Women can hit men and not be jailed but if a man hits a woman, they are vilified?! Nah - if you're woman enough to hit a man.... You are woman enough to be hit by a man.
I don't know what you referring to or if you just speaking generally but women who hit men can be jailed.

Cops either gotta see it or the victim has to press charges.
Black men have a problem with black women and vice versa

The internet really exposes what people are thinking and encourages it

Compared to other stuff I read daily NT actually isn't that bad
Came into thread out of morbid curiosity


saw what I expected


saw aepps contributing

Have to call libs out no matter where they post. Mission Accomplished
lmao bruh I’m slowly starting to fall in love with you aepps no homo

but I remember it being the same on iss and hypebeast back in the day , any female would post something and she would get trolled to the shadow realm .
i still remember on hypebeast when a female would post a fit pic , ( normal *** clothes) it would be like the comment section at por hub 😂
lmao bruh I’m slowly starting to fall in love with you aepps no homo

but I remember it being the same on iss and hypebeast back in the day , any female would post something and she would get trolled to the shadow realm .
i still remember on hypebeast when a female would post a fit pic , ( normal *** clothes) it would be like the comment section at por hub 😂

You as well comrade. I know how you feel and I feel the same way. Based on your posts you are clearly a conservative and you have a family in Coal Gang. #4COALSMEN
Just commenting on the perspective of having women on this forum, specifically...

I'm a black man working in an office setting where there are only two other black people on my floor out of ~100-150 people. People are super cordial and no one has ever said anything crazy, but there are still challenges - sometimes people don't know how to approach me, I have to be very particular about how I speak to / approach certain people, and it's difficult at times to build genuine connections with coworkers because I have to manage how they view me. It's hard to be myself.

When I think about how women must feel on a male-dominated site like this, then see some of the posts in here showcasing NTer's thoughts on women broadly...not really surprised the demographics of this forum are what they are. I don't know why we're striving to compare ourselves with lowest common denominator sites like the "chan"s but I guess it is what it is. At the end of the day, this is just another echo chamber that doesn't truly value diversity of thought, similar to a Facebook group. If you're looking for much beyond that then, unfortunately, you're in the wrong place.
KHUFU KHUFU it appears you have a different definition of sexist then the dictionary, what is your definition? Or is there a better word to articulate what you are saying.

KHUFU KHUFU it appears you have a different definition of sexist then the dictionary, what is your definition? Or is there a better word to articulate what you are saying.

Dictionary definitions are only guides. They are not definitive in regard to life and the variables associated with such.
So what is your definition of sexism sir?
My definition speaks to my privilege, your privilege. You get the chance to do as you wish, control your own body. Women do not have that option, as they do not have equal protection under the law, nor proper representation through law.
Yea, what I screenshotted off the dictionary is what I was taught. By a woman nonetheless lol.
Dictionary definitions aren’t critical and extensive though and limited. They’re surface level. Most college courses aren’t teaching you dictionary detentions. That’s surface level thinking.
KHUFU KHUFU it appears you have a different definition of sexist then the dictionary, what is your definition? Or is there a better word to articulate what you are saying.

On a surface level I'd agree, but we live in a male ruled society so indirectly we (men) reap the benefits of sexism & misogyny.
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