Finally told my parents I dont believe in god and that im agnostic.

I've done the same and laugh at people in their face when it comes to religion. They call me crazy but they've called great men in our history crazy for things people feared or just did not know. Live your life no one should ever instill something that isn't factual. Congrats you might have the ability to enlighten your family. They choose to believe in something that was forced upon people for control. When approached ask for facts and deliever facts. Not quoted from the bible. Don't worry everything will be alright.
Ladies and gentlemen, now that's pure ignorance. Unbelievable. In fact most of the republicans I know are not Jesus freaks, they're just fiscally conservative.
I guess so I treat politics like you guys treat religion.
  IMO politics are the demise of the world, and not religion like some of you would like to think.  Politics only have as much power over us as we allow it.
I guess so I treat politics like you guys treat religion.:tongue:   IMO politics are the demise of the world, and not religion like some of you would like to think.  Politics only have as much power over us as we allow it.

it's a combination of both and bad leaders.
Congrats fam for gathering up the courage!
Me personally though, dont think I could ever come out to my parents or any of my family. My parents and brother go to church quite often as well as my grandparents,aunts and uncles. Some of them being heavily involved in church. I respect them too much, and if I were to tell my mother it would crush her. Sometimes i question the purpose of actually coming out..

Last Thanksgiving at my aunts house ,before we ate, we all stood around in a circle {the whole family} ,held hands and said a "prayer". I had a sense of self-awkwardness in the room that was over 9000. I continued with the prayer knowing praying won't effect anything. Later I asked myself " how come i didnt excuse my self from the prayer" if i do not believe. The answer was if would have it would of caused nothing but drama and i didnt want to ruin anybody's mood especially on thanksgiving. I guess i did it out of respect.
what do you call it when you believe in god , but don't want to pick a religion
I guess so I treat politics like you guys treat religion.
  IMO politics are the demise of the world, and not religion like some of you would like to think.  Politics only have as much power over us as we allow it.
exactly how i feel but not trying to get into that.

what i dont understand is why people feel the need to declare themselves athiest or agnostic in the first place.  if u dont believe in god or dont want to practice a religion than dont practice that religion.  you dont have to act all high and mighty like your better than those who do have faith in a higher power.  religious people may sound delusional at times but they are also usually people with character and probably more willing to help you out when u need it.  ive also noticed that most  people who preach this anti-religion stuff are some of the most selfish individuals i have come across. just my observations.

i was lucky to be raised to believe in whatever i want so i dont know what kind of pressure u were feeling coming from a religious family, but what good do u think will come from telling your family your agnostic?  
Op you still don't get it. Trill and AZ tried to tell you it's your attitude. You seem like the type of ***** to be like " mom I don't believe in god it's all fairy tale you should go read a book"

All you got is your fam, like trill said you don't have to go hard on the bashing religion talk
Op you still don't get it. Trill and AZ tried to tell you it's your attitude. You seem like the type of ***** to be like " mom I don't believe in god it's all fairy tale you should go read a book"
All you got is your fam, like trill said you don't have to go hard on the bashing religion talk
See if you read you would realize I said I just don't believe in god not some stupid diss .Honestly bro you gotta read .for those thst don't understand I just meant to say I'm not a christia n
I recently did too. She didn't talk to me for about a week but she is over it. It's America, she knows we are here to thrive and make something of our family. As long as I take care of business she doesn't care what I believe. She knows I'm an educated person who thinks for themselves.
You compared a baptism to a auto bot bruh that would piss a believer off.
I'm reading you just aren't getting it . good luck fam.
My parents are in denial about it. I have never said it outright, but I haven't been to church in at least 4 yrs. They always say something like, "You know you need to go to church boy, you ain't that grown, God's been good to you" or some nonsense I just shrug off with an "mmm hmmm" and obviously don't go.

It's even harder being a black non believer in the Bible Belt of the country. Literally, they say a prayer before Thunder games. I don't know if any other sports teams do that.
My family isn't even religious but whenever I break out my atheism its always a huge ordeal. I don't discuss religion anymore :lol: just hit em with the "mm hmm" like DatzNasty said
How about you all sit down and have a Q&A about the topic? Maybe if you verbally explain why you feel the way you do they will understand more.

Its really just sad and annoying man how they act around me.To be black and non religious almost removes you from the community or atleast your family.God knows how many times Ive lost interest in a chick the minute she says I need to go to church . I feel like it puts me at odds with the rest of my community.My love of knowledge including knowledge of self has made me an outcast.One thing my mom said something about me needing to have a conversation with god and I said oh you mean self reflection.She looked at me like she wanted to vomit.My younger brother said I needed to be baptizied and I told him why its not gonna change my opinions and its not gonna make me a christian as me pouring motor oil on myself and standing in the garage makes me a car.
Those same chicks that suck on pensises within 5 hours of meeting certain men? Man forget them......
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I guess so I treat politics like you guys treat religion.:tongue:   IMO politics are the demise of the world, and not religion like some of you would like to think.  Politics only have as much power over us as we allow it.

Can you explain any type of society that does not include any form of politics?
It's funny, my mom is super religious but me nor my brothers are. I went to church pretty much every Sunday from age 5 to about 16 (if you guys think American blacks are bad, wait til you see how over the top religious Africans are). I told her I was an atheist and she seems to believe its just a phase that I'll get over with age. It hasn't really hurt our relationship at all, it turned out better than expected.
Can you explain any type of society that does not include any form of politics?
Nope, and they're all full of corruption from top to bottom, and really that is my point there is turmoil at every corner of this world due to politics.  Politics is cattle drivers(politicians) trying to drive the herd(we the people) in the direction they want us to go.
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It's funny, my mom is super religious but me nor my brothers are. I went to church pretty much every Sunday from age 5 to about 16 (if you guys think American blacks are bad, wait til you see how over the top religious Africans are). I told her I was an atheist and she seems to believe its just a phase that I'll get over with age. It hasn't really hurt our relationship at all, it turned out better than expected.
Cosign on being raised in an African household w/ religion.. Idk how you did it but I'll be damned if I tell my parents at least until I am well established out of the home. I honestly don't plan on bringing it up, ever. I don't mind going through the motions for as long as I have to, for me I do it out of respect.

And I don't look down on my family for being religious at all, Christianity is something that was passed down to them just like we all have traditions passed down to us. No one person is better than another, no matter what they believe. And I do believe there is some value in prayer anyways, at least in the sense that an individual is sitting down and having some quiet time to self-reflect which is always good.

OP was unwise for starting a fuss in his household at that age, it's not everything that you need to confront your parents about.
Cosign on being raised in an African household w/ religion.. Idk how you did it but I'll be damned if I tell my parents at least until I am well established out of the home. I honestly don't plan on bringing it up, ever. I don't mind going through the motions for as long as I have to, for me I do it out of respect.
And I don't look down on my family for being religious at all, Christianity is something that was passed down to them just like we all have traditions passed down to us. No one person is better than another, no matter what they believe. And I do believe there is some value in prayer anyways, at least in the sense that an individual is sitting down and having some quiet time to self-reflect which is always good.
OP was unwise for starting a fuss in his household at that age, it's not everything that you need to confront your parents about.

I agree with everything you said. Why would you make waves while you still under their roof? Not smart. Should've waited and played the game like most of us do. Its out of respect
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