Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

what do people expect obama to do? serioisly, stricter gun laws wont do jack ****. excuse me for not reading the thread but no laws could have prevented this.

"In 1996, Australia banned semi-automatics. In the 18 years before, there were 13 mass shootings. Since then, none."

— Jeffrey D. Sachs (@JeffDSachs) December 15, 2012

Culturally, we are probably more like the Aussies than anyone else.
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It's so much easier to grow weed, grow shrooms. Make pills and opium. Many drugs are naturally occurring or come from a natural source. Which makes it much harder to regulate.

making an automatic weapon is probably hard for an average citizen to do

That's one key reason IMO.
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I'll leave this quote here from one of my favorite movies

"I'm concerned about a ******** who thinks it's wise to come to a business meeting carrying automatic weapons. Because in this country, it don't add inches to your ****, you get a life sentence for it."
I mean can we at least agree nobody should be able to own 40 guns?

They found even more than that on that man from Indiana right?

Who needs 40 guns? For what purpose?

Or Is that infringing on your rights to?

Yup, VA couldn't even get a law passed to limit gun purchases to 1 a month which is ludicrous....who the **** needs more than 12 guns in a calendar year?
It's so much easier to grow weed, grow shrooms. Make pills and opium. Many drugs are naturally occurring or come from a natural source. Which makes it much harder to regulate.
making an automatic weapon is probably hard for an average citizen to do
That's one key reason IMO.

What about coke though? That was the focus on the war on drugs, crack cocaine. Nobody in the US is out here making their own cocaine.

I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just saying if something else was such a failure, how do people think it'll work on guns?
I also feel like we need to severely limit ammo. I mean if you use a gun for self defense you are using 10 shots tops, anything more than that is excessive. No reason people should be able to stock up on thousands of rounds.
There are other civilized countries where strict gun control is effective.

Many of you are just going with a gut feeling it won't work here...

It only works if it's on a federal level. People Go to Virginia and bring back guns to DC or CHI. That's why laws don't work now.

Ten years in federal prison for having a gun see how fast things change.

Agreed. These dudes point out bans in Chicago as if they never heard of a straw purchase.


They learned the man behind the wheel was a felon barred from owning a firearm. And when federal agents conducted an urgent ownership check on the gun, they discovered his wife bought the weapon earlier that year at a suburban store.

Shantella Spencer later admitted she was a “straw purchaser.”

Straw purchasers like Spencer have clean records that allow them to get an Illinois firearm owner’s identification card. With a FOID card, they can purchase guns for people banned from owning them. They sign a federal form saying they’re the “actual” buyer when they really aren’t.

Authorities say straw purchasers are a key source of guns for the felons who’ve driven up Chicago’ murder total 28 percent above last year’s, wreaking havoc in neighborhoods and bringing national attention to the city.
According to the CDC, more people die from alcohol related fatalities than homicides with a firearm. Maybe we should ban automobiles instead of guns.
"In 1996, Australia banned semi-automatics. In the 18 years before, there were 13 mass shootings. Since then, none."
— Jeffrey D. Sachs (@JeffDSachs) December 15, 2012
Culturally, we are probably more like the Aussies than anyone else.

I've lived here (Oz) for 23 years and I've never even seen/wanted/needed/desired a gun. The only people who have guns are the police/ criminals and permitted owners (they can only own something like a .22 and limited ammo), and the crims only ever shoot each other/people that pissed them off. And they only use pistols or shottys, not a full load out of SMGs/ARs from COD. If you even wanted to purchase a gun over here, you would have to find some legit hard nuts to get one from and pay a pretty penny. Something that some soft looking punk definitely would not even attempt to do.

You guys in the US can just rock up to your local shopping centre and pick up a military grade assault rifle with little to no questions asked. :lol: stuff is crazy

A reporter from here that works in the US just did a piece for our local news that showed him going to a department store in Cali (which apparently as a state is meant to have strict gun laws) and purchasing a freaking M4 with no troubles :lol:
What about coke though? That was the focus on the war on drugs, crack cocaine. Nobody in the US is out here making their own cocaine.
I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just saying if something else was such a failure, how do people think it'll work on guns?
cocain comes from the leaves of a coca plant

key word plant

I think crack is just adding baking soda and ice. I may be wrong, but I know it's a damn simple formula

As for how Coke got to America the growing consensus is you can thank Reagan and Oliver North for that. 

I'm not declaring a ban would completley work. It's just my opinion that we should follow other countries that have been able to curb the gun violence. Can't keep going in this direction

But i do know that making alcohol and drugs are FAR easier than guns and ammunition. Which is a gigantic part of why prohibition didn't work in those cases
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According to the CDC, more people die from alcohol related fatalities than homicides with a firearm. Maybe we should ban automobiles instead of guns.
Such a stupid argument. Cars serve a purpose besides killing people. 
It isnt stupid. It just goes to show how ridiculous some of the arguments to "control" guns are.
No, it's a stupid comparison in any case. Comparing something that serves a basic function in human life to something that has no utility besides ending a human life is ridiculous. 
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No, it's a stupid comparison in any case. Read his post without applying your own biases about government involvement and you'll see that.

But wait, government "control" was entirely involved in this case. Gun control doesn't allow people to have a gun on a school premise. You think criminals obey laws? What makes you think just because there is a "limit" on ammo, that it just wont create a black market (like drugs) and then create more crime?
There's zero reason it should be so easy for anyone to purchase a semi-automatic assault rifle and thousands of bullets. Even if it doesn't solve the problem, which it won't, it will at least make it incrementally harder for things like this to happen. How is that a bad thing?
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There's zero reason it should be so easy for anyone to purchase a semi-automatic assault rifle and thousands of bullets. Even if it doesn't solve the problem, which it won't, it will at least make it incrementally harder for things like this to happen. How is that a bad thing?

How is that going to help? This kid didn't buy the bullets, his law abiding mother did.
How is that going to help? This kid didn't buy the bullets, his law abiding mother did.
I already said it's not going to solve the problem entirely, so what you need to answer is: How is it going to hurt? I can't see any way in which stricter regulations on gun purchases makes us less safe. 

And don't make the comparison to illegal drugs leading to more crime, because the drug trade exists because people love getting high. Impossible to compare an addictive cycle to something like guns.
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It's not going to be 100% effective, so do nothing. :rolleyes
One of the worst arguments people can make against doing something...
he was serious too.

Comparing drugs and cars with guns? Some NTers try too hard to go in the opposite direction.
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