I take food shots all the time, im extremely quick though. Also, I dont think food shots should be so perfect. Like if I go out to eat with friends and all the food is laid out or the food comes a dish at a time just eat. I think food pics with several dishes looks better when it looks like its been dug into a bit already. Plus I aint waiting for all 6 dishes to come out tf. Some people be wylin. :lol:

I got absolutely no issue with people taking a couple quick pics. If my wife is there too, I'll def have her take some pics of stuff that's interesting. I'm talking about the people I see that'll take a couple pics, look them over, move the fork over an inch, take a few more, look at them, move the drink over an inch, take a few more, etc. all while their foods getting cold.

I remember we were eating at the OG sushi joint by the guy that made Sugarfish and Kazunori and he's known for being the equivalent of the Seinfeld soup guy. There were these typical LA influencer type girls there. His sushi rice is a little warm and not packed as tight as normal so their sushi would be falling apart by the time they were done taking their pics and they kept complaining. Dude straight up told them if you're not here to eat, then get the **** out lol. That shut them up real fast.

Still haven't seen a place as bad though as Massimo Botturas joint at the Gucci store with all the Gucci plates and stuff. People be wylin wylin there.
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