Egypt REVOLUTION! Military Coup = Succuessful. U.S. paid military now in power.

anderson cooper was attacked?
Damn, Egypt has more freedom than we do.

If we went out protesting, they would be demanding our PERMITS to protest with semi-automatic weapons pointed in our face.
Originally Posted by rashi

Damn, Egypt has more freedom than we do.

If we went out protesting, they would be demanding our PERMITS to protest with semi-automatic weapons pointed in our face.
arresting us, tazing us, beating us, and shooting those who fight back... because we dont have permits.

My sociology teacher was talking about this today. She's predicting this is just part of a domino effect, and that more nations are gonna follow Egypt when this is said and done (maybe sooner).
I can't see this ending well at the moment.

I realize anger is involved but if I were them, I'd take a calmer approach if that's at all possible. This could get real bad, real fast with a lot of un-needed casualties.

These corrupt governments will NEVER end. It's like trying to end terrorism. You can't. There will always be killers on this earth.
I wonder who's next? Libya? Pakistan? Ethiopia?

Pakistan would be wild. I wonder if the US has any contingency plans for dealing with revolts in nuclear states. Wonder how India would feel about it.

So many questions . . .
I knew this wasn't going to be a peaceful transition.  They had to know that this would end in violence because he obviously has "some" supporters, and the protestors want him out now. 

 @ the scene from "Anchorman" .... NT .. what a sense of humor ... But one dude got rocked by a rock (literally) and after he went down, none of his people looked back.  That mob pounced on him!  It's ahhhh .. probably going to get even uglier, and will likely end up being a widespread Middle East issue, and a Global economic issue now pertaining to oil prices. 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I can't see this ending well at the moment.

I realize anger is involved but if I were them, I'd take a calmer approach if that's at all possible. This could get real bad, real fast with a lot of un-needed casualties.

These corrupt governments will NEVER end. It's like trying to end terrorism. You can't. There will always be killers on this earth.
There's no calm approach to overcoming 30 years of repression.
i'm really lost as to whats been happening and why...

does anybody have a video explaining it??? all these articles are really confusing me
Crazy visuals.  Its like a setting in call of duty or something.  Is there any consensus on the % of people who are for and against Mubarak?

The girl on al-jazeera right now 
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