Dressing Better Vol 2.0

nice pickup ^ my first pair of ae's come in tmrw 
Looking to add a brown shoe to my wardrobe. 149 for the Brooks Park Ave or pay the extra $50 for the AE Park Aves? I know the difference is something with the soles -- can anyone elaborate on that and which would be better bang for my buck? Thanks in advance.

Also, what do you guys think is more versatile between brown and burgundy?

That's a solid price almost tempted to order a pair myself, which location?

I've come to like the BB with rubber topied soles for daily wear. I love leather soles, but they take a beating when you're wearing them 9 to 5.
Is a herringbone topcoat practical for daily wear? JCrew has a nice 50% off sale and I'm thinking about buying a Ludlow
damn they have a lot of stuff

so its 50% off the SALE price?

a lil early still maybe im not comprehending right
Highly advise to stay clear of that jacket man

Likely one of those amazon brands that say they retail at a ridiculous price but offer 70% off or some crap. That's their true price likely. E-jos a bank tip..
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Highly advise to stay clear of that jacket man

Likely one of those amazon brands that say they retail at a ridiculous price but offer 70% off or some crap. That's their true price likely. E-jos a bank tip..
Yes. This is the strategy of many brands. Their retail prices are jacked up so the on sale prices appear good, but that in reality is what they really shoot for. This is how J. Crew still makes good profit when they always have some sort of sale going on.
I would research the brand first too. A lot of these brands have Italian sounding names just to lure customers in. I see this on ebay all the time. They'll have some ridiculous retail price too and slice it down to about 100 bucks and makes people they're buying something quality for a steal.
2 questions

1. Where can I still find a Nike Destroyer in NYC

2. What Happened to the Nike Bowery Stadium closed or something?
Saw people talking about infrareds on twitter this morning and thought they were talking about the air max 90s. I got excited only to see they were Jordans :frown:
Saw people talking about infrareds on twitter this morning and thought they were talking about the air max 90s. I got excited only to see they were Jordans :frown:
Quite entertaining morning on how Nike was trolling with a broken link and reschedule the all red joints.
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