Egypt REVOLUTION! Military Coup = Succuessful. U.S. paid military now in power.

I was mysteriously put on the truthout listserv... I still wonder how that happened.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I can't see this ending well at the moment.

I realize anger is involved but if I were them, I'd take a calmer approach if that's at all possible. This could get real bad, real fast with a lot of un-needed casualties.

These corrupt governments will NEVER end. It's like trying to end terrorism. You can't. There will always be killers on this earth.
There's no calm approach to overcoming 30 years of repression.


How can you not end up with a violent revolution when as a regime you hinder peaceful revolution?

The protesters were protesting peacefully for the most part. He then brought out his thugs down on horses and camels thinking this is some Lawrence of Arabia #*@% type of movie to massacre the civilians. The man has been ruling with an iron fist and sees anyone that tries to defy him as useless roaches that need to have their heads cut off. 

He will not step down and will try to just keep brainwashing his masses to keep up with him until he leaves. But, what he did with sending his "pro-supporters" was a big strategic mistake, because now the world saw him to be what he truly is and only strengthened the sympathy towards the Egyptian people that want him out.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Thank you! That was an insightful read. Posting it on my Facebook. I love Noam Chomsky. He is my favorite intellectual, always telling it like it is. Love him.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Thank you! That was an insightful read. Posting it on my Facebook. I love Noam Chomsky. He is my favorite intellectual, always telling it like it is. Love him.
You're very welcome. I enjoy his works/insights as well, if that wasn't already obvious from my avatar. 

Anyway, it looks like Murbarak and his cronies are attempting a few last ditch resorts to control the international dialogue coming out of Egypt. Per CNN, a NileTV reporter just quit because she was pressured to air only pro-Mubarak rallies. 
What's most interesting is what the media's not talkign about. 
From "Market Ticker"

It is?

The Egyptian Pound (EGP) has been pegged to the dollar on an effective basis since 2005.

Their compound inflation rate over the last three years is 45%. 

That is, the cost of living has risen 45%.

Their per-capita GDP is 1/17th of ours, and hasn't materially expanded during that time.

Our per-capita GDP is $47,000, which is quite close to median household income (right near $50k.) 

Their per-capita GDP is $2,700 (both from the CIA World Factbook.)

Would you like to run the numbers on what a 45% increase in the CPI would do to someone living here with a $2,700 per-capita domestic output (which likely closely approximates household income there too)? 

That person would starve.... and maybe riot, eh?

Didn't some ask why would the US push Mubarak out? 

US monetary policy pushed him out. 
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Thank you! That was an insightful read. Posting it on my Facebook. I love Noam Chomsky. He is my favorite intellectual, always telling it like it is. Love him.
Keep posting updates on FB, you're my main source of info
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

What's most interesting is what the media's not talkign about. 
From "Market Ticker"

It is?

The Egyptian Pound (EGP) has been pegged to the dollar on an effective basis since 2005.

Their compound inflation rate over the last three years is 45%. 

That is, the cost of living has risen 45%.

Their per-capita GDP is 1/17th of ours, and hasn't materially expanded during that time.

Our per-capita GDP is $47,000, which is quite close to median household income (right near $50k.) 

Their per-capita GDP is $2,700 (both from the CIA World Factbook.)

Would you like to run the numbers on what a 45% increase in the CPI would do to someone living here with a $2,700 per-capita domestic output (which likely closely approximates household income there too)? 

That person would starve.... and maybe riot, eh?
Can someone break this down at all for me? Not at all math or economically-minded, but interested.
I hate to be "that guy", but could somebody sum up this crisis with some cliffnotes?
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

How long till people in North Korea revolt?

Never. Those people, unfortunately, are brainwashed from birth. They cant save themselves at this point
The video of 30 people getting run over is just... man what is going on out there? Disgusting.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

What's most interesting is what the media's not talkign about. 
From "Market Ticker"

It is?

The Egyptian Pound (EGP) has been pegged to the dollar on an effective basis since 2005.

Their compound inflation rate over the last three years is 45%. 

That is, the cost of living has risen 45%.

Their per-capita GDP is 1/17th of ours, and hasn't materially expanded during that time.

Our per-capita GDP is $47,000, which is quite close to median household income (right near $50k.) 

Their per-capita GDP is $2,700 (both from the CIA World Factbook.)

Would you like to run the numbers on what a 45% increase in the CPI would do to someone living here with a $2,700 per-capita domestic output (which likely closely approximates household income there too)? 

That person would starve.... and maybe riot, eh?
Can someone break this down at all for me? Not at all math or economically-minded, but interested.

basically, he's saying what i say to people who try to make this about america....

if we were as poor as they are, we would riot and rebel, too...

but, like i tell many people who are all of a sudden calling for americans to revolt like egyptians,


i believe the figure was like, the average egyptian survives off 2 dollars a day....and that's on AVERAGE...

imagine if it was like that over here...


so stop trynna make this about america.

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