Got ROBBED in Downtown Oakland by some goons on Saturday Night...

Whats carrying a gun going to help? If a guy has a gun pointed at you what are you gonna do? Act like Quickdraw McGraw and pull it out ad get into a shoot out over an iPhone and $100 in cash? C'mon. The reality is most would get robbed for their gun too.
One of the realest things I have ever read on this site. 
its f'ed up that this still happens...I ride with mine, but naturally wouldnt WANT to have to deal with that. glad youre okay though OP
You won't be missed.

edit: I'm not trying to get banned again but I can't get over what an ignorant thing to say this was. :x

The privileged, stuck up, yuppies and hipsters like yourself who are flocking to Oakland in droves are what's really ruining our city.

I was born in Merritt Hospital (its closed now), and lived on 38th and E.14th my whole life, I went to Westlake Middle School and Fremont High, so I know what I'm talking about. I don't take what people have to say, that lives in Grand Lake, Lake Merritt, and some parts of North Oakland seriously, because there are a lot of things those living in those neighborhoods don't experience in Oakland. I have witnessed and experienced a lot of things that made me feel this way, but I should keep it to myself, I know.
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I was born in Merritt Hospital (its closed now), and lived on 38th and E.14th my whole life, I went to Westlake Middle School and Fremont High, so I know what I'm talking about. I don't take what people have to say, that lives in Grand Lake, Lake Merritt, and some parts of North Oakland seriously, because there are a lot of things those living in those neighborhoods don't experience in Oakland. I have witnessed and experienced a lot of things that made me feel this way, but I should keep it to myself, I know.
Yes do yourself a ******g favor and keep it to yourself to save face in the future.

You don't know what you're talking about and you truly are an ignorant piece of **** if you think black people ruin things in Oakland is an admissible statement. 

I probably chased you home from Westlake after school one day myself, my actions don't speak for +100,000 black people in Oakland. 

FOH if someone hurt you. 
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Man, I just found out about all this. My roommate went on to my Macbook and wrote all that to try to be funny. I am truly sorry, this won't happen again. I have been a member for almost 8 years and would not try to get my account banned, especially for a dumb comment like that.
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could have happened to you at any time at any place OP, you can't let it discourage you and keep you from having fun/enjoying yourself. at least not for a long period of time.
ridiculous how some dudes on here were talking about carrying a hammer as if that would make things any better.
like the dude robbing you is gonna see you flash your weapon at them and just walk away :smh:
what is going on in this thread?

OP don't worry....when I was out in oakland i brought my cousin along with me....he's like 6'2 280lbs and some fools tried to check him....and lowly ol 5'8 me had to come to his rescue and even things out.

it's like how you so big and you can't defend yourself...

stay safe OP.
ridiculous how some dudes on here were talking about carrying a hammer as if that would make things any better.
like the dude robbing you is gonna see you flash your weapon at them and just walk away :smh:

Yea, that def went over your head.
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My lady and her friends were able to get their purses back yesterday. Looks like the goons just dropped them in a pile after going thru them and getting the cash, some good samaritan in West Oakland found them on the street and turned them in to the cops. The police called us and they picked them up. Dudes even took my homegirls Clipper card (Bay Area Public Transit Card) :smh:

So it looks like we are out 4 cell phones, some cash, an IPod. We've resigned to the fact that the rest of the stuff will never come back. Probably will be a little while before we are walking around in Downtown Oakland again, used to be such a fun place every damn weekend |I :stoneface:

thats just a light L....happens to everyone once in awhile....good to hear youre okay....could be a good thing in the long run...keeps your antennas up.
hell yea, i know that feeling

in hs, someone stole my book i had to write a review on, albeit i had already wrote my review and didnt need it, i wanted to keep the book

needless to say ya boy was mad as the devil, had the whole junior class shook
never been to oakland...

but im willing to bet he is refuting the racist dudes justification for what he said by naming all the presumably bad neighborhoods/school he went to and calling it bs, or saying it doesnt make him 'down'...thus rendering himself a wolf, and the racist warrios510 a sheep...a soft little sheep...

like is this dude warriors 510 still posting????  yea yall deleted the post but we all know what dude said..

'even if you mute it the curse is there'
I ordered this on monday, there in back order but It should be here in no time. Op you should think about protecting yourself better. 

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