Finally told my parents I dont believe in god and that im agnostic.

He still not getting what I'm saying.

You can't have certain discussions with certain people. In this case, those certain people are you're family. When they get to talking that nonsense, instead of confronting them with you opinion, which you know is going to start something, just say "aight' or don't say anything at all. Save you opinions and thought for people that are willing to take in your opinion and give intelligent feedback.
Did Sillyputty get banned again?
Nope unlike Putty I respect people and their religions Im not gonna crack out charts and say hey look all you christians are stupid.What you choose to help you find inner peace inner tranquility is on your own thing.Im not gonna try to run you off your course on your path to enlightment just because I think my road has better pavement and seems better that to me is ignorance and not how things should be done .Im Agnostic I dont have a particular faith I get some of my beliefs from Bushido(its a way of life I know ),Christianity,Islam,Buddhism etc.Im just a guy seeking my own personal enlightment and truth.To compare me to silly putty and his intolerance and vitrol is an insult.Im not gonna derail you by pretending because you are a christian you cant have your own morals ,personal beliefs on human rights etc.Thats not what I do.
Nope unlike Putty I respect people and their religions Im not gonna crack out charts and say hey look all you christians are stupid.What you choose to help you find inner peace inner tranquility is on your own thing.Im not gonna try to run you off your course on your path to enlightment just because I think my road has better pavement and seems better that to me is ignorance and not how things should be done .Im Agnostic I dont have a particular faith I get some of my beliefs from Bushido(its a way of life I know ),Christianity,Islam,Buddhism etc.Im just a guy seeking my own personal enlightment and truth.To compare me to silly putty and his intolerance and vitrol is an insult.Im not gonna derail you by pretending because you are a christian you cant have your own morals ,personal beliefs on human rights etc.Thats not what I do.
Lol nah man I wasn't throwing a shot at you, or calling you sillyputty, it was a real question..I thought dude would be all over this thread and I didn't see him so I figured he was probably banned. I'm a christian, but I respect your views since they are your beliefs, it's your life.
He still not getting what I'm saying.
You can't have certain discussions with certain people. In this case, those certain people are you're family. When they get to talking that nonsense, instead of confronting them with you opinion, which you know is going to start something, just say "aight' or don't say anything at all. Save you opinions and thought for people that are willing to take in your opinion and give intelligent feedback.
but thats the problem right there...

Too many times, ive been having this convo with my girl... And she would FLY off the handle when i said why i thought the bible was fiction.

At first i was like, "naw... I dont eem wanna go there" but she kept pressuring and i brought it out.

3 minutes later, she's BANGING on the car door screaming "that is not true! Let me out of this car!" crying cuz i shook her foundation.

In our community, people with alternative vies of christianity are looked at funny, but arent even given.a CHANCE to state their case.

We need more people to stand up to OUR OWN SELVES and state what they believe in. If not, too many black people will fall into the same sheepish mentatlity, and not even have a chance to choose what they beleive in.

I dig what youre saying about avoiding the conflict, though famb... I just think someitmes, people in the black community with differeing views avoid it too much, as a result from pressure from our family.

Shiddd... Even muslims dont act the way black christians do...
I don't know how you dudes think the complexity of our inner bodies(our organs complementing one another and all serving a purpose to keep our bodies functioning properly) as a fluke.  I don't know you, but I think your back has ever been against the wall to the point where you have no one else to call on but God.  You seem as if your life is a bit cushiony, and have never experienced or seen true evil with your own eyes.  Your folks may be a little suffocating with you having faith in God, but it might just be they want their children spiritually equip for the evil that they know exist in the real world.

IMO your just one of those people that lives for going against the gain to be different.  That could be why your people are so frustrated with you.  By all means have your own opinion and interest, but don't start reaching just to be different.  

Live your life and accomplish your goals career wise no matter what people say, but don't walk around with your head up your *** like your smarter then smart.  Use common sense over book smarts and the thoughts of so called intellectuals.   Don't be naive and exercise your common sense over all your mental abilities.        
I don't plan to have this conversation with my family until I'm on my own. I need to be able to get up and leave if the conversation gets to loud. My family is too religion based. I don't see alot of religious attendance in the future for Americans
I don't know how you dudes think the complexity of our inner bodies(our organs complementing one another and all serving a purpose to keep our bodies functioning properly) as a fluke.  I don't know you, but I think your back has ever been against the wall to the point where you have no one else to call on but God.  You seem as if your life is a bit cushiony, and have never experienced or seen true evil with your own eyes.  Your folks may be a little suffocating with you having faith in God, but it might just be they want their children spiritually equip for the evil that they know exist in the real world.

IMO your just one of those people that lives for going against the gain to be different.  That could be why your people are so frustrated with you.  By all means have your own opinion and interest, but don't start reaching just to be different.  

Live your life and accomplish your goals career wise no matter what people say, but don't walk around with your head up your *** like your smarter then smart.  Use common sense over book smarts and the thoughts of so called intellectuals.   Don't be naive and exercise your common sense over all your mental abilities.        
this ain't eem that kind of thread bro, so lets not even go down that path.

Its about homey feeling a certain way and letting his family know

I think for mothers, its more acceptable to have a gay son than a atheist /agnostic /alternative religion son...
OP, I applaud you for being who you are and standing up for yourself to your family. that takes inner-strength to be honest with yourself and takes even more strength to continue day after day knowing that you're on the outs with your family.

some people just don't take change well. and it could just be your family needs time to adjust. hopefully, they can realize you're still the same guy deep down they've always known regardless of religion or what path you take in life, they'll accept you for who you are.

I'm not black, so I don't claim to know what black culture is or what's acceptable or not, but I'm asian and I also know what it's like to be part of a close knit and religious minority community who expect you to act and think a certain way while the outside world also pigeonholes you to act a certain way.

being on the outs with your own community is a VERY HARD thing to be in, especially when you're a minority, because the rest of the world labels you as different as well.

in every day life, I don't always feel totally accepted by whites or blacks or Hispanics (I'm always reminded how i'm different) and then when you compound that with being the black sheep of your own family, it feels like there's no where / no one to turn to.

Would it have been any better or worse if you told them you were a different religion (like converting to Islam or Buddhism) than being agnostic?
Its really just sad and annoying man how they act around me.To be black and non religious almost removes you from the community or atleast your family.God knows how many times Ive lost interest in a chick the minute she says I need to go to church . I feel like it puts me at odds with the rest of my community.My love of knowledge including knowledge of self has made me an outcast.One thing my mom said something about me needing to have a conversation with god and I said oh you mean self reflection.She looked at me like she wanted to vomit.My younger brother said I needed to be baptizied and I told him why its not gonna change my opinions and its not gonna make me a christian as me pouring motor oil on myself and standing in the garage makes me a car.

Or DOES he???? >D

Sorry, couldn't resist.

That statement stood out to me as well :lol:. I can't call it OP, I don't know you or your family, so this is kind of a one sided view of things.
this ain't eem that kind of thread bro, so lets not even go down that path.
Its about homey feeling a certain way and letting his family know
I think for mothers, its more acceptable to have a gay son than a atheist /agnostic /alternative religion son...

Dude is talking his religious beliefs, conflict with family, and his views on life.  I believe dude is looking for insight from whoever and support from thos like minded. 

OP I do find it funny tho that you don't believe in God yet you support the republican party your something like the new starburst flavor morph, not to ruffle your feathers tho.
Dude is talking his religious beliefs, conflict with family, and his views on life.  I believe dude is looking for insight from whoever and support from thos like minded. 

OP I do find it funny tho that you don't believe in God yet you support the republican party your something like the new starburst flavor morph, not to ruffle your feathers tho.
my bad homey.

I thought your post was saying how can he not have god in his view ...

My apologies, la fambilia ...
  It's all good G thugery.  I don't see it to be real, but trying to push the point is what got alot of people thinking like this in the first place.  My stance is believe what you like hopfully you'll come around, but in the mean time live your life.  If my insight is called upon then I'll give input  
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Congrats, OP. I never really had to worry about the backlash that comes with denouncing a god. I've been Atheist since I was a small child. None of my family, who for the most part believe, never really had much to say about it. I think they thought it was a phase instead of it being an absolute truth. Well done, sir. Things only get better.

A few tips:

  • Funerals are odd. When you are proud of your system of beliefs, others don't know how to comfort you. It's awkward for them. The cliched '(S)he is a better place' won't be used because they know that you think it's rubbish and that your eyes are secretly rolling (and rightfully so).
  • Keep the eye rolling to a minimum. You are obviously right in your disbelief, but being outwardly dismissive may come across as being disingenuous and elitist.
  • Don't let anyone make you feel bad about your stance. Your stance, although the minority, is founded in deep introspection...just as they claim theirs is.
  • Be happy in your honesty
OP I do find it funny tho that you don't believe in God yet you support the republican party your something like the new starburst flavor morph, not to ruffle your feathers tho.

Religion and the Republican party don't necessarily go hand in hand. You can believe in Conservatism and still not be socially conservative. For example, ever hear of the Log Cabin Republicans (they're Republicans who support gay rights)?

What We Believe

We are loyal Republicans. We believe in limited government, strong national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin represents an important part of the American family—taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation's greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for gay and lesbian people is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. [COLOR=#red]Opposing gay and lesbian equality is inconsistent with the GOP's core principles of smaller government and personal freedom.[/COLOR]
For the most part im a black male living in houston texas and my parents are from a small town my mom was annoying me today about religion and I up and said im agnostic .My mom now thinks I have a mental problem and thinks i need to go to church.Now out of all my brothers Im the black sheep.Im the more radical thinker,unconventional one.All my brothers want to be regular desk job guys.I want to be a writer for my own site and practice bjj and wear cool clothes .Im into history and comic books my brothers are into madden and video games.I like sneakers and Im extremely passionate abot them my brothers could care less.Honestly we coexist decently with my older brother starting to get more into documentaries and what not yet he refuses to read books of any sort for no reason.Im mostly an outsider on most issues besides mma,sneakers,grappling and basketball. Today I kinda cemented my status as the black sheep of the family im pretty much deemed unlikable by younger brother.That whole family dynamic thing isnt cool at all to me anymore.Its kinda awkward but its really lame how my family thinks I truly went crazy ,hell my mom thinks im gay now etc.Its all just really too damn much at this point.
Like what do I do Im good person who maybe a bit brash but overrall im good guy just different from the norm and whats acceptable in black culture.:{


im joking, btw
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Lack of religion, or even mention of it, is one thing I'm enjoying here in Japan. I always do. This society, and many others, function better because religion is not discussed. It's a disease in the USA. Hopefully, youth and the next generations will destroy it.

congratulations, seriously.

its hard for many to trounce their old ways especially when certain ideologies have been forced upon them since one's youth.
Dude is talking his religious beliefs, conflict with family, and his views on life.  I believe dude is looking for insight from whoever and support from thos like minded. 

OP I do find it funny tho that you don't believe in God yet you support the republican party your something like the new starburst flavor morph, not to ruffle your feathers tho.
Ladies and gentlemen, now that's pure ignorance. Unbelievable. In fact most of the republicans I know are not Jesus freaks, they're just fiscally conservative.
Your parents sound really old school. Just let them know that you are your own person and can believe what you want. You don't have to blindly follow what they follow.
cool beans. just know that their validation isnt that important if you really think about it. you arent a better or fuller atheist now after youve told your parents. it was more of a "i was already an atheist but lets see how the people i love react if i tell them my views". you are still the same person. it was your choice to say it. you obviously were aware of the consequences but it has nothing to do with the views so i dont think the thread should be about that.

the internet is a place where you can see how many other people can be like you regardless of walks of life/countries/gender/race. maybe you should change your surroundings if you feel like youre chained to living life unhappily. even if its 20% unhappily, its unecessary.
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