Finally told my parents I dont believe in god and that im agnostic.

Both my parents know...

My dad said me too.

My mom said "I feel sorry for you." (In the sense of not having something to guide me spiritually.. I was going through a rough time when we had this convo).. I responded with "Don't be. I will always do what I feel is right in my mind, and live as honorably as I can"
your family sounds ignorant as hell man. you need to ditch them. seriously. they will do nothing but try to bring you down is what it sounds like
this is the majority of black families brah.

But to OP... I know exactly where you're coming from.

Being a black male and ACKNOWLEDGING you have differing views on life is almost a kiss of death.

The funny part is, black men 18-35 CANT use the church as a crutch like everyone else can.

In this society, we either put uo or shut uo... which is why you rarely see men those ages in church ...

And what makes it worse is when you get involved with another black chick...

I think the collective amongst black people still have the Stockholm syndrome ...

Black people tend to be more overtly showing of their religious pride, but you walk in and see a blond hair, blue eyed Jesus ...

Its crazy cuz this group of black people are SO INTOLERABLE of other beliefs, and I think its because of the Stockholm syndrome.

Its okay, bro... I swear you're not doing anything wrong. Anytime my people try to throw religion my way, I just aide step it and keep it moving

"Ask god" "pray on it" "put it in Jesus hands "

Naw, b.
I'm married to a black woman, and i told her parents I don't believe in Jesus anymore................ you would of thought I was a dead beat dad who beats their daughter or something, because the mood in that room changed mad quick
I'm scared for myself with my future wife cuz based on the percentages, her family will be "devout" Christians ... I think I'm just gonna roll with it...

And tell my kids, "daddy's not going to church cuz I gotta do lawn work"

Then get on the black girl appreciation thread and fap.l when they leave.
your family sounds ignorant as hell man. you need to ditch them. seriously. they will do nothing but try to bring you down is what it sounds like

Ditch them, really it isn't that serious

Don't listen to this *****. My peoples did the same thing when I told them I as agnostic.
Your moms is shocked so just wait it out. Trust me,families bothering u about religion is way better then them not caring about you at all. And this isn't just black thing
Please explain what is "acceptable" in black culture, because I'm confused.
i would suggest reaching out to online communities with like minded individuals. there are a lot of agnostic/atheist people on this forum (myself included).
Its really just sad and annoying man how they act around me.To be black and non religious almost removes you from the community or atleast your family.God knows how many times Ive lost interest in a chick the minute she says I need to go to church . I feel like it puts me at odds with the rest of my community.My love of knowledge including knowledge of self has made me an outcast.One thing my mom said something about me needing to have a conversation with god and I said oh you mean self reflection.She looked at me like she wanted to vomit.My younger brother said I needed to be baptizied and I told him why its not gonna change my opinions and its not gonna make me a christian as me pouring motor oil on myself and standing in the garage makes me a [B/]car.

Comments like that are the reason they dont like *** could have simply told your brother no, but instead you mocked his beliefs. I know their beliefs are stupid and radical but disrespecting them wont change their minds and it won't help the tension in the house
It's a shame that your own family doesn't support your outlook on life. You aren't hurting anyone with your beliefs. Don't make that stop you from being you though because in the end, you are that little chain that linked off from society to form your own. Keep living life my man, while you still can.
You must be Silly Putty cousin. Did you break out the charts, graphs, and videos on the dinner table to describe your disdain for religion?
Being an agnostic is probably half the issue. The other half is at least through what i can comprehend from the OP you sound like a straight prick.
Being an agnostic is probably half the issue. The other half is at least through what i can comprehend from the OP you sound like a straight prick.
Really Im not a prick Im a pretty nice dude you have to have thickskin in my house .I compared and contrasted my family to myself and how dissimilar we are and Im a prick whoops my bad nobody told me being honest makes me a prick.Ill be honest once again in my house being intelligent means you either need to be a doctor a lawyer anything else in my parents and families eyes is waste of time and effort because nobody wants to hire a black writer or nobody wants to listen to a black intellectual at all.I get told every day stupid crap like that o that I try to be educated because I wear glasses.THese are words shared by my whole family bro.Some people are mad ignorant.I cant even have an opinion on politicians because any criticism of Obama or the Democratic party i get called crazy,selfhating ,or a bunch of other crap.
Lack of religion, or even mention of it, is one thing I'm enjoying here in Japan. I always do. This society, and many others, function better because religion is not discussed. It's a disease in the USA. Hopefully, youth and the next generations will destroy it.
Really Im not a prick Im a pretty nice dude you have to have thickskin in my house .I compared and contrasted my family to myself and how dissimilar we are and Im a prick whoops my bad nobody told me being honest makes me a prick.Ill be honest once again in my house being intelligent means you either need to be a doctor a lawyer anything else in my parents and families eyes is waste of time and effort because nobody wants to hire a black writer or nobody wants to listen to a black intellectual at all.I get told every day stupid crap like that o that I try to be educated because I wear glasses.THese are words shared by my whole family bro.Some people are mad ignorant.I cant even have an opinion on politicians because any criticism of Obama or the Democratic party i get called crazy,selfhating ,or a bunch of other crap.

Bolded for irony.

Instead of trying to go NT on everyone with your opinion, just give them the old "...Aight", and save your opinions and disucssions for those who give a damb.
Bolded for irony.
Instead of trying to go NT on everyone with your opinion, just give them the old "...Aight", and save your opinions and disucssions for those who give a damb.
So i cant make a thread in general discussion where allowed to discuss anything oh my bad son .Carry on Tr1ll
Thats not what I meant. Instead of trying to go all NT ON YOUR FAMILY, just save those dicussions for those who want to have the discussions.
Let him live trill.

I don't think he's a a prick.

Too many times, the black culture looks to Jesus christ to do everything.

And if someone doesn't look to Jesus, then there's something "wrong!" With them
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