E3 2013 (June 11-13) Let the Next Gen Wars BEGIN

Which Next-Gen console is going to deliver at E3?

  • Xbox One (Microsoft)

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  • Playstation 4 (Sony)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wii-U (Nintendo)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You have to be a moron to take that diagram of lending used games on X1 and PS4 seriously. No one is going to FedEx a game. People lend games to people they know and contact in close proximity. I've lent and borrowed a lot of PS3 and 360 games. Got a couple used. If I've played a game thoroughly and beat it a couple times and I'm not playing it, and someone I know mentions it, I lend it to them. I don't lend games I'm still playing. I'm not going to inconvenience myself. Used games are still a billion dollar industry. Some people keep all their games, even if they never play them again, but others trade them in. It's a huge deal for most people.

I always felt like the game sharing on the X1 was a distraction from the restrictions. If I buy a $60 game, I should be able to sell, lend, or trade it to my hearts content. As a kid, used games and renting games was the only way I could play different games on a regular basis. Unless the game sharing was entirely nonrestrictive and those 10 people could play whenever they wanted, this is good news for the X1.
Man if you dont have any friends who lived or moved to other states thats on you. But its quite common to have friends who are not local, how would you suggest I share a game w/ them?

Game sharing was not a distraction it was an incentive to get gamers used to digital distribution for the next xbox after the X1 that would more then likely come w/o a disc drive of any kind

If the sharing plan was fake why was steam preparing their own plan?

Man if you dont have any friends who lived or moved to other states thats on you. But its quite common to have friends who are not local, how would you suggest I share a game w/ them?

Game sharing was not a distraction it was an incentive to get gamers used to digital distribution for the next xbox after the X1 that would more then likely come w/o a disc drive of any kind

If the sharing plan was fake why was steam preparing their own plan?
How did you do it before? Did you and your friends mail games to each other across the United States?
Why? It doesnt effect what Playstation offers.

If you are mad another company came to their senses because it might cause more parity, you're an idiot. Straight up.

Ideal situation is a 33% console market share between all three. As a consumer, these companies will all be fighting as hard as they can for your dollars. THAT is what we should all be hoping for.

Ding ding ding. Someone gets it.
Game sharing was not a distraction it was an incentive to get gamers used to digital distribution for the next xbox after the X1 that would more then likely come w/o a disc drive of any kind
It really wasn't an incentive for digital distribution because with X1 you could install all games to HD from disc. And then people would share from that. If they made it so it was only digital downloads that could do that, then it would be an incentive for digital distribution.
That game sharing plan was too good to be true. I'm not mourning the "loss" of it at all.
Man if you dont have any friends who lived or moved to other states thats on you. But its quite common to have friends who are not local, how would you suggest I share a game w/ them?

Game sharing was not a distraction it was an incentive to get gamers used to digital distribution for the next xbox after the X1 that would more then likely come w/o a disc drive of any kind

If the sharing plan was fake why was steam preparing their own plan?
How did you do it before? Did you and your friends mail games to each other across the United States?
Yes I have mailed a game to a friend and given a games to friends who came back to town on holiday but being able to share online and STILL being able to play it on my own console is an infinitely better option.
that game sharing plan was not what they said it was gonna be.  think about it.  so they do all this drm stuff - they take away trading.  they take away selling.  they take away playing offline.  you can't play your **** after 24 hours.  but then you can give your game to ten ****** free of charge and all play it at the same time?!  no bruhs, no.  you think any publisher would be fine with that but not fine with a dude sayin, 'here breh, you can borrow destiny for a bit,'?!  naw, they were out of pocket talkin that mess and realized at some point this week that they weren't gon be able to fulfill that promise whatsoever so they caved in.  anyone don't believe that, don't believe the stars shine at night.
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From the XBOX ONE thread...

All they had to do was get rid of the 24 hour offline limit and the mandatory kinect. Once explained, the other stuff was fine.

I feel this way. They're royally ******g up now... I mean, it's cool that they listen to consumers and all, but eating your words so hard like that isn't a good look either. It looks very unprofessional.

As a professional, you're supposed to say "this is what's best. We know this because were the professionals" and prove it. Microsoft just tucked it's tail and peppered it's angus.

Halo 4 left a bad taste in a lot of fan's mouths. Destiny will be out by the time Halo 5 is out. It's not going to bomb, but Halo could be taking a back seat this generation. 343 has a lot to prove.
Why? They gave him is talking points and he did his job. How they hell could he predict that management would do a 180.
He works for us and MS, basically the community manager. His job is to inform us about the policies,features and inquire with management about certain questions the community has. The last couple of months he hasn't been doing that, he has been coming off like an *** in interviews or not sure how some things are going to work. If you don't know just say i cant speak about that now its that simple, but no lets take a jab at the competition while i have on clue what is going on in my camp.
Major Nelson: Come with me into the future Joe. 

Oh wait...
someone convince me to get an xbox 1 over a ps4

i havent been paying attention to the changes i just wanna see what they changed and why
Yes I have mailed a game to a friend and given a games to friends who came back to town on holiday but being able to share online and STILL being able to play it on my own console is an infinitely better option.

When were you ever able to do this and when was this ever promised? 

Halo 4 left a bad taste in a lot of fan's mouths. Destiny will be out by the time Halo 5 is out. It's not going to bomb, but Halo could be taking a back seat this generation. 343 has a lot to prove.

Destiny will probably be great, but I seriously doubt it will be a Halo killer. It is a different beast

The reason Halo fell off is because they went away from the Halo 2/Halo 3 formula so I doubt Destiny which has ADSing, Bloom, crazy unbalanced weapons and Space Magic will capture the hearts of hardcore Halo fans.
yea, halo and destiny are two different beasts. Destiny is an mmo where as halo is a shooter/competitive shooter. I would see Destiny beeing in direct competition with Elder Scrolls online before games like cod and halo
Once the original developers stop working on a franchise they solely created, it ends. It doesn't matter if they make a Halo 10, they will never be real Halo games, just imitations. Even if a another developer makes a extremely good Halo game it still won't cut it; it's just their vision of what they THINK Halo should be and where it should go.

Halo 1, 2, 3 and Reach are the only Halo games, everything after that is fan fiction.
Once the original developers stop working on a franchise they solely created, it ends. It doesn't matter if they make a Halo 10, they will never be real Halo games, just imitations. Even if a another developer makes a extremely good Halo game it still won't cut it; it's just their vision of what they THINK Halo should be and where it should go.

Halo 1, 2, 3 and Reach are the only Halo games, everything after that is fan fiction.

Sorry brah but that makes no ******g sense, none. Teams change, leads change, Creative Directors change.

The team that made CE =/= Reach
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Yes I have mailed a game to a friend and given a games to friends who came back to town on holiday but being able to share online and STILL being able to play it on my own console is an infinitely better option.

When were you ever able to do this and when was this ever promised? 
straight from xbox.com
Give your family access to your entire games library anytime, anywhere: Xbox One will enable new forms of access for families. Up to ten members of your family can log in and play from your shared games library on any Xbox One. Just like today, a family member can play your copy of Forza Motorsport at a friend’s house. Only now, they will see not just Forza, but all of your shared games.  You can always play your games, and any one of your family members can be playing from your shared library at a given time.
Once the original developers stop working on a franchise they solely created, it ends. It doesn't matter if they make a Halo 10, they will never be real Halo games, just imitations. Even if a another developer makes a extremely good Halo game it still won't cut it; it's just their vision of what they THINK Halo should be and where it should go.

Halo 1, 2, 3 and Reach are the only Halo games, everything after that is fan fiction.

So you would consider MW3 a real Infinity Ward CoD?

EDIT: Nevermind I didn't see where you said original developers.

Still...kind of a silly thought process.
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I really need to stay out of these gamer threads... i all ready preordered ps4, and now that ms is changing things up, i don't wan't to worry about if i picked up the right system at launch 
I'm posting this here too cause I'm upset with the Internet.

What pisses me off the most is they tried to innovate and everyone threw it back in their faces. Digital is the future folks. The Internet is now and the future. They tried to innovate with both and everyone cried cause they like the way it is. Sounding like grandparents. Ironically everyone on the Internet is complaining about always having to be connected to the Internet. sure there might be a few bumps on the way but that's what happens when your looking into the future and not settling with the boring now. I was initially siding with th PS4 until I realized this. They're settling for the now to please the people now. And everyone looks stupid for being suckered. The PS4 is just a revamped PS3. Th Xbox one was actually something new for a new generation. I was really looking forward to seeing where the Xbox would end up going. I was hoping they would keep the foot down and say told ya so down the road.

And why is everyone complaining about the kinect being required? Do you guys even know why they did that? Again.....to innovate. No one bought the last kinect. I sure as hell didn't. Something like less than 30% of 360 owners had one. As a result developers didn't wanna take the risk of wasting their money by trying to utilize its power. Now this kinect is apparently supposed to be much more powerful. Now that 100% of Xbox owners will have one developers are guaranteed everyone will have one and can now run wild with their imagination and try out new things. I'm sure something cool will come of it. How the hell will we know otherwise. If not o well, I'll happily invest in a company who's making an effort take technology as far as it can go. Cause you know technology is pretty cool.
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