Finally told my parents I dont believe in god and that im agnostic.

Religion is mind control
You can have faith in God or a higher power and not get caught up in all that extra ****
I've been blessed with a family that doesnt shove their religion down my throat no romo and I've got Christian family and Muslim family everyone is pretty understanding tho

But I know a good portion of black families are slaves to Christianity I cant get with that praising a religion we naturally had no knowledge of now its the way to go because the white man said so :smh: I refuse to go in a Church and pray to Willie Nelson how in the hell a middle eastern man gunna have blonde hair and blue eyes :smh:
Religion is mind control
You can have faith in God or a higher power and not get caught up in all that extra ****
I've been blessed with a family that doesnt shove their religion down my throat no romo and I've got Christian family and Muslim family everyone is pretty understanding tho

But I know a good portion of black families are slaves to Christianity I cant get with that praising a religion we naturally had no knowledge of now its the way to go because the white man said so
I refuse to go in a Church and pray to Willie Nelson how in the hell a middle eastern man gunna have blonde hair and blue eyes
I agree with you about everything except the following:

The only thing that always gets me about the "belief in god, but not religion" crowd is that they refuse to acknowledge that their entire pretext for a "god" was sculpted by religions they're familiar with.

I've never met a "belief in god, but not religion" type who believed in anything that resembled an "eastern/asian" religious context, nor was it anything remotely unique. It still referred to major characters in various theological stories like Jesus or whatever...but they always tried to draw separations like they were being particularly novel in their approach. 

Its just an attempt at distancing themselves from what they know is a crap idea but aren't willing to make the full leap to abandoning the notion. 
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Religion is mind control
You can have faith in God or a higher power and not get caught up in all that extra ****
I've been blessed with a family that doesnt shove their religion down my throat no romo and I've got Christian family and Muslim family everyone is pretty understanding tho
But I know a good portion of black families are slaves to Christianity I cant get with that praising a religion we naturally had no knowledge of now its the way to go because the white man said so
I refuse to go in a Church and pray to Willie Nelson how in the hell a middle eastern man gunna have blonde hair and blue eyes
To piggyback on that i always here black ppl say ok we know jesus wasnt white, but it doesnt matter because it isnt the image of jesus thats important but what he represent and the message. I get that but again still doesnt answers the question. If it doesnt matter what race he was, why is he portrayed and accepted as white? And why was he changed to be perceived as white in the first place if it doesnt matter? If something is of unimportance and is fine as it is, why change it and defer from the true origin? If the message of jesus christ is the ultimate goal, why was there a need to exchange his image to cesare borgia? And why is it accepted despite the fact you know it is false? matter of fact to follow and view jesus in any other light outside of what he is, is idolization and putting a image/figure/concept over jesus and the word of god. And the bible specifically states that is a sin, and will be condemn to hell for doing so. I dont know the exact scripture, but the bible does state that there will be ppl that will distort alter and change the views/likeness/image of our lord and savior and those who follow/accept this will suffer the wrath of god, because he is a jealous god.

So according to the word that image of jesus is evil and wrong, it directly states it in the bible, so if people are true and devoted christian, how can you go whole-heartily against the word of god on a continuous basis, and believe you in fact are following the word of god, and confess you are a christian, despite outright defying the word of god, purposely?
I think I'm going to start telling people I believe in the Greek gods or I'm a Satanist when those Jesus people try go give me pamphlets and tell me to pray. I was at the mall and this old guy handed me a booklet and started praying in front of me. So awkward and annoying. I was waiting for my sister and she said he talked to her too a few minutes before.

Zeus :smokin.
i have a ? for the black believers, what is your views on african history/and belief systems and cultures? Do you believe we were ppl of evil and sin before the tri atlantic slave movement, when we gave up our beliefs, faiths, etc culture, teachings in exchange for christianity? Do you guys feel that slavery was ultimately a good thing because it introduced us to modern day christianity, despite the obvious detriment slavery and the results thereafter has crippled and been a stumbling block and stronghold over blacks in america? or do you guys feel america is in a perfect state and the effects of slavery genocide etc have no adverse affects on the conditions currently henders blacks in america?

I guess what im asking is since christianity isnt in the origins of african culture and was introduced to use through slavery. Was slavery a good thing because it brought us christianity? Were africans living in sin and damnation because they didnt accept jesus as their personal savior, since they had no awareness of christianity etc until introduced through slavery? Is the current state of african americans ok cause despite it all we were introduced to a religion that will ultimately if practiced give us eternal life? And if your black and christian why should you complain about the current state of african americans, because ultimately this is a result of being here in america do to slave trade. Do you black christian follow or believe in your ancestory history, culture, and beliefs, even tho it goes against the historical events according to the word of god? what will you tell your kids as far as african culture is concerned? That we were heathens and overall bad ppl until we were enslaved and indoctrined in the life of christ. What are your thoughts and views about our traditional culture, beliefs, and faith system prior to being introduced to christianity?

youre reachin fams, as a black american-dominican, the Christian religion is the biggest religious predisposition i have faced, Christianity probably wouldve spread to Africa without slavery with Catholic missionaries so your questions are crazy, no one is really a devout christian because it calls for too much zeal and most dont want to give up their secular gratifications, bottom line, we are where we are and you move forward with it
When Black people start tryna talk to me about Jesus in a magical mystical "this ghost will solve my problems" way, I just nod and say "true."

I'm Black, but I feel like most religions are just man made ways to control the masses, but I try to keep that to myself because Black folk nowadays are all effed up in the head.

And you're not right? The generalizations are comical.
Belief in god =\= systematic belief in god...

And yes... black folks are indeed messed up in general ...

Coming from a brotha ...
youre reachin fams, as a black american-dominican, the Christian religion is the biggest religious predisposition i have faced, Christianity probably wouldve spread to Africa without slavery with Catholic missionaries so your questions are crazy, no one is really a devout christian because it calls for too much zeal and most dont want to give up their secular gratifications, bottom line, we are where we are and you move forward with it
First off how am i reaching, when in fact you are by saying you are black dominican... you do know Dominican isnt a race? And to the second part of it probably wouldve reached anyways. Um we cant go on what ifs, lets suppose etc... im speaking on facts and the here and now. And as far as the notion of no one is a devout christian. Um please show me in any text of any version of any bible that say you can be a partial christian, a 3/4th christian, a convenient christian? The concept of modern christianity according to the word states that you accept jesus christ as your personal savior, that you allow him to minister the practice and word of god through you. and that you are not your own. i dont think thats too too much to ask. It doesnt say you cannot have sin, because the word of god states that man was born of sin because of the mistakes of adam and it is only through the savior lord christ that you can be saved from external damnation. And accepting that jesus lived died and rose again and carried the bare of all mankind sins on the cross and that his bloodshed washes away almost all sins (note suicide, a few others are the exception to the rule) And to prove yourself according to god is to one study ( meaning devote more time then anything else to studying and learning the meaning and teachings of christ) So are you saying it is too too much for people to spend more time reading the bible then to read twitter feeds, facebook postings, and the latest gossips on celebrities? It also says to not put anything man/thing above god? So is it to much to ask ppl not to value material things, money, idolize, admire human beings? It also calls for man to be the rulers of the land and to be the head and not tail of their community and more importantly their home? So is god calling for to much for a man to be the "head" reign supreme of his home and the woman to be submissive and learn the followings and teaching of the lord through the "head"...

Nowhere in the bible does it says you have to be perfect, or perform the miracles jesus did, or david, paul etc... Just the above mentioned. I dont think asking people to spend more time following the word of god, studying his word then worldly practices.... is too much. It has been and is still being done today by many of people. I dont think it calls for to much to follow the natural pecking order of the community and home... many ppl and other religions do it and have done it. To me it sounds like a lame copout... a oh ill say im a christian because for whatever reason it sounds cool, its all i know, i dont want to go against the grain etc... I wont follow or do as the word says... ill just associate myself with it, because its to hard... it calls for to much... I dont feel like it, it interferes with what i wanna do. And again i quote the bible... lord says that man must minister and follow the word.. and not the ways of the world, for he should not lean to his own understanding.

God says do not value worldly things because they all belong to the kingdom of god.... So are you saying it calls for to much for ppl not to collect things and cherish material things aka SHOES... cars etc... Cuase their are ppl who dont do this.

God says Dont have no images of idolization.... Is it too much to not have posters etc of your favorite athlete musician.... Yea cause lord knows you cannot live life without a mj poster or a biggie psoter on your wall.

God says no sex before marriage... Ill leave that one alone...

God says study and spend more time in the word then all others to show approval... Um really so it soo soo hard to read the bible moreso then espn sports page, twitter, facebook etc.. Um what was the world like before texting ims, and social networking... i guess to you non existing..

God says do not invite/let demonic spirits in your circle... Um so it is really calling too too much not to watch horror movies, or not play violent videogames... It is absolutely impossible to live life without ever playing grand theft auto.. left 4 dead etc...

i could go on and on but i think you get the point... Sounds to me like alot of fake worshiping and just saying oh im a such and such just to be accepted etc...
Belief in god =\= systematic belief in god...
Completely disagree.

Here is why.

The former is just the "god of the gaps" argument. You can't explain something, therefore "something" is out there or "god." Whatever. At the end of the day, you're asserting the existence in something you haven't substantiated the claims for. 

The latter is religion, which is quite easily debunked. 

ON TOP OF THAT...if you're going to invoke the existence of a "god" in the absence of religion, your entire framework for how god works and what it does is based on your experience with religions and religious thinking. For example, does this god answer prayers? Is it watching? is it active? Is it listening? is it helping you? Is it everywhere? Does it pertain to only humans? 

All of these notions aren't universal...they're influenced by the religions that the deist typically has come into contact with and ascribes to their deity. 

Belief in god in the "absence" of religion is merely an attempt at moving the goalposts for being responsible for having a loosely defined amalgam of theistic beliefs. 
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The damb job, making me work and stuff. :rolleyes

You don't get it.

You're right, I don't get it. I don't get your comfrontational attidude about religion. Thats why we are having this conversation.

Thats not promoting atheism. Thats me being honest with the person asking me to do something that I don't agree with.

I never said you were promoting atheism, in the tradition sense of the word, but I'm not even going there becuase that horse is dead. You told them, you made it known. Promoting is not telling.

I don't care if it offends them.
Its not my job to care about how offended they get because they tink I should be a member of their religious club.

But its thier job to know you're not religious? How is in not hypocrisy when you want someone to do for you, but you don't want to do for them? You ask why should you care if their views. Why should they care about yours?

Thats his problem.
if he's not celebrating christmas, that doesn't change what he really is doing.
If you tell me "Happy Ramadan" i'll tell you that I'm not a muslim.
You clearly told me because you thought I was a muslim, did you not?
Its about accountability for your beliefs and actions.
If you don't like the response, then thats tough. Don't speak to me about religion and your feelings won't get hurt.

Nice side step, there.

Just becuase someone told "Happy Ramadan" doesn't mean he thinks you're muslim and/or is trying to turn you muslim. Reguardless, if you're muslim or not, it still Ramadan, it was Ramadan wayyy before you were here. As far as christanity, is it really far fetched for someone to assume that you are part of a MASS majority?

Again, its not confrontational when they promote christianity, is it?
the confrontation is me having to lie to myself just to make them happy.

No, sir. The confrontation comes when you feel the need to present your opposing opinion. No one asking you to lie to yourself, if anything I'm saying lie to them, they seem to be ok with it. What? Is it a sin in atheism to agree with a christian?

So why can't I tell them that I'm not christian when ty assume that I am?

Why do you need to?


If someone suggest for me to pray, then i tell them that I don't pray, then if I said any thing else, i'd be lying to that person.

They assume i'm the type to pray.

I'm not.

if I don't correct that, then I'm lying.

Incorrect. They are wrong. Nothing more, nothing less. You know what people call people that feel the need to correct someone everytime they say something wrong?

Besides, don't act like you've never lied before...

I'm not going to shield my thoughts just to make YOU feel better.

If you weren't expecting to hear that I wasn't religious, then don't suggest for me to do religious things.

But yet you want people to shield their religious thoughts, to make you feel better.

I'm around religious people all day. But even when they talk about it, if they're not addressing me then I don't bring it up.

However if you DO address me, then yes i'll directly respond to you and address the inaccuracy of your points.

Obviously, you haven't been around THAT religious person, because you woud see alot of parallels between you two.
The damb job, making me work and stuff.

You don't get it.
You're right, I don't get it. I don't get your comfrontational attidude about religion. Thats why we are having this conversation.
How am i being confrontational?

Someone asked me to do something religiously motivated/related.

I'm not religious.


I don't care what they call them.

if you're wrong, then you're wrong. If I call you out on it, then its your business if you start crying. I don't care and I won't start caring just to make you feel better. 

Besides, don't act like you've never lied before...

In that instance I didn't see a need to shield WHO I WAS to make someone else happy.
Yeah right.

I didn't push anything.

If you ask me to pray and I tell you that I don't pray then you messed up in assuming I was the "praying type" 

If you don't want to be wrong, then don't ask. Its not my duty to give a damn about someone elses feelings because they're too obnoxious to think that MAYBE someone else isn't religious. 
youre reachin fams, as a black american-dominican, the Christian religion is the biggest religious predisposition i have faced, Christianity probably wouldve spread to Africa without slavery with Catholic missionaries so your questions are crazy, no one is really a devout christian because it calls for too much zeal and most dont want to give up their secular gratifications, bottom line, we are where we are and you move forward with it
First off how am i reaching, when in fact you are by saying you are black dominican... you do know Dominican isnt a race? And to the second part of it probably wouldve reached anyways. Um we cant go on what ifs, lets suppose etc... im speaking on facts and the here and now. And as far as the notion of no one is a devout christian. Um please show me in any text of any version of any bible that say you can be a partial christian, a 3/4th christian, a convenient christian? The concept of modern christianity according to the word states that you accept jesus christ as your personal savior, that you allow him to minister the practice and word of god through you. and that you are not your own. i dont think thats too too much to ask. It doesnt say you cannot have sin, because the word of god states that man was born of sin because of the mistakes of adam and it is only through the savior lord christ that you can be saved from external damnation. And accepting that jesus lived died and rose again and carried the bare of all mankind sins on the cross and that his bloodshed washes away almost all sins (note suicide, a few others are the exception to the rule) And to prove yourself according to god is to one study ( meaning devote more time then anything else to studying and learning the meaning and teachings of christ) So are you saying it is too too much for people to spend more time reading the bible then to read twitter feeds, facebook postings, and the latest gossips on celebrities? It also says to not put anything man/thing above god? So is it to much to ask ppl not to value material things, money, idolize, admire human beings? It also calls for man to be the rulers of the land and to be the head and not tail of their community and more importantly their home? So is god calling for to much for a man to be the "head" reign supreme of his home and the woman to be submissive and learn the followings and teaching of the lord through the "head"...

Nowhere in the bible does it says you have to be perfect, or perform the miracles jesus did, or david, paul etc... Just the above mentioned. I dont think asking people to spend more time following the word of god, studying his word then worldly practices.... is too much. It has been and is still being done today by many of people. I dont think it calls for to much to follow the natural pecking order of the community and home... many ppl and other religions do it and have done it. To me it sounds like a lame copout... a oh ill say im a christian because for whatever reason it sounds cool, its all i know, i dont want to go against the grain etc... I wont follow or do as the word says... ill just associate myself with it, because its to hard... it calls for to much... I dont feel like it, it interferes with what i wanna do. And again i quote the bible... lord says that man must minister and follow the word.. and not the ways of the world, for he should not lean to his own understanding.

God says do not value worldly things because they all belong to the kingdom of god.... So are you saying it calls for to much for ppl not to collect things and cherish material things aka SHOES... cars etc... Cuase their are ppl who dont do this.

God says Dont have no images of idolization.... Is it too much to not have posters etc of your favorite athlete musician.... Yea cause lord knows you cannot live life without a mj poster or a biggie psoter on your wall.

God says no sex before marriage... Ill leave that one alone...

God says study and spend more time in the word then all others to show approval... Um really so it soo soo hard to read the bible moreso then espn sports page, twitter, facebook etc.. Um what was the world like before texting ims, and social networking... i guess to you non existing..

God says do not invite/let demonic spirits in your circle... Um so it is really calling too too much not to watch horror movies, or not play violent videogames... It is absolutely impossible to live life without ever playing grand theft auto.. left 4 dead etc...

i could go on and on but i think you get the point... Sounds to me like alot of fake worshiping and just saying oh im a such and such just to be accepted etc...
bravo, you left out the fact that i was stating my dual citizenship in response to your statement about BLACKS IN AMERICA, not just blacks who are Christian, i know full well being Dominican is a nationality (a HEAVILY devout Catholic one at that- see the relation between my response and your statement?) anyways to address your definition of Christianity, that IS a ton to ask (unshaking faith in an IDEA) aside from the faith, being Christian is more than just believing Jesus Christ is your savior

bottom line youre taking everything out of context, idk why you would think my definition of a devout Christian=feeding thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fish and other miracles or when did i say it was hard to follow any of those points you posted? (all of which are easily passed on by the majority of people) so you can miss me with those ones fams

and how did you get that im fake worshiping and set trippin for Jesus for acceptance out of my post? stop reachin, if we was on the court i would make you pay dearly
I am about to drop the bomb as well to my parents. Accept I'm not exactly agnostic, just more philosophical and gnostic on my take with "God" and the Universe. In other words, I believe Christianity to be a deception.

What's even more sad is that my step dad has Stage IV cancer and doesn't have much time left. But he's racist as all ****, hates muslims, believes we all come from Adam and Eve, but is not Christian at all. Like, he just wants to be part of the cool club or something.

What is wrong with this world? Why do people suck at thinking so much?
First off how am i reaching, when in fact you are by saying you are black dominican... you do know Dominican isnt a race? And to the second part of it probably wouldve reached anyways. Um we cant go on what ifs, lets suppose etc... im speaking on facts and the here and now. And as far as the notion of no one is a devout christian. Um please show me in any text of any version of any bible that say you can be a partial christian, a 3/4th christian, a convenient christian? The concept of modern christianity according to the word states that you accept jesus christ as your personal savior, that you allow him to minister the practice and word of god through you. and that you are not your own. i dont think thats too too much to ask. It doesnt say you cannot have sin, because the word of god states that man was born of sin because of the mistakes of adam and it is only through the savior lord christ that you can be saved from external damnation. And accepting that jesus lived died and rose again and carried the bare of all mankind sins on the cross and that his bloodshed washes away almost all sins (note suicide, a few others are the exception to the rule) And to prove yourself according to god is to one study ( meaning devote more time then anything else to studying and learning the meaning and teachings of christ) So are you saying it is too too much for people to spend more time reading the bible then to read twitter feeds, facebook postings, and the latest gossips on celebrities? It also says to not put anything man/thing above god? So is it to much to ask ppl not to value material things, money, idolize, admire human beings? It also calls for man to be the rulers of the land and to be the head and not tail of their community and more importantly their home? So is god calling for to much for a man to be the "head" reign supreme of his home and the woman to be submissive and learn the followings and teaching of the lord through the "head"...

Nowhere in the bible does it says you have to be perfect, or perform the miracles jesus did, or david, paul etc... Just the above mentioned. I dont think asking people to spend more time following the word of god, studying his word then worldly practices.... is too much. It has been and is still being done today by many of people. I dont think it calls for to much to follow the natural pecking order of the community and home... many ppl and other religions do it and have done it. To me it sounds like a lame copout... a oh ill say im a christian because for whatever reason it sounds cool, its all i know, i dont want to go against the grain etc... I wont follow or do as the word says... ill just associate myself with it, because its to hard... it calls for to much... I dont feel like it, it interferes with what i wanna do. And again i quote the bible... lord says that man must minister and follow the word.. and not the ways of the world, for he should not lean to his own understanding.

God says do not value worldly things because they all belong to the kingdom of god.... So are you saying it calls for to much for ppl not to collect things and cherish material things aka SHOES... cars etc... Cuase their are ppl who dont do this.

God says Dont have no images of idolization.... Is it too much to not have posters etc of your favorite athlete musician.... Yea cause lord knows you cannot live life without a mj poster or a biggie psoter on your wall.

God says no sex before marriage... Ill leave that one alone...

God says study and spend more time in the word then all others to show approval... Um really so it soo soo hard to read the bible moreso then espn sports page, twitter, facebook etc.. Um what was the world like before texting ims, and social networking... i guess to you non existing..

God says do not invite/let demonic spirits in your circle... Um so it is really calling too too much not to watch horror movies, or not play violent videogames... It is absolutely impossible to live life without ever playing grand theft auto.. left 4 dead etc...

i could go on and on but i think you get the point... Sounds to me like alot of fake worshiping and just saying oh im a such and such just to be accepted etc...
I'm not raging on your comment at all.  I agree with most of what you've said, but Matt 17:19-20 basically says with faith you can do as Jesus did.  The ways of the world and "logic" makes it challenging for the average mind to believe in and comprehend that. 

All you guys trying to have a debate about a book you've never really read is kind of foolish.  This is like being at a book club having a discussion about a book no one took the time to read.  How do you think that would go?  I imagine something like this thread.

You dudes are straight up fools going to the max to be different.  Your parents are nuts because they are nuts that is who they are church or not.  Believe me I know my mom is one, but I would never let someone else crazy a** words or actions determine my beliefs.  My mom shoved it down my throat just like the rest of you.  I didn't have a choice on whether I wanted to go to church three times a week.  I was forced to read the bible and then quizzed on what I read.  So I know.

And I thank God for all that, because when I was in the darkest corners of the streets I had my knowledge of the word to fallback on.  When I was suppose to be dead or in jail more times then I can count God was right there to deliver me from some unbelievable impossible situations. 

So when I hear this atheist stuff it makes me wonder that you fellas are spoiled guys that have had it way to good.  I seen what creates a atheist.  Cozy living conditions, parents waiting on them like the bring home the bacon and putting up with the sarcastic confrontational attitudes, living life through the Internet and video games(no real daily life outside their front door other then school), etc.   I don't know any of you guys personally so I could be wrong as all out.  Just like you guys don't know the bible and could be wrong as all out.  

FYI:  All this craziness going on in the world is due to politics and greed.  If you haven't realized that then your not as smart as you think you are
I'm not raging on your comment at all.  I agree with most of what you've said, but Matt 17:19-20 basically says with faith you can do as Jesus did.  The ways of the world and "logic" makes it challenging for the average mind to believe in and comprehend that. 

All you guys trying to have a debate about a book you've never really read is kind of foolish.  This is like being at a book club having a discussion about a book no one took the time to read.  How do you think that would go?  I imagine something like this thread.

You dudes are straight up fools going to the max to be different.  Your parents are nuts because they are nuts that is who they are church or not.  Believe me I know my mom is one, but I would never let someone else crazy a** words or actions determine my beliefs.  My mom shoved it down my throat just like the rest of you.  I didn't have a choice on whether I wanted to go to church three times a week.  I was forced to read the bible and then quizzed on what I read.  So I know.

And I thank God for all that, because when I was in the darkest corners of the streets I had my knowledge of the word to fallback on.  When I was suppose to be dead or in jail more times then I can count God was right there to deliver me from some unbelievable impossible situations. 

So when I hear this atheist stuff it makes me wonder that you fellas are spoiled guys that have had it way to good.  I seen what creates a atheist.  Cozy living conditions, parents waiting on them like the bring home the bacon and putting up with the sarcastic confrontational attitudes, living life through the Internet and video games(no real daily life outside their front door other then school), etc.   I don't know any of you guys personally so I could be wrong as all out.  Just like you guys don't know the bible and could be wrong as all out.  

FYI:  All this craziness going on in the world is due to politics and greed.  If you haven't realized that then your not as smart as you think you are
All im saying is one being a christian is more then wearing chopper suits, tithing, catching a suppose holy ghost, speaking jibberish calling it tongues, using god/jesus as a means of not expanding your mind and learning more, using the good book as a copout for poor decisions in life, and lack of knowledge, or even lack of trying to obtain knowledge. I just hate when ppl say oh im a christian because i believe, yet dont follow the teachings and principles etc... of the word of god. Like ive quoted from the bible before faith without works is dead. I dont see how ppl overlook this, or study thy word, thy laws, thy principles to show approval. And many of the others one would say is easy to achieve/follow. I hate that oh god knows my heart notion. Cause the irony of it all is, that if god is all knowing all encompassing, he truly does know your heart. So you can fool some of the people all the time, a can always fool people some of the time, you cannot fool god no time. So when ppl post pictures of them at church behind the pictures of them at the all night club of facebook. Or fap to the hot girl in the choir after thursday night practice... Or the ppl who know more album cover passages then ones in the bible... or follow the latest yahoo.twitter trends yet cant follow the word of god.... Do these ppl really think god sees them as true followers of christ, just cause they say yea i believe in god, i gave 10% and show up on sundays. When the bible even states that doesnt make you a christian and accepted by lord jesus christ.

You seem to have knowledge of the word... so how can a person call themselves a christian etc... follower of christ when the bible states what it is to be a christian and they do not even follow that? Also you should also know that the bible does state that simply acknowledging god, and stating you believe does not make you a christian. So like ive stated before alot of the ppl calling folks atheist etc, in a round about way, according to the word are atheist themselves.

What i have witnessed alot and noticed is that while the word says that being a christian is accepting lord jesus christ as your personal savior. It is the first step to becoming a christian, it doesnt just automatically make you one, and the word doesnt say that all you gotta do is say i believe in him and you in there like swimwear. It seems many hell ill go one step further most modern christians especially black ones, take the first step and and acknowledge god... and pretty much the buck stops there and think they are a member in the body of christ.
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All im saying is one being a christian is more then wearing chopper suits, tithing, catching a suppose holy ghost, speaking jibberish calling it tongues, using god/jesus as a means of not expanding your mind and learning more, using the good book as a copout for poor decisions in life, and lack of knowledge, or even lack of trying to obtain knowledge. I just hate when ppl say oh im a christian because i believe, yet dont follow the teachings and principles etc... of the word of god. Like ive quoted from the bible before faith without works is dead. I dont see how ppl overlook this, or study thy word, thy laws, thy principles to show approval. And many of the others one would say is easy to achieve/follow. I hate that oh god knows my heart notion. Cause the irony of it all is, that if god is all knowing all encompassing, he truly does know your heart. So you can fool some of the people all the time, a can always fool people some of the time, you cannot fool god no time. So when ppl post pictures of them at church behind the pictures of them at the all night club of facebook. Or fap to the hot girl in the choir after thursday night practice... Or the ppl who know more album cover passages then ones in the bible... or follow the latest yahoo.twitter trends yet cant follow the word of god.... Do these ppl really think god sees them as true followers of christ, just cause they say yea i believe in god, i gave 10% and show up on sundays. When the bible even states that doesnt make you a christian and accepted by lord jesus christ.

You seem to have knowledge of the word... so how can a person call themselves a christian etc... follower of christ when the bible states what it is to be a christian and they do not even follow that? Also you should also know that the bible does state that simply acknowledging god, and stating you believe does not make you a christian. So like ive stated before alot of the ppl calling folks atheist etc, in a round about way, according to the word are atheist themselves.

What i have witnessed alot and noticed is that while the word says that being a christian is accepting lord jesus christ as your personal savior. It is the first step to becoming a christian, it doesnt just automatically make you one, and the word doesnt say that all you gotta do is say i believe in him and you in there like swimwear. It seems many hell ill go one step further most modern christians especially black ones, take the first step and and acknowledge god... and pretty much the buck stops there and think they are a member in the body of christ.
Yea there are hypocrites out there that say they believe, but they really don't.  There are also people that trruly believe in their heart that Jesus is Lord, but it dosen't show through their actions. 

Me for example , sometimes I'm all the way on top of it and other times not so much.  Yea the homie may have seen me fall to my worldly desires, but that doesn't mean I don't truly and honestly believe.  Sometimes I just tell myself I'm young and I just want to have "fun", but it's just me lacking in the area of self-control.  So you really can't judge someones heart based on their actions, because the saying is true only God could know your heart. 
Yea there are hypocrites out there that say they believe, but they really don't.  There are also people that trruly believe in their heart that Jesus is Lord, but it dosen't show through their actions. 

Me for example , sometimes I'm all the way on top of it and other times not so much.  Yea the homie may have seen me fall to my worldly desires, but that doesn't mean I don't truly and honestly believe.  Sometimes I just tell myself I'm young and I just want to have "fun", but it's just me lacking in the area of self-control.  So you really can't judge someones heart based on their actions, because the saying is true only God could know your heart. 
Im not judging their actions, because as the word says man cannot judge man convictions because he has no heaven/hell to place him. II still think ppl see John 3:16 andthink that is the be all to end all and they are christians. Thing is they only take in the first verse "For God so loved the world, that he left man his only unbegotten son, for all who accept jesus christ as their personal savior, shall not parish a fate of hell, but have eternal life. " But the verse continues on and says thats not the only thing but is the FIRST step....

Philippians states that " Therefore the ones i beloved, the true followers, as not because you have always obeyed, but you have done so more in absent of others, than in the presence of others, to show righteousness according to man, to seek approval in man, for your ways are not my ways, and my ways are not yours.

So the whole notion of acting a certain way being holier then thou in front of others etc... just ministering the word etc to show ppl you are a follower, yet when alone or in the presence of non followers etc... you just like everyone else... and to justify it by saying oh well the church ppl no how i am oh i dont do wrong in the presence of other believers, or in church... God says that isnt being saved, being a follower and that you are not a member of the body of christ.

Titus states "jesus accepts those, not by righteousness acts done according to man, but according to the word of God, and his acceptance of God regeneration and renewal of their mind, body and soul thru the Holy spirit, For our mind, our bodies our souls are not of our own, but are mere vessels for god to administer the word of God. For acceptance of lord jesus christ we are not our old, and become a new creature in the body of christ...

Esphesians states... "even when we fall short to the glory of God, sin and die because of our trespasses, if we repent whole heartily, christ makes us alive again, because by grace he saves us.."

Not to mention the verse... forget what book it is in... But lord forgive me for the wrongs I have done, for i know not I have sinned.... etc... How can you say to god please forgive something you did because you didnt realize it was so wrong yet...1. not only knew how wrong it was but ask for forgiveness and confess you will try not to do it again, knowing good and damn well you not only are going to do it again but plan to and make it your business to do it again.

Im not getting on you or others but some of the notions and things ppl are saying that makes them saved and alined with the word of god... actually are quite opposite, and the bible even says that thinking this way, and believing this way infact is heathenism and you in fact arent saved and arent a true believer and a member of the body of christ...

I mean im not trying to get in ppl case, but when ppl say oh im a christian etc... because i do this, act like this etc... And then I who have read the book and actually know some of the word... And the very things you say makes you a christian etc... the bible states that it not only makes you a non-believer, but infact makes you according to Matthews I believe... false doctrines, and fakes, false prophets... who come to you in sheeps clothing outwardly, but inwardly are ravegeous wolves who will suffer a fate worse then most... In a round about way again like i said would in lamens terms make you an athiest... and according to the word even worse then them... Because athiest etc... are unware and dont follow/know the word of god. but these ppl are worse cause they confess the follow/know the word claim they have accepted, and agreed to the terms, yet overtly disobey.

It be like if you had 2 kids... one does wrong and he says well i did wrong but you never told me what i did would be considered wrong and i didnt know it was against your wishes.. then you have the other kid who knows the rules, did something wrong you specifically told him not to do, not once but a multitude of times... and comes to you and say oh i didnt know it was wrong, or, yea its wrong forgive me, but im going to continue to do it anyway, and you will forgive me time and time again..despite my insincere remorse... and despite i know its wrong... because deep down you know my heart... and i act/behave good infront of others... and i come across as a good child to others.

Like i said i know the bible somewhat and cannot say im a professor in the word... but in all my readings and studies... ive yet to find a verse, a chapter, a scripture that says this behavior and way of thinking is intune with the word of god... and this makes you a candidate for being a christian...
shoelyesses is slowly breaking down the paradox of religious moderates.

On a ideological level, its easier to respect fundamentalists than religious moderates.

I see you. 
The fact dude thinks because Im a spiked brat is hilarious.Listen kiddo I don't need to fall back on Jesus Christ or god when I'm down I look to myself to figure out what to do next .I don't pray for better days g I make them better .Im not gonna wallow in despair or rely on the word when I can get up and press forward .This whole you had it to good crap makes no sense at all christianity has created a culture of struggle ,self pity and self victimization that has made a lot of people passive aggressive and content in their situations.Im not spoiled because I realized I don't stand for a lot of what's written in the bible and I don't follow majority of the things written into it .Chrsitisnity has been used as political system a criminal organziation etc in the past and too this day It's part of the problems in the world just as much as spreading democracy and spreading communism.I don't care to be blessed and highly favored .Dont care to fake the holy ghost,speak tongues say amen ,preacher drives a Bentley I drive a civic,giant hats,peacock wealth flaunting of going to church thst to me I a waste of my time .I can get inner peace sitting down thinking to myself or on five mile run on the trail by my house.
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i have a ? for the black believers, what is your views on african history/and belief systems and cultures? Do you believe we were ppl of evil and sin before the tri atlantic slave movement, when we gave up our beliefs, faiths, etc culture, teachings in exchange for christianity? Do you guys feel that slavery was ultimately a good thing because it introduced us to modern day christianity, despite the obvious detriment slavery and the results thereafter has crippled and been a stumbling block and stronghold over blacks in america? or do you guys feel america is in a perfect state and the effects of slavery genocide etc have no adverse affects on the conditions currently henders blacks in america?

I guess what im asking is since christianity isnt in the origins of african culture and was introduced to use through slavery. Was slavery a good thing because it brought us christianity? Were africans living in sin and damnation because they didnt accept jesus as their personal savior, since they had no awareness of christianity etc until introduced through slavery? Is the current state of african americans ok cause despite it all we were introduced to a religion that will ultimately if practiced give us eternal life? And if your black and christian why should you complain about the current state of african americans, because ultimately this is a result of being here in america do to slave trade. Do you black christian follow or believe in your ancestory history, culture, and beliefs, even tho it goes against the historical events according to the word of god? what will you tell your kids as far as african culture is concerned? That we were heathens and overall bad ppl until we were enslaved and indoctrined in the life of christ. What are your thoughts and views about our traditional culture, beliefs, and faith system prior to being introduced to christianity?

This is the elephant in the room in black Chrisitian belief we have some uncle tom preachers and blacks who think Christianity saved us from being heathens and preachers did and sinners .Those fire and brimstone preachers are using a variation of the curse of ham slave masters did .Most black Christians can't answer this probably .
Im not judging their actions, because as the word says man cannot judge man convictions because he has no heaven/hell to place him. II still think ppl see John 3:16 andthink that is the be all to end all and they are christians. Thing is they only take in the first verse "For God so loved the world, that he left man his only unbegotten son, for all who accept jesus christ as their personal savior, shall not parish a fate of hell, but have eternal life. " But the verse continues on and says thats not the only thing but is the FIRST step....

Philippians states that " Therefore the ones i beloved, the true followers, as not because you have always obeyed, but you have done so more in absent of others, than in the presence of others, to show righteousness according to man, to seek approval in man, for your ways are not my ways, and my ways are not yours.

So the whole notion of acting a certain way being holier then thou in front of others etc... just ministering the word etc to show ppl you are a follower, yet when alone or in the presence of non followers etc... you just like everyone else... and to justify it by saying oh well the church ppl no how i am oh i dont do wrong in the presence of other believers, or in church... God says that isnt being saved, being a follower and that you are not a member of the body of christ.

Titus states "jesus accepts those, not by righteousness acts done according to man, but according to the word of God, and his acceptance of God regeneration and renewal of their mind, body and soul thru the Holy spirit, For our mind, our bodies our souls are not of our own, but are mere vessels for god to administer the word of God. For acceptance of lord jesus christ we are not our old, and become a new creature in the body of christ...

Esphesians states... "even when we fall short to the glory of God, sin and die because of our trespasses, if we repent whole heartily, christ makes us alive again, because by grace he saves us.."

Not to mention the verse... forget what book it is in... But lord forgive me for the wrongs I have done, for i know not I have sinned.... etc... How can you say to god please forgive something you did because you didnt realize it was so wrong yet...1. not only knew how wrong it was but ask for forgiveness and confess you will try not to do it again, knowing good and damn well you not only are going to do it again but plan to and make it your business to do it again.

Im not getting on you or others but some of the notions and things ppl are saying that makes them saved and alined with the word of god... actually are quite opposite, and the bible even says that thinking this way, and believing this way infact is heathenism and you in fact arent saved and arent a true believer and a member of the body of christ...

I mean im not trying to get in ppl case, but when ppl say oh im a christian etc... because i do this, act like this etc... And then I who have read the book and actually know some of the word... And the very things you say makes you a christian etc... the bible states that it not only makes you a non-believer, but infact makes you according to Matthews I believe... false doctrines, and fakes, false prophets... who come to you in sheeps clothing outwardly, but inwardly are ravegeous wolves who will suffer a fate worse then most... In a round about way again like i said would in lamens terms make you an athiest... and according to the word even worse then them... Because athiest etc... are unware and dont follow/know the word of god. but these ppl are worse cause they confess the follow/know the word claim they have accepted, and agreed to the terms, yet overtly disobey.

It be like if you had 2 kids... one does wrong and he says well i did wrong but you never told me what i did would be considered wrong and i didnt know it was against your wishes.. then you have the other kid who knows the rules, did something wrong you specifically told him not to do, not once but a multitude of times... and comes to you and say oh i didnt know it was wrong, or, yea its wrong forgive me, but im going to continue to do it anyway, and you will forgive me time and time again..despite my insincere remorse... and despite i know its wrong... because deep down you know my heart... and i act/behave good infront of others... and i come across as a good child to others.

Like i said i know the bible somewhat and cannot say im a professor in the word... but in all my readings and studies... ive yet to find a verse, a chapter, a scripture that says this behavior and way of thinking is intune with the word of god... and this makes you a candidate for being a christian...
Only you and God know what you do when your alone.  I knew this freak a while ago , and it was no secret she was a freak.  She probably never met a guy she didn't say no to.  For some reason she felt the need to tell me her deepest darkest secrets about herself.  On the outside she was a vain freak.  But behind closed doors she was into some real postive stuff that shocked me.  Poetry, reading, she would watch evangalist on tv, and I was really surprised to how unsure of herself she was.  But outside her front door she was a straight up overly confident and very well spoken about how see felt about something.  My point is you never really see the true side of people unless they let their guard down and show you.  But God sees through those guards and sees the real, and thats what he judges.

The bible is simply this.  Try to live as Jesus did, but if you can't God understands that you are just a human and incapable of being perfect.  No man is without sin.  You sin everyday whether you try to or not, and that is not how God judges you.  He judges by what your doing when no one is looking.  Being a christian is not about asking for forgiveness everytime you've thinked you've sinned.  Once you've excepted him your forgiven for good.

So how could someone really say this person is this or this person is that.  Your not there to see what they're doing when no one is around.  This is where the tongues, the holy spirit, and a true understanding of the word are needed. These are tools to help you decipher the real from the fake.  Without tongues, fasting, and prayer there is no holy ghost.  If there is no holy ghost there is no true understanding of the word.  Something you need to fully understand about the word is there are quotes from true men of God and there are quotes from ungodly men in there as well.  Like for instance "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away".  Which is so untrue.  God doesn't possess death only life.  But the religious ones just took that scripture and ran with it.  A false prophet could be someone who truly believes, but says stuff like "the lord giveth and the lord taketh away".  There teaching false doctrine, because they haven't grasp a full understanding of the word.  They just end up spreading false religious teachings, because they don't know any better, and they've heard it said some many times that it becomes a after thought on whether that statement is even true.

I really do have to step back and understand that you guys haven't had the same teaching I've had.  Alot of you dudes have had heavy breathing, shouting, lead singer preachers.  But I still can't understand how you guys accept the fact that everything on this earth has an architect except nature and the human body.  Nature and the human body work all to well on it's own complimentary parts to be random.    
shoelyesses is slowly breaking down the paradox of religious moderates.

On a ideological level, its easier to respect fundamentalists than religious moderates.

I see you. 
What im doing is actually taking what some ppl have said in this thread etc... and just in general, about what makes them a follower of christ and a christian... and giving scriptures... passages out of the very book they so call say they base their lives. And showing them that infact the book states that you are not a christian and are a false prophet.... a fake an atheist...

Which is funny cause non of the followers etc... who confess they believe or are christians have anything to comment on it... Is it oh well i know that the bible describes who i am and says i am a fake non believer but... what God made some special exception for you...?

People use the oh its too hard god knows my heart... i cant follow all this etc... But even the bible states dont place mans laws and laws of the land above the laws of the lord... And im pretty sure 99% of these so called christians etc... have committed more sins then they have committed crimes... So what again god decided to make an exception for you... God is what on judgement day grade you on a curve? So to be honest a good majority of the ppl in here who claim christian arent even christians at all... And its not me saying it... its the word of god that says it... So how can yall get on ppl call them athiest non believers when YOUR book, YOUR god says that you are one urself... Kinda the kettle calling the pot black isnt it?

Truth of the matter is religion is like weight loss etc and other things currently in todays society... ppl are too lazy, do have will power, discipline, restraints and convictions and are looking for a cheap easy way to gt out of doing the tried and true way of doing things. And then use a ish load of excuses to validate why cant they do said things.... 500 gazillion get quick diet plans.... pills etc.... Why cause ppl are too sorry, too lazy, too undiscipline to simply watch what they eat, exercise, and live and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Religion today falls under the same umbrella. A bunch of ppl for various reason profess they are something... dont have the will power discipline etc... to actually do what is asked of the religion... and then say well i tried... i do some of it... i say i do some of it so um that makes it all good.

Give me a break... when did religion esp christianity become a buffet... a pick and choose deity? I would like any religious person to show any passage etc.. of any book of religion that states this is ok.... Ill wait...
The fact dude thinks because Im a spiked brat is hilarious.Listen kiddo I don't need to fall back on Jesus Christ or god when I'm down I look to myself to figure out what to do next .I don't pray for better days g I make them better .Im not gonna wallow in despair or rely on the word when I can get up and press forward .This whole you had it to good crap makes no sense at all christianity has created a culture of struggle ,self pity and self victimization that has made a lot of people passive aggressive and content in their situations.Im not spoiled because I realized I don't stand for a lot of what's written in the bible and I don't follow majority of the things written into it .Chrsitisnity has been used as political system a criminal organziation etc in the past and too this day It's part of the problems in the world just as much as spreading democracy and spreading communism.I don't care to be blessed and highly favored .Dont care to fake the holy ghost,speak tongues say amen ,preacher drives a Bentley I drive a civic,giant hats,peacock wealth flaunting of going to church thst to me I a waste of my time .I can get inner peace sitting down thinking to myself or on five mile run on the trail by my house.
Just off your avy you lose all merit.  Like I said before if you think religion has any part in the craziness and the wars going on your not as smart as you think you are.  It's about creating one big Banana Republic.  If you can't see that by now your not inlighten at all  
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