Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I only recently starting looking at this thread. It seems like between you and ksteezy, and possibly a couple others, you're like men among boys in here. im not trying to offend anyone at all, but it's probably gonna happen.

All these tips ya'll offer isn't doing much good if people keep buying into the styles but don't really see the reason behind it or develop a personal taste for "better" things. Oh I can buy this at the gap and look like this other guy i saw online. Wheres the progress in that?
Steezy is one of the men amongst boys, but he wears a lot of the brands you are saying are no good.  So which is it? 
steezy as i understand wears all of the jcrew. lol. mainly i just pointed him out cuz he stands out as a leader amogst most here. somehow he has made it work for him, but he also has a bunch of you cats aspiring to wear jcrew outfits. tryna hop on the next ludlow suit. where's the fun in that? Someone wants a suit, go to jcrew, it just seems so predictable in here. Everyone kinda looks the same, or wants to.
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new pickups

So is your issue more about brands or how they're worn? I didn't want to say it but ksteezy buys almost exclusively a mall brand, granted he does it well, and you praise him. Nows it seems like the point you're making is that others are just trying to do the same as him rather than develop their own style. I don't disagree and to be honest, there's a lot that gets posted in here that I think is really ordinary but I don't try to make this thread something it's not.

It'd be great if everyone stepped outside the box a little more, if they developed their own style, shopped at places less frequented but once again, I still see this thread as being a starting point for a lot of NTers given the forum and what brought most members here. Discussion like this is good, it's better than most that come in with different tastes who immediate go the troll/flame/condescending route and just get ignored because of it.

If you don't want to address it, that's cool, but how did you develop your current sense of style? Did you do the baggy clothes thing and where did it go from there? Were those mall brands part of any evolution you might've had?
Ay, where'd you get them if you don't mind and do you have any kind of connect? I'm trying to track a pair down.

Ive been hounding my SA since January. They dont even make it to the shelves these days. I would suggest linking with a SA. Try the high end thread there are a couple SA's in there.
As Scars has already explained, for most people it's definitely a price issue. 90% of the time when somebody comes in here asking for advice, they have a fairly low budget and are just starting to try and "dress better". Nobody's going to recommend something expensive or designer to a beginner because we all have a starting point.

Developing your own style with more complex/expensive pieces comes with time.

If you're trying to guide someone, does it not make sense to point out that there is a different way to go about it? Why should someone have to start off with mall quality if the goal in the end is to build a better wardrobe. How many different aspects of your life do you go about with the idea of quality over quantity. Why should building a wardrobe be any different?

Starting out? Go buy that awesome white oxford shirt, go buy that striped oxford shirt. Don't buy it at H&M. it will take time, but it will be worth it. You don't need 15 dress shirts from Express.

You said you just really started following this thread, which is great. I also love your style because it's so different so I understand why you're confused.

Like I said, 90% of the time, if not more, when people come in here needing recommendations they have a budget. Majority of the time, if not every time, we recommend J Crew, Brooks Brothers, Banana Republic, etc. as starting points. I really don't see whats wrong with any of those brands. No the quality is not amazing but it's definitely not bad either. It's up to these people themselves to develop their own style and learn.

Not everyone can afford to have a closet full of MMM, Rick, ACNE, Geller, etc.
Off topic :lol: , but does anyone remember the Levi's 508 Cargos from this past season? It seems as if there's no trace of them now and I can't find them to save my life :smh: Wish I would have copped when they were on sale. They look alot better than the Lands End ones imo.


Best cargos i've ever owned, and comfortable AF... Fits isn't too tight in the Private regions like some 511's (cut can be inconsistent at times) but the taper is what sets it apart... look great with shoes OR sneakers (since this is NT and all)... Def swooped in at 30% off last year (in both the dark khaki and olive), I HAD to...
You said you just really started following this thread, which is great. I also love your style because it's so different so I understand why you're confused.

Like I said, 90% of the time, if not more, when people come in here needing recommendations they have a budget. Majority of the time, if not every time, we recommend J Crew, Brooks Brothers, Banana Republic, etc. as starting points. I really don't see whats wrong with any of those brands. No the quality is not amazing but it's definitely not bad either. It's up to these people themselves to develop their own style and learn.

Not everyone can afford to have a closet full of MMM, Rick, ACNE, Geller, etc.

I think my main point in the beginning was that it seems people are spending a lot of time and money on buying a lot of really crappy things in here. every time some mall shop has a coupon code, oh its' time to go shopping! save that money, buy better ****. that's all im saying.

Along with the fact that it seems the people in here who do have more experience, haven't actually guided them around that.

You have people going to JcPenney cuz this dude Nick Wooster had his name on it. Cmon, he didn't change anything except for the shorts and blazers on the mannequins.
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I think my main point in the beginning was that it seems people are spending a lot of time and money on buying a lot of really crappy things in here. every time some mall shop has a coupon code, oh its' time to go shopping! save that money, buy better ****. that's all im saying.

Along with the fact that it seems the people in here who do have more experience, haven't actually guided them around that.

I understand exactly what you're saying and that's why I've stopped buying stuff just because.
Bruh, rock your own style in peace.

I don't see what your inquiry is trying to achieve, however. I mean just a couple pages ago, I saw my mans make a suit set from JCP (the khaki one) look very presentable. And just yesterday, Wis posts an eerily similar outfit. To a non-regular of the thread, the difference in those two outfits is probably minute. To those who are regulars in here, theres at least a $5-600 difference, knowing Wis.

Perspective is all that matters. This kid Adrian is turning $4 pickups from Goodwill in to outfit gems. Why go drop $250+ for brand new joints if his method is consistently producing the remarkable results?
You said you just really started following this thread, which is great. I also love your style because it's so different so I understand why you're confused.

Like I said, 90% of the time, if not more, when people come in here needing recommendations they have a budget. Majority of the time, if not every time, we recommend J Crew, Brooks Brothers, Banana Republic, etc. as starting points. I really don't see whats wrong with any of those brands. No the quality is not amazing but it's definitely not bad either. It's up to these people themselves to develop their own style and learn.

Not everyone can afford to have a closet full of MMM, Rick, ACNE, Geller, etc.

I think my main point in the beginning was that it seems people are spending a lot of time and money on buying a lot of really crappy things in here. every time some mall shop has a coupon code, oh its' time to go shopping! save that money, buy better ****. that's all im saying.

Along with the fact that it seems the people in here who do have more experience, haven't actually guided them around that.

You have people going to JcPenney cuz this dude Nick Wooster had his name on it. Cmon, he didn't change anything except for the shorts and blazers on the mannequins.

So what better **** should they be buying?

But seriously, does anyone have/know of a good salmon colored shirt? Looking for a slim cut :nerd:
Bruh, rock your own style in peace.

I don't see what your inquiry is trying to achieve, however. I mean just a couple pages ago, I saw my mans make a suit set from JCP (the khaki one) look very presentable. And just yesterday, Wis posts an eerily similar outfit. To a non-regular of the thread, the difference in those two outfits is probably minute. To those who are regulars in here, theres at least a $5-600 difference, knowing Wis.

Perspective is all that matters.
This kid Adrian is turning $4 pickups from Goodwill in to outfit gems. Why go drop $250+ for brand new joints if his method is consistently producing the remarkable results?
If all you want is to impress the untrained eye, and not to dress for yourself sure. Go on, im not trying to achieve anything. Just to present a view that it seems has gone unmentioned, in all the tips and suggestions you have for each other and props you give to everyone that puts anything together. I'll continue along just fine.
I dont think you should be spending bank on items that you may or may not like 2 yrs down the road. Alot of us dress pretty different from a couple of yrs back and I'll be damn if I spend alot on items I may feel I made a mistake on.

Everything in moderation, that "Go hard or go home" mentality doesnt really apply to fashion because some of the flyest things you can purchase are 2nd hand & cheap.

Find your style/comfort zone and then flourish.. dont waste $$ while in the process
Bruh, rock your own style in peace.

I don't see what your inquiry is trying to achieve, however. I mean just a couple pages ago, I saw my mans make a suit set from JCP (the khaki one) look very presentable. And just yesterday, Wis posts an eerily similar outfit. To a non-regular of the thread, the difference in those two outfits is probably minute. To those who are regulars in here, theres at least a $5-600 difference, knowing Wis.

Perspective is all that matters.
This kid Adrian is turning $4 pickups from Goodwill in to outfit gems. Why go drop $250+ for brand new joints if his method is consistently producing the remarkable results?
If all you want is to impress the untrained eye, and not to dress for yourself sure. Go on, im not trying to achieve anything. Just to present a view that it seems has gone unmentioned, in all the tips and suggestions you have for each other and props you give to everyone that puts anything together. I'll continue along just fine.

Bruh, what are these words?!

If a person coming in here, detailing how confident they were in their purchase, whether it be from JCP or Tom Ford. Is that not dressing for themselves? Are the props from others not a result of dressing for yourself

Your recent outfit posts scream Assassin's Creed unlockable costume to me. Yet, you have the confidence to wear it, do a whole shoot, post it in here and are lauded for your creativity.

So because not everyone's going off the cuff, thinking outside the box like you, they, in turn, aren't dressing for themselves...like you?

Aight, bruh.
Great quality all around. The zipper is butter smooth, way smoother than my LV card holder. I have a black one on ice in case my brown one gets destroyed in the years to come :lol:

Do you have the same brown one from Epaulet?

Seen some varsities on the last page, if anyone is interested check out MKI. These look good for the spring/early Fall.

(also comes in burgundy and grey)




Link: http://www.mkistore.co.uk/product_details.php?range=Men_mki black&product=806
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I dont think you should be spending bank on items that you may or may not like 2 yrs down the road. Alot of us dress pretty different from a couple of yrs back and I'll be damn if I spend alot on items I may feel I made a mistake on.

Everything in moderation, that "Go hard or go home" mentality doesnt really apply to fashion because some of the flyest things you can purchase are 2nd hand & cheap.

Find your style/comfort zone and then flourish.. dont waste $$ while in the process

def agree with this too. This thread in essence is different from other style boards, so you also have to factor that in. A lot of people in here are just now starting to get into their own. I know I've been in this thread for about 3 or 4 years now and stuff I've posted in the OG thread compared to stuff I like now is completely different. Now that I've finally found my own style I branch out more into different brands and in turn spending more money.....but can't do too much of that because I'm still a broke student like 80% of the guys in here.

I also need to get rid of a ton of stuff that I don't touch in my closet anymore. Probably just going to give it to Goodwill or Salvation Army.
listen i don't want to get to far into it with you tim, like i said im not trying to offend anyone. just offering a different opinion from what I see happening in here. instead of the buy what you can at the time and hope it comes together plan. maybe someone can try to plan out what they need, get the best one of whatever they can find is, and move on to the next from there.

I would also never use myself as an example because I'm an anomaly with way too much clothing. I have basics covered ten fold and do the funky **** from time to time.
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