Do you people realize what the war on drugs is?

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.

Thank you for being a person (who happens to be white) who can think critically.

Yes, I understand that horrible things were done to African Americans for centuries, but again, can you not see how far things have progressed? Do you feel asif nothing has gotten better at all?

Also, what does the "(on paper)" comment mean? You truly feel that you don't have the same rights as I do? Really? How?

To make broad, baseless claims like the ones that started this post without any proof at all is flat out dangerous and not right.

While I don't agree with a number of things my government does, but these claims are extremely far fetched.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.
Thank you for being a person (who happens to be white) who can think critically.

Yes, I understand that horrible things were done to African Americans for centuries, but again, can you not see how far things have progressed? Do you feel as if nothing has gotten better at all?

Also, what does the "(on paper)" comment mean? You truly feel that you don't have the same rights as I do? Really? How?

It doesn't matter what I feel. Rather why things the way they are in much broader sense, historically.
Yes, I understand that horrible things were done to African Americans for centuries, but again, can you not see how far things have progressed? Do you feel as if nothing has gotten better at all?

Also, what does the "(on paper)" comment mean? You truly feel that you don't have the same rights as I do? Really? How?

To make broad, baseless claims like the ones that started this post without any proof at all is flat out dangerous and not right.

While I don't agree with a number of things my government does, but these claims are extremely far fetched.

An African American male is the President of the United States come January. Seriously? What more is there?

wow my head is about to explode.

Have you even ever read a book on racism? I mean by an author with a PHD in a specific field closely related to race or people or at least a by collegegraduate with a thesis? If so, please name the book and author.

I have studied and ready many books on racism, and it would seem if you were trying to get educated, you should get off of NT for a while and visit your localpublic library and rent some books concerning racism if you actually want to have a coherent discussion on the matter.

To even think that for one second, that because a single black (half-black) man was elected to be President of the United States, that the lack of balance inHousing, Loans, employment oppurtunity and in the justice system are magically erased is quite simply put, propostruous.

Ever heard of the term systemic racism? Obviously not with such an asinine statements such as the ones you have made. We live in a total racist society, thatwhile things have obviously gotten better, America still has a "white preference" in the things it accepts.

As far as the the CIA engaging in deviant behavior that you cannot possibly fathom, look up PROJECT MKULTRA: [h1] [/h1]
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.
Thank you for being a person (who happens to be white) who can think critically.

Yes, I understand that horrible things were done to African Americans for centuries, but again, can you not see how far things have progressed? Do you feel as if nothing has gotten better at all?

Also, what does the "(on paper)" comment mean? You truly feel that you don't have the same rights as I do? Really? How?

To make broad, baseless claims like the ones that started this post without any proof at all is flat out dangerous and not right.

While I don't agree with a number of things my government does, but these claims are extremely far fetched.

So tell me the progress that you see that balances the centuries, as you yourself pointed out, of horriblethings blacks in this country endured...I'll wait....

I can't speak for ol' boi, but i can see what he's talking about. In my opinion, what he means is that,literally, equality is written on paper and sometimes discussed but in reality, that's about as far as it goes. There have been documented cases where this"on paper" equality is even disregarded.

ABC conducted a study a few years back looking at racial discrimination in society. One thing they discovered was that,companies sometimes discriminate based solely on certain trivial applicant information. This is pretty much what happens: Company A is hiring for high levelpositions. They recieve a bunch of applications. The good majority are ok. There are two application that are, however, quite outstanding. The applicants fromthe applications are on par in every single area except for one section--"name". Applicant A is has a "unique" sounding name like"Tyquan Jameer Smith". Applicant B on the other has a "regular" sounding a name like "John Adams". Now take a wild guess whichapplicant was hired almost all of the time--even though both carried equal credentials. Take a guess...

So even "on paper", equal rights is never a practiced case.

I don't know much about what OP brought up, but i you don't need his claims to realize that blacks and otherminority groups are marginalized by society. Isn't it convenient that you stated "my government". I have no qualms with this country and it'sgovernment. I live the way a citizen is supposed to live. However, it's a harsh reality knowing that "our government" is composed of individualswho "look" like you. We live in an democratic country where there is, supposedly, "equal rights" but the individuals who govern us as apeople "look" like you and most often turn a blind eye to the problems plaguing minority communites.

And don't even ever use Obama as a counter argument because as i stated in another thread...we only have our firstblack president because the guy before him was a complete moron who dragged his party down with him. Yes Americans voted overwhelmingly for Obama but can yousay--with certainty and conviction--that Obama was voted in because Americans finally embrace the idea of a black man in president..i'll wait for thatanswer as well.

Had Bush been a moderately good to excellent president, with a booming economy as his legacy, do you honestly believe wewould have a black president or that Americans would be thinking "you know what, it's time for a 'change'--notably a blackpresident"...once again, i think not. We have our first black president simply because Obama was this country's last and only option. Don'tbelieve me, then answer this question--why has it taken this country so long to elect a black president. Why has it taken 42 tries to finally change things upa bit.

Do you still believe "your government" and this country is still fair and equal...
i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get outthere and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...
If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
Race has a lot to do with it...

But i also believe Social Class has a lot to do with it. but even with that belief, i myself still disagree with it cause (altho there were poor folks of allraces in N.O.) i bet if the majority of the "refugees" (another point
) were of the Majority, help would have came quicker.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...

Exactly what I was going to post earlier.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...

Exactly what I was going to post earlier.

you're actually one of my faves on here b/c of threads likethis...remind me of my dad...he's very pro-black...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...

Exactly what I was going to post earlier.

you're actually one of my faves on here b/c of threads like this...remind me of my dad...he's very pro-black...
You're one of my faves here because of threads like these and PYPs
the things you guys mentioned in here are part of the reason i want to be a teacher...i couldn't live w/myself knowing i went to college and i'm outtrying to get rich while there are so many kids in poor areas thinkin there's no way out...
And don't even ever use Obama as a counter argument because as i stated in another thread...we only have our first black president because the guy before him was a complete moron who dragged his party down with him. Yes Americans voted overwhelmingly for Obama but can you say--with certainty and conviction--that Obama was voted in because Americans finally embrace the idea of a black man in president..i'll wait for that answer as well.

Had Bush been a moderately good to excellent president, with a booming economy as his legacy, do you honestly believe we would have a black president or that Americans would be thinking "you know what, it's time for a 'change'--notably a black president"...once again, i think not. We have our first black president simply because Obama was this country's last and only option. Don't believe me, then answer this question--why has it taken this country so long to elect a black president. Why has it taken 42 tries to finally change things up a bit.

Do you still believe "your government" and this country is still fair and equal...


I really appreciate the response and you seem like a very intelligent person. I can't even argue the paragraph in green because sadly its probably spot on.

However if Bush had been a good President, we probably wouldn't have a Democrat in office either. Americans did have a choice as well. In the primariesmost Americans did vote for Barak Obama, and while it was not as overwhelming as the Presidential election, it shows that the direction this country is goingin is the right one. Again, there would be no need for the drastic change that occurred this past November if the Republican party was competent.

The reason its taken so long is because Obama was the first qualified African American on the ticket. Sadly, the history of our country is a horrific one, even up until the recent past, but hopefully Obama being elected can push us in the right directioneven further than we have already come.

I never said that I believed that the American government was fair and equal. I know for a fact it isn't.

You are right though, I don't know much about the situation or the history of the situation because it isn't my planned field of study. However Iprobably should look into reading up a little more on it since it ties in to it what I want to study, the Palestinian plight and the current situation inPalestine.

Can you guys suggest anything of substance/authors to read up on about the subject at all? I would appreciate it.
i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...
Totally agree with this.

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
Race has a lot to do with it...

But i also believe Social Class has a lot to do with it. but even with that belief, i myself still disagree with it cause (altho there were poor folks of all races in N.O.) i bet if the majority of the "refugees" (another point
) were of the Majority, help would have came quicker.
Another good point. But honestly there were a lot of white refugees as well, and they got the same treatment as everyone else from the government.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...
I didn't mean necessarily another MLK, what I meant was somebody that would go into the community and help the development, instead of justselling drugs and contributing to the deterioration of the community.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...
I didn't mean necessarily another MLK, what I meant was somebody that would go into the community and help the development, instead of just selling drugs and contributing to the deterioration of the community.

so you go...

why wait when we are those people who can do that?
I cant even lie normally sound like my pops and i go "this @*!%@ buggin"

But i agree with pretty much every word you said this time
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...

Exactly what I was going to post earlier.

you're actually one of my faves on here b/c of threads like this...remind me of my dad...he's very pro-black...

the bolded is already why there is no way there will ever become a fight for others rights.because your Pro-enter race, not Pro-People, which in theory is themain point of equality no?

I feel for anyone who has problems thrust upon them without choice,and for most of america,It is the supposed "minorities", that get the short end ofthe stick.I fully disagree with this, BUT when I try to explain my empathy for such a person all I get is a reaction of " you have no idea what's likefor my race". simply because I haven't physically lived it and I am white. I disagree AND simply put, you distance yourself from possible help andalienate anyone trying to help you with that mentality.look at the Black Panthers,All races sympathized with the cause and early founding members werecaucasian and asian american, yet now if I wore a Black Panthers patch,I would get my !%% beat simply cuz I am white. So it can't ALL be blamed on whiteamerica,just a substantial part haha.

The stabbing each other in the back is just not gonna get anything done,but at this point,with recession,possibilty of an assassination of the 1st africanamerican president, war brewing worldwide,I say nuke the planet and hit the reset button,because apparently the human race didn't deserve as long as itgot. It is time for some other species to try there hand.
Originally Posted by DrewDioxin

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i disagree that the black community needs one leader to come save us all...we need people like those in this thread who are capable and educated to get out there and take control instead of waiting for the next MLK...

Exactly what I was going to post earlier.

you're actually one of my faves on here b/c of threads like this...remind me of my dad...he's very pro-black...

the bolded is already why there is no way there will ever become a fight for others rights.because your Pro-enter race, not Pro-People, which in theory is the main point of equality no?

I feel for anyone who has problems thrust upon them without choice,and for most of america,It is the supposed "minorities", that get the short end of the stick.I fully disagree with this, BUT when I try to explain my empathy for such a person all I get is a reaction of " you have no idea what's like for my race". simply because I haven't physically lived it and I am white. I disagree AND simply put, you distance yourself from possible help and alienate anyone trying to help you with that mentality.look at the Black Panthers,All races sympathized with the cause and early founding members were caucasian and asian american, yet now if I wore a Black Panthers patch,I would get my !%% beat simply cuz I am white. So it can't ALL be blamed on white america,just a substantial part haha.

The stabbing each other in the back is just not gonna get anything done,but at this point,with recession,possibilty of an assassination of the 1st african american president, war brewing worldwide,I say nuke the planet and hit the reset button,because apparently the human race didn't deserve as long as it got. It is time for some other species to try there hand.
don't get me wrong...i'm a lover of all people...i'm the save the world type...but at the same time i'm a black female and i knowif i don't do anything to help MY people no one else do i alienate anyone? anyone willing to help is welcome but it starts with me and peoplelike myself...honestly...i doubt you would get beat up if you wore a black panther is not different than being proud of being Latino, Irish,Japanese...etc...i think people get the wrong idea when they hear pro-black...they may actually get scared like we're on some "take over theworld" type stuff...not it at all...its about pride and uplifing a people...

haze help me out here...i know you have a term paper response for this...

what does the possible assassination of Barack have to do with this? why even bring it up? i know its possible but damn
Imma try to stay on topic as much as I can with this one.

Yes the person who made the first crack rock had to be of a bit higher intelligence but not to much. its simple cocaine comes to the country as ahydrochloride. These are absorbed through the mouth, nose, things like this. a Base (crack) must be smoked to be effective. by adding the baking soda you takea hydrochloride and make it a base. not real hard basic kitchen chemistry. I honestly don't think the originator of crack hard it in his mind he was goingto give it to the black community. That was most likley done by another racist person.

On the other topic.. I sold drugs for 5 years, I went to prison for selling drugs and I'm WHITE. I just don't like the fact that people act like blacksare the only poor people in America. I'm white and live in a black neighborhood. I feel every bit of what other were saying about it hard and all this cusits hard for me to but to think its hard just cus your black isnt so. I can't really believe crack is geared toward black people either. I served way morewhite crack smokers than blacks. Drugs are drugs and the powers of addiction don't descriminate. crack grabs white,black,hispanic,asian all the same thedrug dosent care.

A few pages back about the army and such.. I can't even get into that I get to heated cus I'm so against this war and all. It just wasnt an option forme as someone else said. I heard from other people it was a joke and they lie about the money. then this war breaks out and all. To me the big risk wassomewhat worth the reward. And i think it was Johnnyredstorm said who makes that kinda money really. I was a regular white dude who happened to find a goodconnect. I buy pills at 3 dollars each 1K at a time. Take em in a club and sell em for 20 each and move most of em in a weekend. Its not as hard as you think.I understand where people are commin from with tryin to help the fam. I sold drugs cus I was tired of bein poor and tired of my family bein poor. The army isdef not the answer to the problem of people sellings drugs and there are plenty or army guys who use/sell drugs. I remember awhile back 2 guys got bustedsmuggling a HUGE amount of E back from Germany on a military plane..which strenthens my thoughts that the govt. has a large hand in the drug trade world wide.

Sorry /RANT
just a topic I feel strongly about drugs/war on drugs
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.
Thank you for being a person (who happens to be white) who can think critically.

Yes, I understand that horrible things were done to African Americans for centuries, but again, can you not see how far things have progressed? Do you feel as if nothing has gotten better at all?

Also, what does the "(on paper)" comment mean? You truly feel that you don't have the same rights as I do? Really? How?

To make broad, baseless claims like the ones that started this post without any proof at all is flat out dangerous and not right.

While I don't agree with a number of things my government does, but these claims are extremely far fetched.

Your logic is, if you kill someone and don't get caught, you didn't commit the murder?

The proof you're asking for on paper that isn't readily available. It's not on the news or in print openly available to the public. The way the"government" conducts their business is a highly intelligent operation done behind the scenes, away from the media, so the mass public doesn'tremotely know what's going on behind closed doors. What you see on the news is merely a diversion & 99.9% propaganda. Weapons of mass distraction. Ifthe OP never put this up, 95% of the people in this thread wouldn't have known. Proof will not always be there, but what transpires will, and from that wesee truth.

And yes, African Americans have since received equal rights, but should've received at the least, some sort of reparations, as they're not movingforward on the same playing field as those who received their equal rights before them. All those years of oppression and now they reap the repercussions ofit. You think it's all fair game since equal rights came into play but its not, African Americans make up 50% of those in prison and they represent thehighest poverty rates in America, and that's just for starters. When B Smooth says "on paper," I think he means everyone does have equalrights on paper, but equal rights doesn't mean it's all fair game now. Equal rights just came into play, and although the minorities are progressing,to live the American Dream in America as a minority, you have to work harder than those who have had their rights from the beginning of time.
This remembers of the N word Guy episode of South Park. A white person will never understand a black persons struggle. It goes true for any race dealing withanyones issues.
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