Do you people realize what the war on drugs is?

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
I agree..THIS should be the real change.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Now is the time for change!

The only way that Obama can truly bring about those lofty and Godly changes that we are emotionally investing in and expecting him to bring if we organize and mobilize to push the issues that we feel are important to us.

Real Talk....its our time now. This is OUR AMERICA. OUR GENERATION....If we don't fight with the same purpose and passion as those that came before us, we have no one to blame but ourselves.

We have a sympathetic President and a friendly legislative body in power...we have to put the pressure on them to help us right these wrongs, so our children can truly live in a free and equal America and not have to work 3 times as hard for everything like too many of us had to.


Originally Posted by NothingBefore



Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
I agree..THIS should be the real change.
Something told me that would be the part that Daytonawould agree with.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
I agree..THIS should be the real change.
Something told me that would be the part that Daytona would agree with.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
What the African American community needs now more than ever is a powerful civil rights leader that everybody respects. African Americans wereable to prosper to new lengths in the 60s because of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X. Who is out there fighting for rights now, Al Shaprton? And don't give meany BS that Sharpton is making a difference because nobody of any importance respects him.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
What the African American community needs now more than ever is a powerful civil rights leader that everybody respects. African Americans were able to prosper to new lengths in the 60s because of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X. Who is out there fighting for rights now, Al Shaprton? And don't give me any BS that Sharpton is making a difference because nobody of any importance respects him.
I don't think that comment was race specific.

Can't have one or two guns without squeezin 'em on our own people and/
*!*% black leaders cause whites ain't got none leadin them
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
What the African American community needs now more than ever is a powerful civil rights leader that everybody respects. African Americans were able to prosper to new lengths in the 60s because of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X. Who is out there fighting for rights now, Al Shaprton? And don't give me any BS that Sharpton is making a difference because nobody of any importance respects him.

Why would you need a Civil Rights leader if you already have equal rights? What more can you want?

An African American male is the President of the United States come January. Seriously? What more is there?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
What the African American community needs now more than ever is a powerful civil rights leader that everybody respects. African Americans were able to prosper to new lengths in the 60s because of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X. Who is out there fighting for rights now, Al Shaprton? And don't give me any BS that Sharpton is making a difference because nobody of any importance respects him.

Why would you need a Civil Rights leader if you already have equal rights? What more can you want?

An African American male is the President of the United States come January. Seriously? What more is there?
+10 pages
What the hell is this "OP" %%$@ that you NikeTalkers keep saying?

An African American male is the President of the United States come January. Seriously? What more is there?

So, you think thats it? That makes everything right now? Nothing is wrong? We're equal because there is a black president of the United States?
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

An African American male is the President of the United States come January. Seriously? What more is there?

So, you think thats it? That makes everything right now? Nothing is wrong? We're equal because there is a black president of the United States?

No, but do you have equal rights? All I'm saying is if we've come THIS far that an African American man is President, what makes you thinkwe all are not equal?

Do you not feel that we have come a long way? 50 years ago the man couldn't have gone to the bathroom with a white man, even if he was half white, and nowhe is President.

Thats all I'm saying.

Also, you don't need a Civil Rights leader, because as stated you have the same rights as everyone else, you need a leader, plain and simple. They are twocompletely different things.
Dosent take a lot of logical reasoning to gather this fact. Somebody with a higher intellect had to of developed crack cocaine. Your regular dope man dosenthave enough education to even know the process. It is apparent that the government has been trying to dumbed down the african american community for a while.Its a shame, seen a lot of potential go to waste.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
What the African American community needs now more than ever is a powerful civil rights leader that everybody respects. African Americans were able to prosper to new lengths in the 60s because of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X. Who is out there fighting for rights now, Al Shaprton? And don't give me any BS that Sharpton is making a difference because nobody of any importance respects him.
Can't believe dude is still asking for more leaders.

Blacks have equal rights right now. The people that seem to have it bad is Hispanics/Latinos

The work exploitation of this group is greater than those of African Americans. I mean sure racism still exists but African Americans have it good compared toother minorities.

that comment just seems greedy to me
Look at every major social statistic...observe the think because a half black, Harvard educated, charming Democrat was voted in after the 2worst Republican lead presidencies in American history....everyone is equal now?

Smartenup homie.

At this very moment a child is born in the slums and is destined for a life of struggle and inequality....Obama's election was a great moment in historyand he has the opportunity to do some good things...but be for real...Are you white/privileged ?
I'm white...

But that doesn't take away from the fact that people aren't doing everything they can to get out of the hood legally.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It don't matter who they are...what they want...if they really put him in power....

If enough people visibly mobilize and organize for righteous change...even Satan himself would be forced to cave in.

The only difference between them and us is that they know their power, where it lies and they efficiently exercise that power.

We are really the powerful group...yet we wallow in self-pity and ambivalence....getting no where fast.
What the African American community needs now more than ever is a powerful civil rights leader that everybody respects. African Americans were able to prosper to new lengths in the 60s because of MLK, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X. Who is out there fighting for rights now, Al Shaprton? And don't give me any BS that Sharpton is making a difference because nobody of any importance respects him.
Can't believe dude is still asking for more leaders.

Blacks have equal rights right now. The people that seem to have it bad is Hispanics/Latinos

The work exploitation of this group is greater than those of African Americans. I mean sure racism still exists but African Americans have it good compared to other minorities.

that comment just seems greedy to me

The comment was made by a white male and ......African-Americans have it good compared to other minorities? stupid do you sound?

Illegal immigrants are being exploited in the labor force and that's because of their illegal status not exclusively because of their ethnicity...thatgroup is not exclusively Latino...illegal Pakistanis, Indians, Africans(African-Americans), Caribbeans (African-Americans), East Asians and dozens of othergroups are being exploited the same way. There are just more Mexican Americans subjected to this injustice because Mexico is our neighbor to the South.
Uh yes, I am white.

At this very moment a child is born in the slums as well, destine for the same life of struggle, but wait, there IS equality.

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.

Also, it is not impossible for a person to get out of their current, negative situation. Work hard, stay on the right track and with the right people and youwill. If not then why complain? Pull yourself up. It isn't impossible.

White America is clearly not as racist as you think, because if they were it wouldn't matter how bad the last 8 years were, Obama NEVER would have beenelected.

Also, please don't use the "you're white you wouldn't understand" saying, its just ridiculous.
Basically...thats what i'm doing.

I'm ignoring you.

It like talking to a brick wall and its fruitless.

I'm good.

Theres really no need to prove anything to you or go into a page long diatribe, trying to get you to see the light.

I could have whatever opinions I want about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict...doesn't mean i'm right.

Flat're wrong.
If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.

Thank you for being a person (who happens to be white) who can think critically.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

If anything, it isn't race that is keeping people back, its social class. This has a lot more affect on the current world than race does.
no kidding?

Yes black people have the same rights as whites do (on paper. ) That doesn't reverse hundreds of years of dehumanization really, it doesn't at all.
Thank you for being a person (who happens to be white) who can think critically.

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