Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I read that AF is trying to revamp their image since their once targeted group of middle and high school kids grew up and no longer wanted shredded jeans and shirts with big AF on them.

Good luck to them. I've shopped at J Crew for 10-15 years (more than about 8 years ago was really my mom shopping for me though :tongue:) and they'd become really stale at some point during that stretch, basically to the point where mall brand wise, Gap & BR were just as good of an option and I shopped a lot at Club Monaco instead. Now Gap & BR have lines that I can look over in a couple minutes on their websites and know there's nothing for me and Club Monaco isn't as appealing even though they put out decent, simple pieces.

Abercrombie definitely had a very specific demographic so I'd think they'll need to make drastic changes but some people seem to like it. I'm particular about it as I've said 20 times today but a big first step would be getting rid of the dumb logos everywhere.
Ayo just got a job at an ad agency downtown... need to step up my game

What's a place similar to H&M but not H&M? I like their style but I see their stuff everywhere.
I read that AF is trying to revamp their image since their once targeted group of middle and high school kids grew up and no longer wanted shredded jeans and shirts with big AF on them.

Im interested to see the new and improved look and its direction
I understand what Rolli is saying and agree to an extent but many of the posters, including myself, are either in college or recently out of school...or just not willing to pay 500 for sweaters and things that are high end at this point.

Honestly, I'd never pay that much for a sweater, when you can get a very similar piece for 1/4 the price and it'll still last you a long time. Just bc we recommend or wear mall brand stuff a lot of times doesn't mean it's falling apart in 1 yr. like if someone needs a suit or dress shoes, then yeah budget plays a role...everyone can't just drop 500 on shoes...even if they'd last a lifetime. There's people on SF who think AEs are a lower end brand practically :lol: and if you're used to 1000 shoes then yeah, AEs will be looked at as cheap..it's all about perspective and your individual circumstance though. I don't think I'd ever drop that much on one shoe, if you can get some solid options and have diversity in your wardrobe for the price of one item and you're just starting then it makes no sense whatsoever to just pay for quality IMO...like you'll have a pair of incredible shoes but what about when it rains/snows? I'd rather have 5 shirts from a mall brand that are very solid, and with proper care will last me 2-3 yrs than one shirt from a high end designer that's supposedly the greatest shirt ever, maybe that's just me though
So we should aspire to be able to afford $500+ sweaters?  Many are trying to work their way up within their career, but after house payment and bills, not much is left for clothes.  I am glad you got it like that, but believe it or not, many of us do not.

Agreed here.

Rolli, if you don't mind, can you expand on this quality that sets the clothes you speak of so much apart from mall/accessible store brands? Everyone throws out this "quality over quantity," thing yet I don't think it's a universal idea. Is the quality you seek the same as the viewers of this thread? How about soccer mom Sally shopping for her two kids?

Is it wrong that we might choose items if they meet our criteria for budget, fit, or otherwise wants and they happen to be accessible? Or do we have to go play backyard football in our Merona/Gap/Jcrew chino blazers and then put them through the wash 50 times to make a point that that it is made to wear for xx amount of years? Not trying to be facetious at all, I am genuinely curious to hear from your point of view having the sense that you may have been down this road before(?)
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^ I like the Asos brand bb jacket better than the Urban one, looks alot more fitted.
Looks good. But how is the scent?


I love the scent,It's hard to explain reminds me a little of JPG Le Male,and for once the freebies actually seem to be of quality I plan on trying to pick it up from Macy's this weekend..
Congrats man :nthat:

and yup, finals start tomorrow for me. Supposed to be studying now but yeah don't feel like it.
supposed to graduate this semester but graduating one semester later (fall13) :frown:

don't feel too bad. I'm right there with ya, we can celebrate together :lol:.

Thankfully just taking one class this summer then two in the fall then home free. Well until graduate school
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