Do you people realize what the war on drugs is?

Watch this one if none of the others!
Originally Posted by AirCole2359

Don't quote me on this because I'm not 100% sure but during the Taliban regime didn't opiate production drop off a lot because they made it forbidden but when the U.S. occupied Afghanistan the production when up continuously. Now they produce about 95% of the worlds opiates (like heroine) If you ask me I think the United States had something to do with that. A little bit off the topic but I just thought I should mention.

This is what I have read as well. The Taliban doesn't play that %%!%.
The simplified version is false. But the longer tale contains a lot of truths. The Reaganites deliberately ignored the growing crack problem, believing thatanything that messes up inner city folk is a good thing. Forgetting, of course, that anything that hits the inner city soon moves into the suburbs. So now wecan't build jails fast enough.
Enjoy this while it last OP, by the 4th page youll get a bunch of "mmkay drugs are bad lock em up forever" but yea I agree
Plain and simple....It was a tool to stop the brewing black revolution.

It worked to perfection.

Flooding a particular community with narcotics to quell an uprising or manipulate their destiny is a well documented and effective tool of statehood....see the"oriental" opium war and "arab" hasish trade in Northern Africa.
I forget dudes name (I'll find it later and edit) Hes a former CIA operative. After he retired he admitted and made you tube videos
they know how much coke is comming in and from where and they pick and choosewhich shipments make the news. The govt. controls the drug trade and has for a long long time. If you have never seen the story of the REAL Ricky Ross youshould watch it. he was a super sized puppet for the govt. They brought him his coke. made sure he was protected while distrubting it and then when they felthe was to big they took him down.

All told the govt. loves a drug dealer. I never paid taxs thats true but I bought my far share of stupid stuff with my profits and they got money from allthat. The govt. makes money off of everything rehab programs, prison systems, the acual sale of the drug. They can have a "war on drugs" all theywant but real talk they don't want it to stop. Even if they did its not a winable war and never will be...where there is demand someone willsupply.

That goes for the junkies and the dealers. MANY people know NO other way, or think that another way is out of reach for them specifically.

Imagine being poor and uneducated in the hood and some gov't official introduces a magical "medicine" that supposedly feels like a "Fullbody orgasm" (as it has been described many times by the users). The first thing on your mind is instant, if only temporary, relief from the pressures oflife. It starts off fun and cheap, and makes for a good distraction from everyday woes. Unfortunately, they didn't tell you that relief would be terriblyaddictive and horrible for your long and short term health. You've just been TRAPPED by your very own elected leader.

Now imagine you are a struggling young man with a family to feed. You've been dealing with raising a family since you were 16 because, of course, teenpregnancies run rampant through the slums. Chances are, you're one of those statistics. So your President offers a way to make tax free money quick andefficiently. You can't get a job because you're under-qualified AND Black (Damn
). You can't go to school because you can't afford it, and ifyou could, who would be able to provide for wifey and the youngins? You need money NOW, at the expense of whatever, because it's now or never. Of course,crack carries a RIDICULOUS sentence so you only have one life line. then again, you HAVE to be a man and feed your family. What hope is there? You too, havebeen TRAPPED.

And then, the TRAP is cyclical. Daddy gets locked up so Youngin just has his lil sister and his depressed my mom. Mom gets depressed and falls for the firstTRAP, just like millions of others. So now, Junior is an orphan with a little sister to feed and he's only 16. He can't get a REAL job, he's only16. And there isn't anybody to help the two of them. It's either, A. become a ward of the state and potentially lose your lil sister to the systemforever, or B. start TRAPPING yourself and eventually end up like pops. But you HAVE to, your little sister NEEDS you!

I hate that I know these stories all too well, yet it's some people that refuse to see how they exist. Those people always try to provide some oblivious,overly simplified, one liner opinion when they know NOTHING about how real this +$*+ gets. "They don't even try to go to college then they wonder whythis happens. they bring it on themselves" type replies.... like college even EXISTS to 9/10 of the hood. It's out of practical reach. That +$*+ ismake believe to most, man. I'M lucky to be in school.

I once tried explaining this scenario to a white suburban Bush supporter from my old job and she cried fammo,real talk. Lil 18 year old Betsy cried. No, not because of how sad it is that blacks have been polluted, disillusioned, and betrayed by this gov't AGAINAND AGAIN, nah. She cried because she REFUSED to believe our gov't was really this twisted. She called me a liar and gave me the "La La La, Ican't hear you" treatment, swehdagawd. She said Reagan was a hero and all that jazz and that NO WAY could their be people so currupt in a"Christian Country", God wouldn't allow it. Instead of pointed out that this country was created free of religious rule and persecution, I justslumped back in my terminal, smh'd, and went back to work disgusted..
I truly feel for the youth and the uneducated. But for those with knowledge of how the "system" works and it's potential pitfalls and continue topartake in illegalities, I have no remorse. Education is key.
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

I truly feel for the youth and the uneducated. But for those with knowledge of how the "system" works and it's potential pitfalls and continue to partake in illegalities, I have no remorse. Education is key.

Some of the most educated people in history have fell victim to drug abuse.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Plain and simple....It was a tool to stop the brewing black revolution.

It worked to perfection.

Flooding a particular community with narcotics to quell an uprising or manipulate their destiny is a well documented and effective tool of statehood....see the "oriental" opium war and "arab" hasish trade in Northern Africa.
You don't think the current (at the time) failed military campaign had anything to do with it?
Of course that is what it is all about.

Why do you think they are in Afghanistan? It is the "War on Drugs" tactic they are using. The Taliban, they did the most successful drug eradicationof cutting off opium production which also the U.N. approved of and congratulated them on. Opium production was cut down by so much, almost eradicated in 2001.When this happened, the U.S. invasion came in at that time, and now, the production of opium has skyrocketed to record numbers.

Also, back when the Soviet-Afghan war started in the 70s, the CIA spearheaded the opium trade in Afghanistan and used the money made off the illegal opiumtrade trade to finance the Afghans and mujahideens to fight off the Soviets.

Those are one of the biggest form of trades by governments and rich companies in the world - The illegal arms trade, oil trade, and the illegal drug trade.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Too bad there are plenty of white people who know the DEA and war on drugs is a JOKE.
J. Edgar Hoover clearly stated that he believed the negro to be the root of all problems in America. He was a fervent racist, who vowed to crush the brewinguprising that was the greatest potential threat to the American way of live. His goal in life was to stop the uprising of the "Black Messiah". Hecrushed leader after leader...from Marcus Garvey to Huey Newton.

The destruction of our race has always been a top government priority.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

J. Edgar Hoover clearly stated that he believed the negro to be the root of all problems in America. He was a fervent racist, who vowed to crush the brewing uprising that was the greatest potential threat to the American way of live. His goal in life was to stop the uprising of the "Black Messiah". He crushed leader after leader...from Marcus Garvey to Huey Newton.

The destruction of our race has always been a top government priority.
that was 80 years ago
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

J. Edgar Hoover clearly stated that he believed the negro to be the root of all problems in America. He was a fervent racist, who vowed to crush the brewing uprising that was the greatest potential threat to the American way of live. His goal in life was to stop the uprising of the "Black Messiah". He crushed leader after leader...from Marcus Garvey to Huey Newton.

The destruction of our race has always been a top government priority.
that was 80 years ago

The 1960s were 80 years ago?
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

J. Edgar Hoover clearly stated that he believed the negro to be the root of all problems in America. He was a fervent racist, who vowed to crush the brewing uprising that was the greatest potential threat to the American way of live. His goal in life was to stop the uprising of the "Black Messiah". He crushed leader after leader...from Marcus Garvey to Huey Newton.

The destruction of our race has always been a top government priority.
that was 80 years ago

The 1960s were 80 years ago?

Thank you.
WHAT WILL WE DO? Me personally, I just write down my detailed observations, make them rhyme, then sell them to the open minded. I just tell it like it is.That's all I feel I can do, honestly. The power is not in my hands.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

J. Edgar Hoover clearly stated that he believed the negro to be the root of all problems in America. He was a fervent racist, who vowed to crush the brewing uprising that was the greatest potential threat to the American way of live. His goal in life was to stop the uprising of the "Black Messiah". He crushed leader after leader...from Marcus Garvey to Huey Newton.

The destruction of our race has always been a top government priority.
that was 80 years ago

it doesnt matter how long ago it was. the effects are everlasting.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

J. Edgar Hoover clearly stated that he believed the negro to be the root of all problems in America. He was a fervent racist, who vowed to crush the brewing uprising that was the greatest potential threat to the American way of live. His goal in life was to stop the uprising of the "Black Messiah". He crushed leader after leader...from Marcus Garvey to Huey Newton.

The destruction of our race has always been a top government priority.
What about the current Methamphetamine epidemic?
Originally Posted by gumbottombandit

i like this thread. NT has grown before my very eyes.


We have to start looking out for one another and protecting and owning our interests.

That means our music, our education, our athleticism, our food, our image, our media, our political power, our real values..all of our resources and assets.

And thats not being Anti-American or separatist...its being smart and doing what we have been putting off for 400 years. Its doing the things that Europeansettlers did within 100 years of settling onto this land.

Until we do those things and continue where our predecessors left off...we will never be truly equal in this nation. American government is not structured orcapable of providing our people with the things that we truly need to progress. We have to do it ourselves and we have to do it together, as a group.
Our very own JJ from Jersey or The Jersey Shirt, did his honors thesis on this...

he once sent me his paper, and I read it, very informative...and good...

a lot of good literature on this stuff..
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