talkin between us and two young cats then out of nowhere my man goes we're deep so naturally we retort with we're deep, too. Mind you, I didn't see anyone near these cats. As soon as my boy falsely said we're deep, too, I got clocked by a chump I didn't even see. Half a second later it's two on ten and at that point you're just swinging with your eyes closed. Fortunately, the fight got broken up else we would've got railed. Next morning I wake up and I hear about a young dude getting murked in uptown a block away.

Oakland is real. Mad cool peeps but you can't ever let your guard down. Young cats these days don't stand tall by themselves. It's the mob mentality. You gotta be careful who you engage in Oaktown. Nonetheless, it's my fav city in the Bay. I hate the city and will always have love for Oaktown. Mad cool peeps. Sadly, I'm moving to DC at the end of the month. I won't miss the city but I'll definitely miss Oaktown. I lived on 390 Grand in Lake Merritt. Right across from Bar 389. That's my spot. They serve dope food and its a real cool vibe.

That's a rough night man. I forgot I also heard that some dude from SF got capped on 9th & Clay the night we got robbed. I got woken up by that ****zle and was like welp :smh:
Didn't think this was happening in that part of Oakland. It's crazy because I use to live in that area (Lake Merritt) for a while and never felt threatened. :smh:
I'd like to think Oakland is cleaning itself up.
this is what i was saying. if people feel they were wronged they can easily go back and correct the sitaution. eye for an eye.
i understand most dont have that mentality, and its not a matter of being "bout that life" but certain actions carry strong retributions.   

This is why I question NTers street smarts. So you would walk up to goons with a gun expecting to fight? Dudes would prolly shoot you in broad daylight where I'm from if you tried to pull that.
This is why I question NTers street smarts. So you would walk up to goons with a gun expecting to fight? Dudes would prolly shoot you in broad daylight where I'm from if you tried to pull that.
why would i walk up to a "goon" with a gun? and try to fight him? you obviously didnt get my point 
I had one friend get lucky tracking her phone and getting it back with the help of the police. She basically go lucky because the person who snatched her purse tossed it in the car and drove off and the phone was on. Her and the police has to follow them for about 15 minutes because the area it said it was at was so big.

The find my iPhone app is crap. If your phone is jail broken search for igotya on cydia. With that app you have to unlock the phone to turn it off. It also takes a picture if the code was entered wrong and emails it to you with the location.
does anyone remember that video of some white dude in san diego that located his phone via some app and found someone with the phone and just bumrushed the guy. i think it made the news and might've even been on wshh
Whats carrying a gun going to help? If a guy has a gun pointed at you what are you gonna do? Act like Quickdraw McGraw and pull it out ad get into a shoot out over an iPhone and $100 in cash? C'mon. The reality is most would get robbed for their gun too.
why would i walk up to a "goon" with a gun? and try to fight him? you obviously didnt get my point 

Were you suggesting that OP camp out and wait for the armed thieves and rob them at gun point?

It sounds like OP values his life and wouldn't do that because I'm 100% sure the thieves care about NOTHING...
Whats carrying a gun going to help? If a guy has a gun pointed at you what are you gonna do? Act like Quickdraw McGraw and pull it out ad get into a shoot out over an iPhone and $100 in cash? C'mon. The reality is most would get robbed for their gun too.

:lol: exactly

A lot of tough guys on here
Glad you're ok, OP.
I've never got robbed, but living in D.R. you never know who's watching. Dat fear :smh:
does anyone remember that video of some white dude in san diego that located his phone via some app and found someone with the phone and just bumrushed the guy. i think it made the news and might've even been on wshh
Naa but i do remember about the white guy who got his bike stolen and found it on craiglist and actually recorded the whole thing while chasing him down ahha
does anyone remember that video of some white dude in san diego that located his phone via some app and found someone with the phone and just bumrushed the guy. i think it made the news and might've even been on wshh

I do, dont know what app he was using though
apple knows that if they made a device that tracks your phone they wouldnt make as muh money as they do now..

they know people love stealing their products and its a cycle that keeps paying off for them, 

hence why dont hear about apple reimbursing people when they go through stuff like this.
Black people in Oakland ruin a lot of things.
ya dont say?

Black people in Oakland ruin a lot of things. First Friday was a fun event, until a young man got killed during February's First Friday. I will try to avoid SoMar and Make Westing now, and just head to SF.

You won't be missed.

edit: I'm not trying to get banned again but I can't get over what an ignorant thing to say this was. :x

The privileged, stuck up, yuppies and hipsters like yourself who are flocking to Oakland in droves are what's really ruining our city.
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some one +1 that ignorance too :smh: think ill hit report too so much slick racism but if it was the other way around :nerd:
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