Egypt REVOLUTION! Military Coup = Succuessful. U.S. paid military now in power.

Egypt is free? The military which is entirely SUBSIDIZED by this country has taken over. That's freedom?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Tears of joy right now

Egypt is free for the first time in its 7000+ year history.

Military will lead the transition until Presidential elections later this year.

I cant believe it. Tahya Masr. Tahya Om el donya.
We must of gave him the or else talk. If america is truly a leader, they'll make him give back a lot of that aid money we gave him over these thirty years that he kept for himself
Rashi, you're truly a master at spinning situations one way or another. There are news networks that would pay very generously to have someone like you on their staff. 
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

In my opinion, the people of Egypt should accept him to at least finish his term. If there is one thing that a dictator in the Middle East ensures it is stability. The people of Egypt frankly in my belief don't know what they want by exacerbating and increasing these protests they are only doing one thing: destroying their own country and plunging it away from whatever they may have once had. Mubarak may have rigged elections but at least radicalism and fundamentalism stemming from the Muslim Brotherhood isn't at an alarming rate in their population. Democratic governments in the middle east tend to be very weak in bringing about security, stability and the number one thing they want SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. That will all lead to more debt, remember even though Mubarak was a dictator all Egyptian debts to the west were forgiven for his support of the first Persian Gulf War. Mubarak leaving would especially lead to chaos if this is the damage that is happening with him in office I wouldn't want to see what happens in 5-10 years from now when a civilian government fails and the people are just hoping for martial law to come back in the picture. If the United States didn't invade Iraq in 2003 this would probably be happening to Saddam right now too he kept but look how hard it is for new democratic governments to adjust to post-dictatorship environments. When countries that have only had military governments since independence try the democratic system after 40+ years of dictatorship (Nasser - Sadat - Mubarak) it tends to be very hard to succeed because again in my opinion it's hard for the common people to know what is right not only for them but their entire country. If most of these people live under $2 a day I fail to see how they will vote for the person that's in the best interests of their country. Two and a half weeks ago Egypt was seen to be a stable country that while not developing very fast was at least very stable, now once it goes post-Mubarak what will happen if the religious parties gain an upper hand, what will happen once war with Israel becomes possible again once Mubarak's assured treaties possibly go away, the people will face the reality of their choice that it is they've been living under a dictatorship and they will need a dictatorship to keep control, stability and progress for an environment needed for socio-economic development. If the people think their poverty will simply disappear when the man who's responsible for it is gone they will be in for a rude awakening in 5 years when a civilian government's approval ratings begin to fall due to increased debt and not much change of poverty or life-style. This has happened before with other countries it is highly possible to happen here.
Since, Mubarak is gone I felt the need to quote myself. I was quite confident he would stay but the military takeover is just the same as a dictatorship without a figurehead. I wonder how free the people feel still that a military is in charge. 
I like this quote from a New York Times comment

Its not over. You killed the beast. Not what created him. Now that the military has taken over, a multitude of things can happen.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

In my opinion, the people of Egypt should accept him to at least finish his term. If there is one thing that a dictator in the Middle East ensures it is stability. The people of Egypt frankly in my belief don't know what they want by exacerbating and increasing these protests they are only doing one thing: destroying their own country and plunging it away from whatever they may have once had. Mubarak may have rigged elections but at least radicalism and fundamentalism stemming from the Muslim Brotherhood isn't at an alarming rate in their population. Democratic governments in the middle east tend to be very weak in bringing about security, stability and the number one thing they want SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. That will all lead to more debt, remember even though Mubarak was a dictator all Egyptian debts to the west were forgiven for his support of the first Persian Gulf War. Mubarak leaving would especially lead to chaos if this is the damage that is happening with him in office I wouldn't want to see what happens in 5-10 years from now when a civilian government fails and the people are just hoping for martial law to come back in the picture. If the United States didn't invade Iraq in 2003 this would probably be happening to Saddam right now too he kept but look how hard it is for new democratic governments to adjust to post-dictatorship environments. When countries that have only had military governments since independence try the democratic system after 40+ years of dictatorship (Nasser - Sadat - Mubarak) it tends to be very hard to succeed because again in my opinion it's hard for the common people to know what is right not only for them but their entire country. If most of these people live under $2 a day I fail to see how they will vote for the person that's in the best interests of their country. Two and a half weeks ago Egypt was seen to be a stable country that while not developing very fast was at least very stable, now once it goes post-Mubarak what will happen if the religious parties gain an upper hand, what will happen once war with Israel becomes possible again once Mubarak's assured treaties possibly go away, the people will face the reality of their choice that it is they've been living under a dictatorship and they will need a dictatorship to keep control, stability and progress for an environment needed for socio-economic development. If the people think their poverty will simply disappear when the man who's responsible for it is gone they will be in for a rude awakening in 5 years when a civilian government's approval ratings begin to fall due to increased debt and not much change of poverty or life-style. This has happened before with other countries it is highly possible to happen here.
Since, Mubarak is gone I felt the need to quote myself. I was quite confident he would stay but the military takeover is just the same as a dictatorship without a figurehead. I wonder how free the people feel still that a military is in charge. 
I like this quote from a New York Times comment

Its not over. You killed the beast. Not what created him. Now that the military has taken over, a multitude of things can happen.
Temporary military control is not uncommon in democratic transitions.

Whether or not the military accedes to the demands of the public is a question of its personality more than anything.
From my understaning the military is the one who gave President Mubarak the ultimatium to leave?

Am I wrong?

President Murbarak spoke yesterday about staying in power until his term ran out, he then ordered the military to take action, but the military told him that he needed to go. I've also read that many members of the military were threating to walk out and join the people in the streets of Cairo.

I could be wrong, but to the people who are questioning the freedom, if these elements are true, doesn't that mean the even the military wanted to see Mubarak go? If members of the army who were assigned to protect Muburak and the state of Egypt's dictatorship for the last 30 years are deciding that it's either you or me, doesn't that tell you that they want freedom as well?

Obviously the military is going to gain control, someone needs to control the state or else people would be running wild. But the military is going to take control until a new interim government is set up, correct?
A Egypt went hard tho
Congrats to them. Hopefully they can have a legit election this year and start the regime right.
From the looks of things, I'd say that the military high council will run the affairs of the state until the election.
Originally Posted by True Blues


Explain to me how this is a US military coup. I'm dying to know.

Mubarak's time ran out, wasn't cooperative with U.S. interests and proof of this came from his speech last night when he basically told the world to "leave Egypt alone". The Egyptian military was bought by the United States a long time ago, since about the middle of last century. A lot of their intelligence are operatives of the CIA and FBI, their top military people are and were trained in the United States i.e. West Point, Annapolis. Including of which Nasser, Mubarak, and Sulieman. Top Egyptian military officials were in Washington a few days even before the protests started.

Mubarak just doo-dooed on the U.S. last night and did the opposite of what he was suppose to do. Our own moron of a leader of the CIA leanred about the "voluntary resignation" of Mubarak when he was testifying in front of a Congressional Commitee. Then a few hours later he states he isn't "leaving", then after about a day he is forcibly removed?

Don't you watch the news and listen to how they talk about "What does this do for U.S. interests"? Who gives a damn about U.S. interests when people are protesting in the streets?

How the hell does Military Coup = Freedom? They have all the weapons, tanks, ect? Their people have ZILCH, and that's "freedom"?

Can anyone ever tell me when the a military that took control voluntarily ceded power?  

Rashi, you're truly a master at spinning situations one way or another. There are news networks that would pay very generously to have someone like you on their staff. 
No. The masters are already on TV.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

From the looks of things, I'd say that the military high council will run the affairs of the state until the election.  next revolution
I am so emotional.

This is truly so inspiring and just so amazing.

Congratulations to my Egyptian brethen! You have truly shown such resilience, bravery, courage, strength, and showed the world how a revolution should be done. I KNEW you would succeed. Your social activism is to be respected and reflected all over the world for showing such a beautiful human spirit and for achieving the fundamental right we all deserve as human beings, freedom.

I really feel for those protesters that died in the last 18 days, but they did not die in vain.

This is a monumental and historical day for the entire Arab world. Ever since I was born I always knew of Egypt's leader just as to be Hosni Mubarak, the lapdog tyrant he is. The people of Egypt have given hope to the rest of the Middle East that if they stand united, they truly can make a change against their tyrants and oppressive authocratic regimes.

Some here are saying how this is not over yet. Of course, who knows the road this will take and if it will fully achieve true democracy. But, this is about more than that, this is finally attaining a human conquest that was thought to never be fulfilled. It took them 18 days to topple a tyrant who was ruling an iron fist for 30 years. Such an incredible and amazing feat which many thought would not even see the light of day. That in itself an insurmontable achievement which cannot be denied.

Thank you Egypt for making all of us Arabs proud and for giving us hope. I really do hope that one day I will see the day that Palestine is independent and free and that my parents will get to be buried in their homeland.

I also just want to mention that today is the day that Nelson Mandela was set free 21 years ago after enduring 27 years of imprisonment. "Free at last". So fitting.
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