Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

And get who to replace me? There are only so many commissioned officers in the military. Especially combat arms officers.
Paint me as a terrorist for disobeying an unlawful order? Watch the ranks thin quicker than they could ever hope to fill them.
at worse you would be discharged... or very least article 15 possibly demotion in rank/pay... and i cant see the military promoting unqualified soldiers just for the sakes of filling slots.

But i do agree with some, there would be soldiers who would attack civilians if nothing more then to settle personal vendettes and pursuit personal agendas ie against certain race/religions...
Media changing the story every ******g time. 
The fact that a person has the capacity to do something like this is literally incomprehensible. I can't even get my mind around it.

And to think, it is HIGHLY unlikely that he's the only person on this planet who has the capacity to do so :smh:
What ever happened to the dude with the army fatigues that got arrested in the woods behind the school? I haven't heard anything about him since Friday afternoon.
Disgusting people on social media :stoneface:

[Updated at 11:50 a.m. ET] Inaccurate information about the Connecticut elementary school shooting is spreading on social media, and authorities could prosecute those responsible, Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance told reporters Sunday.

"Misinformation is being posted on social media sites," he said. "There has been misinformation from people posing as the shooter in this case, posing using other IDs. Mimicking this crime and crime scene and criminal activity that took place in this community. There's been some things in somewhat of a threatening manner. ... These issues are crimes. They will be investigated. ... Prosecution will take place when people who are perpetrating this information are identified."

Some one threatened a church 2 miles away from the school :x :smh:

[Updated at 1:31 p.m. ET] We've just learned that officials have given the "all-clear" at the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church in Newtown, Connecticut. The church had been evacuated due to an unspecified threat.

[Updated at 1:27 p.m. ET] Authorities evacuated a Catholic church in Newtown, Connecticut, Sunday. It was unclear why the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church had been evacuated.

Witnesses said authorities told them to leave the church premises. A column of armed police officers walked across the church property and entered a building next to the church's parking lot.

The church is less than two miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Serious question:

Does anybody know why the overwhelmingly majority of mass shootings in this country (and attempted mass shootings) are committed by Caucasian males? Women, blacks, hispanics, etc suffer from mental illness at similar or even higher rates, but rarely commit this type of mass shooting or attempted mass shooting.

*I'm not trying to race bait or start a race war or gender war or anything like that. I really want to know if this have ever been looked into this in relation to mental illness.
Serious question:
Does anybody know why the overwhelmingly majority of mass shootings in this country (and attempted mass shootings) are committed by Caucasian males? Women, blacks, hispanics, etc suffer from mental illness at similar or even higher rates, but rarely commit this type of mass shooting or attempted mass shooting.
*I'm not trying to race bait or start a race war or gender war or anything like that. I really want to know if this have ever been looked into this in relation to mental illness.
As a caucasian male, I wonder this myself.
Serious question:
Does anybody know why the overwhelmingly majority of mass shootings in this country (and attempted mass shootings) are committed by Caucasian males? Women, blacks, hispanics, etc suffer from mental illness at similar or even higher rates, but rarely commit this type of mass shooting or attempted mass shooting.
*I'm not trying to race bait or start a race war or gender war or anything like that. I really want to know if this have ever been looked into this in relation to mental illness.

:nerd: I ponder this as well.
The biggest one was an Asian though. But it or seem to mainly be white young guys. Not sure why. Maybe a woe is me entitled attitude. Who knows.

This will happen again

And again. Media gave these losers attention.
What ever happened to the dude with the army fatigues that got arrested in the woods behind the school? I haven't heard anything about him since Friday afternoon.

Was questioned by police and released. Was the ultimate wrong place, wrong time.

Also my apologies for derailing the thread.
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The biggest one was an Asian though. But it or seem to mainly be white young guys. Not sure why. Maybe a woe is me entitled attitude. Who knows.
This will happen again
And again. Media gave these losers attention.

Very true. I was just saying the majority are of a certain demographic.

And actually some ppl in the media are at least trying to do better. Anderson Cooper and Don Lemmon (sp?) said last night they wouldn't repeat the name of the killer or show his picture again. At least some people are finally getting it.
Serious question:
Does anybody know why the overwhelmingly majority of mass shootings in this country (and attempted mass shootings) are committed by Caucasian males? Women, blacks, hispanics, etc suffer from mental illness at similar or even higher rates, but rarely commit this type of mass shooting or attempted mass shooting.
*I'm not trying to race bait or start a race war or gender war or anything like that. I really want to know if this have ever been looked into this in relation to mental illness.
I ponder this as well.
columbine copy cats.
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