Dressing Better Vol 2.0

I think the tumblr is as good as its going to get. To have a top notch blog, it's going to require a lot of time and effort. It's especially harder since we are all spread out geographically. We talked about this from the beginning and occluded that we are just too busy with our own lives. Hence why the blog is rarely updated now.
I'm down down for everything said above

Hey Elkin, you free tomorrow?
There's a bball menswear game going on for fashion week. Check TSB for info. Thinking about heading there after work...to hit the after party :lol:
Maybe we have a graphic designer that can come up with a dope logo/masthead....the sky is the limit, but dudes gotta be willing to put their best effort forward...this shouldn't be a WDYWT, we can have a section on that but once again top quality, so get out there and practice hard with your new cam A....and Serg I know you don't own or plan on investing a ton of money but you work in ny, is no problem for me if I'm off and you got a dope fit you'd like to photograph to meet up and do it for you...but we gotta take things with a grain of salt fellas...not everything can be posted, doesn't matter if you are a regular or not, if its not up to par quality wise, it shouldn't be posted....like I said, WDYWT are cool for personal blogs, but this should be more
Informative...lol..engage an audience...keep
Them hook, don't let this turn into a circle jerk where regulars go to throw up fits....maybe set up some fit upgrades...makeovers funded by us...who knows some Luther's might jump on it....keep an open mind that sometimes money must be invested, but we are a group and we all work and if we want to step it up, it's inevitable.

I'm actually looking into investing into a Digital SLR, not sure if you saw but I linked one I'm considering a couple pages back, which I would like an opinion on especially since you know a lot about photography. My wife and I are traveling to Barcelona in December and we both think it's time to get a better camera especially for when we go on vacation.

I do like everything you have said and I think if we really put our minds to it that we can make this happen. But I am also in agreement with Wis in regards to really getting this set up especially with how busy our lives can get. I think we can make it happen if we schedule things in advance, like actually setting up a theme for a feature, choose a person to the feature(s) and have that person with the outfits take all the pics on that one day...this is what they do at TSB as well. If we can set it up and make it work, I'm game. I have a few ideas for themes going forward.
Oh snap, what time?...might be interested!

And Wis...I work a full time, perdiem, run my photography biz and workout everyday, I'm scrapped for time probably more than most on here...but I'm at a point in my life where I'm constantly searching for THAT THING....my wedding photography biz is my main focus, but I've seen what Dan and the guys at TSB have achieved by investing that time...anything that's to succeed will take time and effort and those who invest will reap the benefits, that goes for everything....I'm not much of a writer and updating a personal blog with just my perspective on it becomes redundant, boring and self-indulged, reason why my every attempt at a personal blog has failed...
You know what to do.

It sounds like a good idea but it would take a lot of work. I would look for someone who might still be in school or without a job/family to quarterback the whole thing for lack of a better word. If they can keep all the deadlines in order and push everyone else i don't see why you guys cant get it to work. If k or wis have to run it they are too busy with their own lives to chase after everyone to get stuff in on time. You guys could gain a lot of exposure doing it and i hope you guys find a way to make it happen.
Oh snap, what time?...might be interested!

And Wis...I work a full time, perdiem, run my photography biz and workout everyday, I'm scrapped for time probably more than most on here...but I'm at a point in my life where I'm constantly searching for THAT THING....my wedding photography biz is my main focus, but I've seen what Dan and the guys at TSB have achieved by investing that time...anything that's to succeed will take time and effort and those who invest will reap the benefits, that goes for everything....I'm not much of a writer and updating a personal blog with just my perspective on it becomes redundant, boring and self-indulged, reason why my every attempt at a personal blog has failed...

I think we can make it work. My commute is what kills me, hour and 15 minutes each way BUT we can make it work if we plan this well. I know my wife finishes her days later than mine but I know that she would also be supportive and on board with this idea if we can make it happen. She has in the past even mentioned that it would be really great if we (as she knows about DBNT) could turn this into something more than just a blog.

In terms of writing, I am pretty comfortable with writing, thanks to my undergrad!

Jace is going doe..

Elkin better go now.
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Lmaooo....talk bout awkward...I told A after realizing this will be held at a barbershop, Im more inclined to go, been on the search for a barber to give me a sick style....just hard to find really trendy stylists.
A prophoto blog runs I think 200$ but it gives the option to setup different inside/outside links, profiles, different sections, check my blog for reference...it's a photography blog, but every button menu is customizable and bio areas, and I have experience working it...so that helps.


Claim a URL, pay for the hosting which is not expensive really...we can all chip in...or we can go the free route, just don't know how much we can actually do that way.
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Jace is going doe..
Someone goes And 1 on the guy :lol:

Taking pictures by one self is extremely difficult, and time consuming because you have to drive around for a good backdrop. It's no doubt fun to do if a group of locals can do it together....link up, snap shots, talk about what to write, grab food, and split. But because we are all split apart, it's quite difficult, ie who is going to take pics for me? or you?

People think just because they buy an SLR, it's going to automatically elevate their game. It requires a lot of finesse and extra equipment, ie lenses, which are $$. This was why I never continued into photography...couldn't have multiple expensive hobbies, haha.

Dan at TSB does this blogging thing full time, right? If we're all locals, then I wouldn't have an issue with us linking up, proposing plans and deadlines to meet. Heck, I was the one who tried to start the idea with multiple users to sign in on at a time to share ideas. This is what I use at work when I need to work with counterparts back in the east coast so I can see their CPU.

Ultimately, there has to be an owner of this project, just like all projects....the one that registers the domain name, and get the site running and such. I'm down to help in whatever way I can, but time is a luxury nowadays for me. If this thing does take off, we need to ensure updates are posted regularly or else you will lose your audience.
Lmaooo....talk bout awkward...I told A after realizing this will be held at a barbershop, Im more inclined to go, been on the search for a barber to give me a sick style....just hard to find really trendy stylists.
Yo....if you go, you need to make a quick stop at Footlocker and get that Nike shirt that says "What's Losing Like" so the picture of you in that shirt reaching out for a handshake will be forever in Jace's head.
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Well I think a good start is setting up a group chat...does everyone have Watsapp?...if not download it...but if everyone has iPhone we can just set up an iChat....

And yes Wis, photography gear is expensive...but editing can go a long way, do me a favor, shoot a fit and follow a similar pattern as the ones on TSB, as far as details, shoes, half body and full body, make it fun, SMILE for Gods sake :lol: email me the original files and let me see how I can improve them on PS.
Yo....if you go, you need to make a quick stop at Footlocker and get that Nike shirt that says "What's Losing Like" so the picture of you in that shirt reaching out for a handshake will be forever in Jace's head.


Dude I'm totally tempted...lmao
Well I think a good start is setting up a group chat...does everyone have Watsapp?...if not download it...but if everyone has iPhone we can just set up an iChat....

And yes Wis, photography gear is expensive...but editing can go a long way, do me a favor, shoot a fit and follow a similar pattern as the ones on TSB, as far as details, shoes, half body and full body, make it fun, SMILE for Gods sake :lol: email me the original files and let me see how I can improve them on PS.
I do smile once in a while. Kinda weird to be smiling by yourself to a camera on timer though :lol:
I got a modeling gig...lmao

I'm dying over here...I don't know how to feel about posing for someone else...not DB style, more of an urban brand....but it should be fun since the photographer is my friend...get to ride around in some BMX bikes...lol
Wish I were near y'all to get a couple pick up games going. Play for kicks, if I beat Wis I get his Aldens and the new Vass shoes he bought. I'd just flip them and cop the same shoe but in my size
add me to da group chat E. I'm down to do some writing for the blog. fitness, nutrition, etc.

or maybe strip club reviews
Wish I were near y'all to get a couple pick up games going. Play for kicks, if I beat Wis I get his Aldens and the new Vass shoes he bought. I'd just flip them and cop the same shoe but in my size
I donno man. I've been lighting it up lately at the Y. These Jr. Lakers are no bueno at all.
Haha my knees and ankles are like an old man. I'll play one game and just chill on the sideline with ice packs
add me to da group chat E. I'm down to do some writing for the blog. fitness, nutrition, etc.

or maybe strip club reviews

Sounds good!...you have a great sense of humor so your writing would be a good addition to it, I need to know if we setting this up on iChat or Watsapp
Well that's what I'm trying to figure out, need the camo lover brother RFX to chime in tho...lol
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