do YOU let your girl wear anything she desires in public with you?

That has never been an issue with me. I dress how i feel is appropriate. But i will def let my mans know if he aint doing it with his outfit.
You have no respect for women. Let her wear what she wants to wear. A real man doesn't try to control his woman. If anything she should say what you bothshould wear
so basically you're insecure....

and no, i dont have a girlfriend at the moment, so there's your answer, but i mean since you probably are on your FIRST girlfriend still, that'sprobably why you are so insecure...

you cant stand to ever lose her.....

edit: had to correct my "stand"!
Dude you have to be kidding me ..

I know what dudes do when they are peepin extra hard .. IF you could look into their brain is basically a porn flick starting your girl ..

However, I know you have looked at some other girls, it's human nature and I know for a fact that you have had the same fantasies with some, so why be ahypocrite?

I don't mind because one, they have the right to look at what they want, that's their eyes ... two, I'm a man in every sense of the word, so noneed to prove my manhood because of some blatant disrespect by some horny cats ... lastly, as long as they don't approach her or say anything disrespectfulwhy even acknowledge it ...

Your actions basically state that you are insecure not only of someone snatching your girl but probably your manhood since you feel the need to make anotherhuman stop "disrespecting" you .. Come on ..
My wife can and does wear what she wants. She don't dress like a stripper or anything close to that, so I really have no reason to have a problem with herwearing what she wants.
why are you getting so defensive with your long post, trying to justify tour insecurity?
Originally Posted by Nawth21

I am 26 years of age, I know how to dress myself. That said, no man is going to dictate what I can and cannot wear.

BINGO! I wouldn't date a girl who could be "told" or would allow her dress code to be dictated to her. I would always offer an opinion if sheasked, but it sounds to me like many of these guys are dating trash.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Your assumption that i do the same is incorrect.

Before i had a chick, if a dude was walking with his girl, out of respect for both of them, i wouldn't be peeping his chick....

glances, normal looking....sure....but that isn't what i was talking about when i made my keep the hypocrite argument to yourself....

so they have a right to oogle your chick? what if she doesn't want to be oogled? what're you saying, it's their right to inappropriately stare at a chick?

who said anything about proving manhood for that matter? i just hit the dudes with
, cause you know, they're THAT corny, to be staring directly at my girl's !%% for 10 seconds, then look directly at my face, noticing i've been
@them the entire time...

did i ever say i took action to "stop" them from "disrespecting" me? are you serious, dude?

EYE am "insecured", yet you support males giving your girl inappropriate sexual attention? why, to validate her attractiveness?

"Whew, i thought my girl was just average, turns out, TONS OF MEN stare at her and mind-molests her in front of me....AWESOME. I'm lucky, because they WANT her...i HAVE her..."

and ftr, i ain't worried about nobody snatching anything.....
No matter what - you look!

Yes they do - To bad for her - If they want to look, yes it's their RIGHT -- Hence why you have so many papz around following celebs.

I did and no you did not say anything about doing something about it .. my fault!

1st of all I don't support anything, I simply dont mind it - I don't need to validate anything - I know what I have - If everyone in the would wouldof have thought she was butt crack ugly in my eyes she would still be beautiful! Unlike you I never thought my woman was avg at best - so if anything you areevaluating your girls looks on others opinion!!!!!!!

Lastly, I'm done!
and ftr, i ain't worried about nobody snatching anything.....

thats good, she must be ugly, so no one looks at her, so you are right you have no reason to be worried about losing her
I really don't see what the big deal is. Guys are gonna stare regardless.

As long as I'm not talking to them why does it matter if they look or not? I think it's totally acceptable to look but touching is a different story.
Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

and ftr, i ain't worried about nobody snatching anything.....

thats good, she must be ugly, so no one looks at her, so you are right you have no reason to be worried about losing her

and if you say, no shes not ugly...

then you know what comes next...

post pics or ducktales...
eNPHAN wrote:

Unlike you I never thought my woman was avg at best - so if anything you are evaluation your girls on others opinion!!!!!!!

Sorry to interrupt, but how is that corny when you yourself stated "Whew, i thought my girl was just average, turns out, TONS OF MEN stare ather"

So, unless I can't read, that statement seems true to me!!!
Originally Posted by nycbxbdby

Sorry to interrupt, but how is that corny when you yourself stated "Whew, i thought my girl was just average, turns out, TONS OF MEN stare at her"

So, unless I can't read, that statement seems true to me!!!
Thanks my dude, but this clown always tries to manipulate and impose his will on others ..

He know he said he thought his girls was avg and now since he see guys looking at her .... left it with room for interpretation!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by 5iveonit

I really don't see what the big deal is. Guys are gonna stare regardless.

As long as I'm not talking to them why does it matter if they look or not? I think it's totally acceptable to look but touching is a different story.
Haysh, you like the attention.

It's not a big deal, i just made a statement about how it annoys me, next thing i know, i got two dunces in here telling me i'm insecure and that you're ugly....

one of which doesn't even have a chick....

LOL@post an argument...where i voiced displeasure in other dudes oogling my girl.....

you must be....

Actually the only one slow here is you .. because if thats your girl and she can read .. she will notice not only did you call her avg (verydisrespectful coming from your partner) but you said other humans dont have the right to look at what they want.

Sorry bud, you called potus a Maveric but the only Maveric here is you tryingt to change our way of life and saying people dont have right .. ONCEAGAIN - you have taken the L
She won't even have the chance to take it out the closet cause I wouldn't have allowed her to buy it. Man Law.
LOL .. you are funny dude .. I didn't pay attention to that ..

However, still remain you're insecure about what your self. If, it bother other oogling your girl maybe you shouldnt take her out or when ya do cover herwith a sheet ...

Bottom line a real man/woman wouldnt have a problem with other blatant attemp to mind screw your partner because is life and there are bigger and moreimportant things to worry about ...

X2 on you are so corny mofo!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

@these geniuses.

(watch them come back like "SEE, YOU CALLED US SMART! OH MAN, YOU TAKE THE L")
are you getting frustrated?
no, actually, i'm getting lolz, compliments of your brain....

yup, you're getting frustrated
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