Egypt REVOLUTION! Military Coup = Succuessful. U.S. paid military now in power.

Originally Posted by rashi


People marching to Presidential Palace. This could get ugly.

Looks like this could be the ultimate showdown.
Fareed Zakaria mentioned on CNN that "Mubarak seems to be trying to bait protesters into violence" so as to "justify harsh/violent crackdown".

the cynic in me agrees 100%. people were jubilant as news leaked of Mubarak's impending departure, but are now absolutely livid. reports that waves of protesters are headed towards the presidential palace and the state television station (which employees had already been given orders to evacuate hours before). definitely looks like it could get uglier than last week.
could someone give an overview of exactly what has transpired in Egypt....why people dont like Mubarak, etc etc...I think it would be beneficial to make clear exactly what is going on
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

could someone give an overview of exactly what has transpired in Egypt....why people dont like Mubarak, etc etc...I think it would be beneficial to make clear exactly what is going on

For one he's been dictator of Egypt for 30 years. Yes, dictator not president because he rigged all elections so that he'll win and stay in power year after year. Most of the money Egypt gains goes straight to him while the majority of people in Egypt are living in poverty, he's filthy rich. And all the other problems stem from this. The people are fed up now. The average Egyptian lives off 2 dollars a day!!
Originally Posted by LakerNation

Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy12

could someone give an overview of exactly what has transpired in Egypt....why people dont like Mubarak, etc etc...I think it would be beneficial to make clear exactly what is going on

For one he's been dictator of Egypt for 30 years. Yes, dictator not president because he rigged all elections so that he'll win and stay in power year after year. Most of the money Egypt gains goes straight to him while the majority of people in Egypt are living in poverty, he's filthy rich. And all the other problems stem from this. The people are fed up now. The average Egyptian lives off 2 dollars a day!!
I heard on the news today there's updated information regarding Mubarak.
what exactly can the VP of Egypt do?  
In my opinion, the people of Egypt should accept him to at least finish his term. If there is one thing that a dictator in the Middle East ensures it is stability. The people of Egypt frankly in my belief don't know what they want by exacerbating and increasing these protests they are only doing one thing: destroying their own country and plunging it away from whatever they may have once had. Mubarak may have rigged elections but at least radicalism and fundamentalism stemming from the Muslim Brotherhood isn't at an alarming rate in their population. Democratic governments in the middle east tend to be very weak in bringing about security, stability and the number one thing they want SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. That will all lead to more debt, remember even though Mubarak was a dictator all Egyptian debts to the west were forgiven for his support of the first Persian Gulf War. Mubarak leaving would especially lead to chaos if this is the damage that is happening with him in office I wouldn't want to see what happens in 5-10 years from now when a civilian government fails and the people are just hoping for martial law to come back in the picture. If the United States didn't invade Iraq in 2003 this would probably be happening to Saddam right now too he kept but look how hard it is for new democratic governments to adjust to post-dictatorship environments. When countries that have only had military governments since independence try the democratic system after 40+ years of dictatorship (Nasser - Sadat - Mubarak) it tends to be very hard to succeed because again in my opinion it's hard for the common people to know what is right not only for them but their entire country. If most of these people live under $2 a day I fail to see how they will vote for the person that's in the best interests of their country. Two and a half weeks ago Egypt was seen to be a stable country that while not developing very fast was at least very stable, now once it goes post-Mubarak what will happen if the religious parties gain an upper hand, what will happen once war with Israel becomes possible again once Mubarak's assured treaties possibly go away, the people will face the reality of their choice that it is they've been living under a dictatorship and they will need a dictatorship to keep control, stability and progress for an environment needed for socio-economic development. If the people think their poverty will simply disappear when the man who's responsible for it is gone they will be in for a rude awakening in 5 years when a civilian government's approval ratings begin to fall due to increased debt and not much change of poverty or life-style. This has happened before with other countries it is highly possible to happen here.
My cousins are out there right now. Got some awesome pics of the square yesterday. Hope they aren't there now. it's goona get ugly...

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

It bothers me that it's easier to assassinate a leader in America than it is in Egypt.
They know how to assassinate in Egypt too.

Mubarak took over as president in 1981 when his predecessor, Anwar Sadat, was shot dead and assassinated. In that incident, Mubarak actually got wounded. I don't remember, but I think he was shot in the hand. I remember seeing a video of the assassination and then seeing Mubarak holding his hand. Let me find the video on Youtube of the assassination.

On 6 October 1981, the month after the crackdown, Sadat was assassinated during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to celebrate Egypt's crossing of the Suez Canal.[sup][28][/sup] A http://
Here's the video.That is Mubarak sitting at the 18 sec mark next to Anwar Sadat before the assassination. I cannot find the video of the aftermath where someone whisks away Mubarak as he was wounded. I am so sure it was his hand that got shot.
I've never seen anything quite like this.

The people of Egypt are estatic.

The question is now, who takes over? And what does that mean for peace talks?

Also, does this spread to other Islamic nations?
Tears of joy right now

Egypt is free for the first time in its 7000+ year history.

Military will lead the transition until Presidential elections later this year.

I cant believe it. Tahya Masr. Tahya Om el donya.
"Nothing will change"

"This is American backed"

"They need more than 10,000 people on the streets"



I'm very proud and happy for the Egyptian people. I was just chilling with my boy who is from Egypt when the news broke and he broke down and started crying.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Also, does this spread to other Islamic nations?

That's the BIGGEST question. I'm happy for the people of Egypt..........power to the people!!
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