Dressing Better Vol 2.0

So all adults HAVE to own a suit ?:lol:

Thats why it's hard to take you guys seriously in this thread.

Most of you were just like me last week, as soon as this thread was created everyone ran out and started "dressing better"

I'll enjoy my comfortable ADULT life without owning a suit till I need one which is for my wedding.

Bro, you just started being all metrosexual last year. How you gonna judge someone else for not having a suit? 

Every formal event I've been to I've been a part of and rented tux's or suits to be properly dressed.

I wear chinos and a cardigan to graduations.

It's not that serious.

Yall can miss me with the elitist bs.

I understand where you are coming from and I do agree that it could have been better said. I'm education as well and unfortunately education is a field that unfortunately promotes dressing a little too comfortably. This isn't a knock on you but a knock on the professionalism that teachers show towards their profession, and I say that as a teacher. I've walked into schools with teachers literally in their Pajama bottoms. I find it irratating when teachers complain about their profession not being taken seriously, well part of it is dressing professionally so you can be taken seriously. At the end of the day do you, if that's shorts or jeans, great. My only advice is dress for the position you want, not the position you have.

Also, from all the suits you posted, the Khaki one is nice and summer appropriate but if you want something a little more versatile I'd go with the Blue Glen. I've seen them in person and the pattern isn't super in your face and the shade of gray is pretty nice. I would wear a light colored shirt (ex. white shirt) and a a solid tie with it. The price is GREAT as well.
The amount of elitist, arrogance in this thread, on NT, a shoe forum, is comical.


This is the year 2013. The majority of firms throughout the U.S. have adapted 'business casual' because it's impractical to be in a suit for 8 plus hours a day.

It's not impractical, it's impractical if you're wearing a suit that is too tight yes. There needs to be no purpose for wearing a suit besides wanting to wear a suit. The "business casual" adaptation in US firms is not because it is impractical it's because most business find it a lot easier to implement a "business casual" dress code, because it is a very loose interpretation. Some places business casual equals suit with no tie, in others polos and jeans.
Hey guys, I wanted to try this out and see where it goes. I've been talking to NCTwin via PM and we thought this might be a good idea. Please check out the NEW FACEBOOK NT DB Group!

So here is the deal. I will add people so we can get to know each other, post deals, share discounts, buy and ship items for each other, etc. You must be a regular and not have your own agenda. All we ask is trust.

If it works, it works...If not we move on. This is not to take the place of this thread, but to enhance the relationships etc.

Just search NIKETALK DB Group on Facebook and Message me your NT Name. :smokin
Can't find....link :nerd:

Me either
Hey guys, I wanted to try this out and see where it goes. I've been talking to NCTwin via PM and we thought this might be a good idea. Please check out the NEW FACEBOOK NT DB Group!

So here is the deal. I will add people so we can get to know each other, post deals, share discounts, buy and ship items for each other, etc. You must be a regular and not have your own agenda. All we ask is trust.

If it works, it works...If not we move on. This is not to take the place of this thread, but to enhance the relationships etc.

Just search NIKETALK DB Group on Facebook and Message me your NT Name. :smokin
Can't find....link :nerd:

Guess I'll chime in on the suit vs. no suit :rolleyes ... While you may not neccesarily NEED a suit depending on your career, I cant possibly understand why you wouldn't own one (Really 'navy, khaki, and grey' :lol: ) just in case (weddings, funerals, formal occasions in which you are invited to). I'm not of the crowd that says you're not an adult if you don't have one but come on.... it's def a classic stylish look. 8)
I didn't really want to but I guess ill put in my .2

I agree that every man, at least after college, should own a suit because certain occasions call for a suit. Like D Walk said, if you need to go to a funeral, wedding, etc. you will need one. Also, I'd imagine at your college graduation you'd need a suit, or atleast for some kind of graduation dinner/event. Of course, not everyone goes to college and some people live in areas where it's too hot to wear a suit this time of year, and that's totally understandable. I think every guy should at least own a Navy suit just in case anything comes up.

HOWEVER, not owning a suit doesn't make you any less of a man in any way. Some people just don't like the idea of a suit, or find them necessary, and that's okay too.
I work in IT and let me tell you most these cats dont care about suits or dressing better. Only people who would more than likely truely own suits are dudes in Finance or Sales. Me personally I always had at least 2 suits throught out college because I was a business major and for interviews, right now I own 3 suits and like 4 blazers, but I cant wear any of them because they are crazy huge so technically I dont have a suit, but I dont necessarily need one at all right now. When I get down to my goal size I will go suit shopping of course.
speaking on the suits talk.

back in like 07 when everyone was dressing up and getting their hbo Entourage on I bought a black, khaki and WHITE suit(smh).. i wore the khaki and black once and theyve been in my closet 6 years rotting.. the whit suit has never been worn.

I do want a navy and a grey suit since i have tons of nice dress shirts to go with em.. but i know they'd rot in my closet too. (will get em both eventually)

any way to rock a white suit without looking like a douche? :lol:
speaking on the suits talk.

back in like 07 when everyone was dressing up and getting their hbo Entourage on I bought a black, khaki and WHITE suit(smh).. i wore the khaki and black once and theyve been in my closet 6 years rotting.. the whit suit has never been worn.

I do want a navy and a grey suit since i have tons of nice dress shirts to go with em.. but i know they'd rot in my closet too. (will get em both eventually)

any way to rock a white suit without looking like a douche? :lol:

The white suit was pretty popular last year, here is what GQ featured last year:
Anyone in here cop the Fiegs today?
I did. Got my 511 and 3x tee ready
I wear a suit to the club, no tie, ishhh looks fly and honestly unless the club is a sweat box I dot see how hot it can actually get, either that or you go in there gunning for dancehall championship..
Your there for show then.

I hit the club in comfy gear to dance with chicks. I expect to sweat like crazy, I expect to my shoes potentially stepped on, a drink slightly waste on me.

I'm not on no vegas elite life. Normally the dudes in the club on with the suits don't do much and just stand around behaving as they are cool, not understanding folks looking at them like why you rocking a 2 piece to the club B?

Whatever works for you though. Guess dat means "dressing better"
You're an adult. That's the only reason you need.
Unless your attending a wedding, church related events, or major business interview, there is no need for a suit. If you never intend on playing baseball, why would you buy baseball gear?

Forgive some of us for not wearing a suit for the sake of wearing a suit. Some of yall be looking foolishly overdressed for the smallest occasions. That damn sure ain't dressing better.
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Unless your attending a wedding, church related events, or major business interview, there is no need for a suit. If you never intend on playing baseball, why would you buy baseball gear?

Forgive some of us for not wearing a suit for the sake of wearing a suit. Some of yall be looking foolishly overdressed for the smallest occasions. That damn sure ain't dressing better.

Frankly, I'm tired of having to justify why we/I dress the way we/I do. What may be foolishly overdressed to you or others, it's being dress appropriately for others as well. I don't mean that I wear a suit everyday but if I feel like wearing a suit tomorrow for no reason at all then so the **** what. Overdressed, fine. I rather be overdressed than underdressed any day.

I mean, really, a baseball uniform comparison? Come on now...funny though how you see baseball hats worn but they aren't playing baseball right. They wear it because they want too and can, same reason those who wear a suit do, because they want too and can.
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Frankly, I'm tired of having to justify why we/I dress the way we/I do. What may be foolishly overdressed to you or others, it's being dress appropriately for others as well. I don't mean that I wear a suit everyday but if I feel like wearing a suit tomorrow for no reason at all then so the **** what. Overdressed, fine. I rather be overdressed than underdressed any day.

I mean, really, a baseball uniform comparison? Come on now...funny though how you see baseball hats worn but they aren't playing baseball right. They wear it because they want too and can, same reason those who wear a suit do, because they want too and can.
That is never a issue. Your free to wear what you please. However opinions will be based on how nicely dressed you are or how overly dressed you are. Whether you allowed that to effect you is your own business.
I understand where you are coming from and I do agree that it could have been better said. I'm education as well and unfortunately education is a field that unfortunately promotes dressing a little too comfortably.
just curious as to why you think that? not knocking it, just have heard different views concerning the educator's dress in the classroom.

im still a bit active at my old HS (alumni mentoring when i have time). ive talked pretty candidly to students and teachers and it seems (thats the operative word) that younger teachers that dress more casual, have an easier time connecting/relating with students and can get through in lessons and other aspects. the older educators that tend to wear business wear, are viewed as the old school stern/more authoritative types by the students (just saying thats how students ive talked to viewed them, they are still considered great teachers). i just find that dynamic interesting.
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just curious as to why you think that? not knocking it, just have heard different views concerning the educator's dress in the classroom.

im still a bit active at my old HS (alumni mentoring when i have time). ive talked pretty candidly to students and teachers and it seems (thats the operative word) that younger teachers that dress more casual, have an easier time connecting/relating with students and can get through in lessons and other aspects. the older educators that tend to wear business wear, are viewed as the old school stern/more authoritative types by the students (just saying thats how students ive talked to viewed them, they are still considered great teachers). i just find that dynamic interesting.
As a 19 year old I can tell you I find teachers who dress casually a lot more appealing. Teachers wearing suits or even tucked in dress shirts with a tie etc. appear as trying way too hard imo.
You right bro. Its over.

I saw those Camo pants you posted, do you happen to know of a cheaper alternative?
This is the first time that I've seen camo in a trouser format actually. They are widely available as chinos, but never seen one in a high rise pattern.
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