.. I ain't cheap either and I would gladly spend money on food if its good.

I think this sums it up for me and the majority of folks that frequent this thread.

I too want to sample Halal guys but haven't yet. For those that have in SJ. How does it compare to Agha's? Or is like apples to oranges....
Couldn't eat outside today because of the rain...
I've been living in New York for over 20 years and I've never had my bagel done up like this until this morning:

Life-changing.  Can't wait to get fat off of these.
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I saw that spot on one of those pbs local nyc food shows and enjoyed it when I got there :pimp:
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Took a stab at making a leg of lamb stuffed with spinach, pine nuts, and feta.  I overcooked it a little, but still came out tasty nonetheless:

Anyone ever make paella?  I'm thinking of doing a bastardized version with chorizo, squid, shrimp, and clams.  Anyone have any pointers or tips?
Paella is fun to make, just throw your shrimp in last or cook it separately and add in last. Not sure how squid and clans cook up, but just add your ingredients in an order that you won't under or over cook them.


Not the best pic, but you get the idea.
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That's what I've been gathering.  It seems like the best order is to sear your meat, add the chorizo and sweat the onions/garlic/peppers down, add some white wine to de-glaze and reduce (optional), add the paella rice, add the stock, add the saffron, add the seafood, add peas/vegetables and let it simmer until it's no longer soupy.  Looking forward to giving it a shot.
Sup Food Thread,

I'm making the cross-country trip from CA to VA next week and will be stopping overnight at these cities below:

- Salt Lake City, UT

- Omaha, NE

- Chicago, IL

- Pittsburgh, PA

Any suggestions on MUST EAT places on any of those cities? I was thinking pizza in Chicago...but everywhere else, Idk.

I don't want to be stuck eating fast food the entire trip and want to experience different types of meals.
Gotta have a Chicago dog too. And a beef sammich.

Gene & Jude's for the dog.

Portillos. Al's Mr. Beef for the sammiches. Portillo does dogs too.

Probably a few others spots natives can recommend.
gonna head to vegas tomorrow night... needs some more places to eat at... oyster bar at the palace station, echo &rig are the 2 on my list right now..
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