Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

If I saw this, you can guarantee ill be catching a case. I wouldn't gaf. It'll be worth it. They need people to beat some sense into these people.
no dambs would be given...

they will get eff'd up... if they show up... you can bet that.
i heard that the cops shot him down...
or did he just shoot himself in the head?
what made him stop? according to reports, he went into two classrooms... did the cops get to him in time?
this may sound wrong, but i wish wish wish they would have found a way to catch him alive...
smh... execution would not eem be in order... i would let him live and torture him till he dies of natural causes...

he took the easy way out, and ended his life. like a coward
Ar guy the same reason you are repeating everything they taught you is the same reason I know soldiers would "follow orders" and kill civilians. Even the way you sound on here reeks of military brainwash......I mean training
I understand what you're saying but i don't think you get what I'm saying. Orders are passed down from top to bottom. From field grade officers to company grade, and I'm saying those orders would never reach the ears of the junior enlisted. You would see mass desertion if those orders were put out. If you want to argue more about this we can do it through PMs. I don't want to clog up this thread about this exact subject anymore.
they don't need to get orders down to the grunts.

only need a few high ranking officers to perform drone attacks

it's the push of a button vs. random untrained people with guns
peasants living like medieval serfs have done a pretty good job against the most advanced military force in world history.
peasants living like medieval serfs have done a pretty good job against the most advanced military force in world history.

Good job at what? Whatever it is, it's a whole different ball game than trying to topple the government here in the US.
I know everyone hate conspiracy theorists but it should apparent with your statement that they were trained by U.S. forces. 

And when they were training them, did the US government provide them with jets, attack choppers, and tanks? Or have they been doing this with a rifle that was first produced in 1949?
just wondering was there any mention of a school police officer?

i remember back when i was in school we had a school officer and lockdown drills just in case

so when this stranger jumped the gate and wouldnt leave he was tazed and arrested with the quickness
they don't need to get orders down to the grunts.

only need a few high ranking officers to perform drone attacks

it's the push of a button vs. random untrained people with guns

Without "grunts" the drones would never even get airborne. High ranking officers aren't the ones flying the drones.
Not to sound crude but like you said FOREIGN countries. It's a lot harder to pull the trigger on someone you relate to.

So if martial law was enacted and these so called "civilians" were rebelling

you dont think a marine would open fire to quell that? :smh:

it already sounds like you been brain washed all the govt has to do is make you believe what they want

and your so called civilian brothers are your greatest enemy
School 'gun free zones' are death traps: Why we must allow qualified school principals and office staff to carry concealed
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Thirty-two thousand Americans are killed each year in automobile accidents, and the President sheds no tears for them. The deaths aren't on the news, and there is no call to "ban cars" to prevent the deaths. Over 100,000 Americans are killed each year by government-approved pharmaceuticals, yet we never see all those dead bodies on the evening news.

The government's horror at Americans dying, it seems, is highly selective. Only people killed with certain kinds of things -- such as guns -- are "celebrated" by the federal government.

As the recent Newtown, Conn. school shooting reminds us, criminals pay no attention to "gun free zone" signs that often emblazon our public schools. Just because some government bureaucrat declares a school to be a gun-free zone does not alter the action of some psycho-crazed, medicated kid showing up with a bunch of guns he stole from somebody else (which is exactly what happened with Adam Lanza in Conn).

But because all the teachers and school employees abide by the gun-free zone rules, they are completely disarmed at all times. This is why schools are the perfect hunting grounds for psychopathic criminals who want to avoid anyone shooting back.

"Blood is on the hands of members of Congress and the Connecticut legislators who voted to ban guns from all schools in Connecticut (and most other states)," wrote Larry Pratt, head of Gun Owners of America. "They are the ones who made it illegal to defend oneself with a gun in a school when that is the only effective way of resisting a gunman."

"What a lethal, false security are the Gun Free Zone laws. All of our mass murders in the last 20 years have occurred in Gun Free Zones. The two people murdered a couple of days earlier in the shopping center in Oregon were also in a Gun Free Zone. Hopefully the Connecticut tragedy will be the tipping point after which a rising chorus of Americans will demand elimination of the Gun Free Zone laws that are in fact Criminal Safe Zones."

Why school employees and principals should be encouraged to carry concealed
Larry Pratt is correct. The solution for all this is stupefyingly obvious: Allow top school officials who pass extensive background checks and proficiency tests to carry concealed firearms at their place of work on a daily basis.

I'm not talking about teachers here. Mixing firearms and young students in the same classrooms seems to invite an unnecessary risk of accidents. But school personnel who work in offices separate from classrooms -- such as the principal, the psychologist, and other support personnel -- do not surround themselves with children like teachers do. If they were allowed to carry concealed handguns on the job, they could act as "school marshals" and provide a front-line defense against future school massacres. (We already have "air marshals" on airplanes who are secretly armed, by the way.)

School principals and other employees are already government employees, after all, and they're already trusted with the health and safety of our nation's children. Allowing them the means to protect those children will save lives and discourage future school shootings.

The idea that posting a sign outside the school which reads "gun free zone" will somehow magically banish all guns from the school grounds is delusional thinking. Signs do not matter to psychopathic killers. You cannot stop them with signs, but you can stop them with return fire.

Think about it: If signs worked to stop militant psychopaths, then Adolf Hitler could have been contained in World War II by the nations of France, Italy and Russia simply posting signs that read, "NO INVADING ARMIES ALLOWED."

Society already brings guns to schools when called for
Now, some of you might say we shouldn't have guns in school under any circumstances. But then why do you call 911 when the shooting starts? To bring men with guns to the school!

That's the whole point of calling the police -- because they have GUNS! And those guns are brought to the scene precisely for the purpose of protecting lives and stopping crime.

It's time we allowed capable, responsible adults who already work at our nation's schools to have those guns at the ready every minute of every day. Why do we disarm school employees and force them to wait for police help to arrive with their guns? The police almost universally arrive after everybody is dead. How does that make any sense?

This unacceptable situation is costing lives when school shootings occur. Because criminal-minded psychopaths can be sure no one is carrying a gun at the school, he can approach the building as a human hunting preserve with virtually no risk of facing any sort of return fire.

The principal in Newton, Conn. was killed by Adam Lanza. But what if she had been packing a Glock with frangible 9mm ammo? She could have returned fire, meaning she could have potentially pinned Adam to one area, injured him or even killed him. This could have been accomplished with minimal risk to the students, especially since failing to do anything obviously cost many more lives.

(Obviously, school employees who do carry guns as part of the common defense of the children would also need to carry frangible ammo in order to prevent shots from penetrating walls. The last thing you need in a school firefight is bullets that can go through multiple walls and cause multiple injuries).

What the Newtown shooting has in common with the Aurora, Colorado James Holmes shooting is that both shootings took place in gun free zones. This is precisely what guaranteed the higher body counts of both of those tragedies.

Gun free zones are death traps
Instead of blaming guns, we should be blaming the delusional idea of "gun free zones." Gun free zones are advertised death traps.

Imagine if you put a sign in your yard stating, "This house is a gun free zone. No guns on the premises." You'd be robbed and looted in no time. Why? Because you're advertising to all the crooks that you have no way to defend yourself against their invasion.

That's what schools do when they post "gun free zones" signs.

A far better sign to post outside schools would be the following:


That sign would make lunatics like Adam Lanza think twice about committing violence on school grounds.

Proof that guns don't kill people: Watch the video

So if martial law was enacted and these so called "civilians" were rebelling
you dont think a marine would open fire to quell that? :smh:
it already sounds like you been brain washed all the govt has to do is make you believe what they want
and your so called civilian brothers are your greatest enemy

How am I brainwashed? I'm telling you I would disobey any such order. :lol:

Other officers I know would disobey those orders.

Ok, I'm done derailing this thread now.
How am I brainwashed? I'm telling you I would disobey any such order. :lol:
Other officers I know would disobey those orders.
Ok, I'm done derailing this thread now.

so if something ever went down you dont think someone would replace you?

or the govt wouldnt lie and paint you as a terrorist or off you for disobedience?
just wondering was there any mention of a school police officer?

i remember back when i was in school we had a school officer and lockdown drills just in case

so when this stranger jumped the gate and wouldnt leave he was tazed and arrested with the quickness

I don't recall there being a mention of a school officer, but given the neighborhood and the age group of the students within the school, an officer of the law within the school was probably overkill (no pun intended).

You encounter police officers within schools moreso in urban settings with higher crime rates. I'm from CT; at any given time there were 2 cops, minimum, patrolling my high school because I lived in a very urban city. All the project kids actually had my high school as their zone school, and with that comes project beef, so we needed the law enforcement.

In the suburbs, especially at the middle school level, there might not be an in-house officer, but there's usually a specific officer who is in charge of responding to any incident that may arise. On the high school level, at best, you'll likely have one officer who occasionally drops by to ensure things are ok.

But like I said, in a town like Newtown, at a school that caters to K through 5th grade, it's very unlikely to have an in-house officer.

so if something ever went down you dont think someone would replace you?
or the govt wouldnt lie and paint you as a terrorist or off you for disobedience?

And get who to replace me? There are only so many commissioned officers in the military. Especially combat arms officers.

Paint me as a terrorist for disobeying an unlawful order? Watch the ranks thin quicker than they could ever hope to fill them.
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