Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

...but there were school shootings before Columbine that were done primarily by caucasian males.  Were the Columbine killers simply copy cats of those that came before them?

But Columbine was the first school shooting to really garner tons of media attention. I mean hell, we still talk about to this day.
But Columbine was the first school shooting to really garner tons of media attention. I mean hell, we still talk about to this day.
I still don't consider that a sufficient explanation of why these tragedies are carried out predominantly by caucasian males.
The biggest one was an Asian though. But it or seem to mainly be white young guys. Not sure why. Maybe a woe is me entitled attitude. Who knows.

This will happen again

And again. Media gave these losers attention.
One of the doctors discussing this case sort of touched on this today, he said that it may stem from

an inflated sense of self importance.  Like, depression or downtrodde-ness or whatever in other groups may just be percieved as a function

of society while the group that typically commits these acts feels like their condition is a sort of personal injustice
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Maybe they are the majority because they are the majority in general. Demographic wise.

No offense, but I'm assuming you didn't read my post. I'm talking gender and race.

About 80% of mass shootings (or attempted mass shootings) are committed by white males. Around 36% of the population are white males, those numbers don't add up.
Serious question:
Does anybody know why the overwhelmingly majority of mass shootings in this country (and attempted mass shootings) are committed by Caucasian males? Women, blacks, hispanics, etc suffer from mental illness at similar or even higher rates, but rarely commit this type of mass shooting or attempted mass shooting.
*I'm not trying to race bait or start a race war or gender war or anything like that. I really want to know if this have ever been looked into this in relation to mental illness.
Srs answer not trying to start a derail.  But I think it has to do with the lack of belief in God with that demographic.  Some people don't believe this, but religion and the threat of eternal damnation really does keep people in line.
Why the government and mainstream media celebrate mass school shootings (and secretly want them to continue)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Adam Lanza's armed massacre of young students in Newton, Conn. is being celebrated by the mainstream media. It's also being celebrated by Obama administration officials who publicly shed a tear but behind the scenes are no doubt high-fiving each other over the opportunity to push their agenda of citizen disarmament.

The media celebrates mass shootings because they make for great ratings. People tune in to watch the horrifying scenes and share in the grief. This means eyeballs on the screen and that translates into ad revenue for the TV news networks.

Over 33,000 Americans are killed each year in automobile accidents, but those deaths warrant virtually no media coverage. Why? Because individual auto accidents just aren't interesting enough to attract a bunch of eyeballs to the screen. But a mass killing... well, gee, that's interesting to view in a horrifying "train wreck" kind of way. So that gets the air time.

The media glorifies psychopathic killers
What's even more horrifying than the massacre itself is the way the mainstream media now glorifies mass shooters, turning them into cult heroes and even ranking their body counts as a sort of achievement score. The Newtown shooting currently holds the "high score" according to the mainstream media, and they have no problem pushing this kind of junk journalism as long as their teleprompter-reading reporters appear to be convincingly saddened for the cameras.

Never mind the fact that such local shootings are largely irrelevant to the lives of Americans, especially given the far greater relevancy of issues like the Federal Reserve's debt creation monopoly, the deadly body count of prescription drugs (100,000+ Americans a year), the mass fluoride poisoning of the American people and so on. Why did the media spend hours broadcasting O.J. Simpson's white bronco slow-speed car chase on the LA freeways a few years ago? Because it was bizarre, not because it was relevant news. O.J.'s life is irrelevant to almost everyone other than O.J.

With school shootings, you see, the killer victimizes the children once, and then the media victimizes them a second time.

"Never waste a good crisis"
Nowhere is the celebration of school shootings more amplified than in Washington D.C. where the federal government desperately wants to disarm the American people. The higher the body count of children in a given mass shooting, the more "moral authority" D.C. politicians will claim to have in destroying the rights of all Americans by demanding they turn in their guns.

Right now, there's a massive call among traitors like Bloomberg to gut the Second Amendment and completely disarm perfectly innocent American citizens who have done nothing wrong (and are actually upstanding citizens who PREVENT crime).

Remember: Millions of privately-armed Americans are off-duty cops and returning veterans who have been trained by the government to carry weapons and use them to stop crimes. But people like Obama and Bloomberg want to condemn them all as "potential criminals" and strip away their constitutional right to carry a firearm. This is the idiocy of the Washington agenda to ban all guns from private citizens.

The more mass shootings occur, the louder the call becomes for "gun control" which actually doesn't work but it's a convenient scapegoat for those who don't know any better.

This is precisely why Eric Holder and the Obama administration staged Operation Fast & Furious as a way to put guns directly into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, with the hope that those guns would multiply the number of violent shootings in states like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California.

View media item 173447

The plan worked: Those guns were used in violent murders in the USA. But Eric Holder got caught, and now the Obama administration is busy trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug.

School shootings are secretly welcomed by the Obama administration because they create the necessary emotional impact that will result in irrational public support for citizen disarmament schemes. This is why the federal government keeps pushing for school "gun free zones." Such signs posted outside schools advertise those schools as easy targets for psychopathic killers. It's almost like posting a sign that says, "All killers welcomed here!"

Big Pharma also welcomes school shootings
The pharmaceutical industry is at least partially responsible for many of these shootings, as it is their own drugs which cause young males to become violent and detached. The vast majority of shooters over the last two decades have all been taking prescription medications such as antidepressant drugs (which are known to cause violent, suicidal behavior).

But the real benefit to Big Pharma from the school shootings is that such events traumatize other children who can then be "diagnosed" with fictitious psychiatric disorders which are invented solely for the purpose of selling more prescription medications to children who don't need them.

Why school shootings will be allowed to continue
School shootings, you see, benefit the media, the drug companies and the power base of the federal government. This is precisely why such shootings will be allowed to continue.

The solution to stopping all school shootings is ridiculously simple: allow principles and school office personnel to carry concealed. This would allow them to save the lives of children by halting psychopathic killers with lethal force.

And take down those delusional "gun free zone" signs. Posting a sign does not stop a psychopathic killer. If you want to physically stop such a killer, you need something called return fire.
Srs answer not trying to start a derail.  But I think it has to do with the lack of belief in God with that demographic.  Some people don't believe this, but religion and the threat of eternal damnation really does keep people in line.
Seems to work great in the peaceful lands of the middle east.
Seems to work great in the peaceful lands of the middle east.
Low-income minority communities certainly don't have problems with gun violence either. 
Srs answer not trying to start a derail.  But I think it has to do with the lack of belief in God with that demographic.  Some people don't believe this, but religion and the threat of eternal damnation really does keep people in line.

I gotta disagree with this.

Religion has been a huge cause of violence all over the world.
I gotta disagree with this.
Religion has been a huge cause of violence all over the world.
Seems to work great in the peaceful lands of the middle east.
I don't know why you guys keep insisting 1. that the violence is created by religious followers and 2. that it isn't all about greed and retaliation over there.  The region with largest production of oil in the world has had continual unrest since the they discovered that gold.  2+2=4

You guys eat up whatever the media sells you.  People that think like you guys are exactly why the military if given the order would bomb us without a third thought given about it.  

Jarhead mentality  
I don't know why you guys keep insisting 1. that the violence is created by religious followers and 2. that it isn't all about greed and retaliation over there.  The region with largest production of oil in the world has had continual unrest since the they discovered that gold.  2+2=4

You guys eat up whatever the media sells you.  People that think like you guys are exactly why the military if given the order would bomb us without a third thought given about it.  

Jarhead mentality  
We're not insisting that.  We're insisting that religion isn't keeping them in check.  
I don't know why you guys keep insisting 1. that the violence is created by religious followers and 2. that it isn't all about greed and retaliation over there.  The region with largest production of oil in the world has had continual unrest since the they discovered that gold.  2+2=4

You guys eat up whatever the media sells you.  People that think like you guys are exactly why the military if given the order would bomb us without a third thought given about it.  

Jarhead mentality  

Son..before you come at people sideways take a history class.

People have been dying over different religious beliefs since religion has existed. And a lack of religion within the white male demographic (which really isn't even true but anyways) has zero to do with these mass shootings.

Read my original post again, I was talking about mental illness (which obviously many of these killers have) and how it relates to the race and gender of the killers.
Why the government and mainstream media celebrate mass school shootings (and secretly want them to continue)
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Adam Lanza's armed massacre of young students in Newton, Conn. is being celebrated by the mainstream media. It's also being celebrated by Obama administration officials who publicly shed a tear but behind the scenes are no doubt high-fiving each other over the opportunity to push their agenda of citizen disarmament.
The media celebrates mass shootings because they make for great ratings. People tune in to watch the horrifying scenes and share in the grief. This means eyeballs on the screen and that translates into ad revenue for the TV news networks.
Over 33,000 Americans are killed each year in automobile accidents, but those deaths warrant virtually no media coverage. Why? Because individual auto accidents just aren't interesting enough to attract a bunch of eyeballs to the screen. But a mass killing... well, gee, that's interesting to view in a horrifying "train wreck" kind of way. So that gets the air time.
The media glorifies psychopathic killers
What's even more horrifying than the massacre itself is the way the mainstream media now glorifies mass shooters, turning them into cult heroes and even ranking their body counts as a sort of achievement score. The Newtown shooting currently holds the "high score" according to the mainstream media, and they have no problem pushing this kind of junk journalism as long as their teleprompter-reading reporters appear to be convincingly saddened for the cameras.
Never mind the fact that such local shootings are largely irrelevant to the lives of Americans, especially given the far greater relevancy of issues like the Federal Reserve's debt creation monopoly, the deadly body count of prescription drugs (100,000+ Americans a year), the mass fluoride poisoning of the American people and so on. Why did the media spend hours broadcasting O.J. Simpson's white bronco slow-speed car chase on the LA freeways a few years ago? Because it was bizarre, not because it was relevant news. O.J.'s life is irrelevant to almost everyone other than O.J.
With school shootings, you see, the killer victimizes the children once, and then the media victimizes them a second time.
"Never waste a good crisis"
Nowhere is the celebration of school shootings more amplified than in Washington D.C. where the federal government desperately wants to disarm the American people. The higher the body count of children in a given mass shooting, the more "moral authority" D.C. politicians will claim to have in destroying the rights of all Americans by demanding they turn in their guns.
Right now, there's a massive call among traitors like Bloomberg to gut the Second Amendment and completely disarm perfectly innocent American citizens who have done nothing wrong (and are actually upstanding citizens who PREVENT crime).
Remember: Millions of privately-armed Americans are off-duty cops and returning veterans who have been trained by the government to carry weapons and use them to stop crimes. But people like Obama and Bloomberg want to condemn them all as "potential criminals" and strip away their constitutional right to carry a firearm. This is the idiocy of the Washington agenda to ban all guns from private citizens.
The more mass shootings occur, the louder the call becomes for "gun control" which actually doesn't work but it's a convenient scapegoat for those who don't know any better.
This is precisely why Eric Holder and the Obama administration staged Operation Fast & Furious as a way to put guns directly into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, with the hope that those guns would multiply the number of violent shootings in states like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California.

The plan worked: Those guns were used in violent murders in the USA. But Eric Holder got caught, and now the Obama administration is busy trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug.
School shootings are secretly welcomed by the Obama administration because they create the necessary emotional impact that will result in irrational public support for citizen disarmament schemes. This is why the federal government keeps pushing for school "gun free zones." Such signs posted outside schools advertise those schools as easy targets for psychopathic killers. It's almost like posting a sign that says, "All killers welcomed here!"
Big Pharma also welcomes school shootings
The pharmaceutical industry is at least partially responsible for many of these shootings, as it is their own drugs which cause young males to become violent and detached. The vast majority of shooters over the last two decades have all been taking prescription medications such as antidepressant drugs (which are known to cause violent, suicidal behavior).
But the real benefit to Big Pharma from the school shootings is that such events traumatize other children who can then be "diagnosed" with fictitious psychiatric disorders which are invented solely for the purpose of selling more prescription medications to children who don't need them.
Why school shootings will be allowed to continue
School shootings, you see, benefit the media, the drug companies and the power base of the federal government. This is precisely why such shootings will be allowed to continue.
The solution to stopping all school shootings is ridiculously simple: allow principles and school office personnel to carry concealed. This would allow them to save the lives of children by halting psychopathic killers with lethal force.
And take down those delusional "gun free zone" signs. Posting a sign does not stop a psychopathic killer. If you want to physically stop such a killer, you need something called return fire.
exactly one of the only truthfull and real things said in this thread.... and i hate when ppl say oh this isnt a time to talk about things like this... IF not now then when... A emotional person tends to think rash and illogical and its also a perfect time to in a sense pull the wool over their eyes.

like i stated in the gun control thread when ppl are saying how can we stop all this violence... simple dont let emotions etc cloud your logical reasoning. And often times most times the simpliest answer is right in front of you. But its kinda hard to see it with eyes full of tears.

I mean some of the things said in this thread by certain ppl, i know given if they werent speaking from a place of emotion wouldnt have said what they said. Many ppl stating things based off of knee jerk reactions.... who in many cases if kids etc.. werent involved and didnt atack theey heart would view things alot different.
Sad reality is that nothing is gonna change regarding the ease of access of firearms, every GOP representative they showed on CNN talked about how hey own shotguns and weapons and wouldn't want their right infringed upon....one even had the tired argument of the principal who dove in front of the kids to protect them and how they wish he had an m40 in his desk to open fire back on the shooter....like how someone could say that at a time like this is disheartening. Sure, a principal in an elementary school with a gun in their desk is a fantastic idea...let the kids see a crossfire going on while they're right in the middle of it, having bullets from all directions. People gotta understand, not everyone wants to own or use a gun, it's a right NOT a requirement. You don't know how the hell an untrained person will react with a gun in a stressful or life threatening scenario. All we can do is hope for some change I guess...I'm not optimistic though
Son..before you come at people sideways take a history class.
People have been dying over different religious beliefs since religion has existed. And a lack of religion within the white male demographic (which really isn't even true but anyways) has zero to do with these mass shootings.
Read my original post again, I was talking about mental illness (which obviously many of these killers have) and how it relates to the race and gender of the killers.
You should take a history lesson, because it was all chill over there 40 years ago, and they were very west friendly.  Then they keep discovering more oil wells, and then things began to change. 

Since religion existed?  That's a wild statement. 

We've already established these guys are mentally ill, but the difference with this demographic and others is the lack of faith and religion.  Other demographics with mental illness like this are overly religious and that's all they talk about if you've ever dealt with them like that.  And if they kill anybody it's most likely themselves and/or someone/someones(pleural) that is connected to them personally; not a bunch of random people they don't know.
We're not insisting that.  We're insisting that religion isn't keeping them in check.  
Yes because they don't believe in it or follow it.  They do what they want over there.

But like I said I'm not going to derail this thread.  I was just throwing my thought out there on the OG statement.
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its thinking emotions mindsets like this, that will keep events like this occurring... As often as ppl qoute and say it "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" if only they applied that logic to all facets in life.
whats the point of postic a picture like that? :rolleyes

Obviously religious trolls taking a stupid jab but here you are with you're equal stupidity.

What about someone being religious, and thinking God's presence should be bigger int he lives of everyone relates to some unhealthy man committing heinous acts?
whats the point of postic a picture like that?

Obviously religious trolls taking a stupid jab but here you are with you're equal stupidity.
What about someone being religious, and thinking God's presence should be bigger int he lives of everyone relates to some unhealthy man committing heinous acts?
how is it different then ppl posting here saying tighter gun laws.... etc the same principles and reasoning you used for this can be applied to about 95% of the comments expressed and stated in this thread...

My point is elaborating on what dc said... ppl look up down around and past the problems and reasoning for said events happening amongst other things that occur, instead of seeing it for what it is and addressing the actually issues and problems...

aka i wish he was still alive so we could drag beat stone him etc... yea it sounds good to and angry grieving upset emotion filled mob who isnt thinking rationally. But just like that pic, the thoughts expressed by said ppl of pic, and many in here would not changed what will happen nor will change it ever happening again.

I understand some ppl look at this thread as a iuno grieving thread/memorial.. and some ppl look at it as a i wanna say emotion based responses and vent etc... but it seem to have taken a turn into viable options solutions to an on going problem... and part of solving problems is eliminating variables that simply dont work. And actully discussion addressing the issue at hand.
"I said, 'There are bad guys out there now. We need to wait for the good guys,'" she told ABC News.
One student claimed to know karate. "It's OK. I'll lead the way out," the student said.

so innocent :frown:
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