do YOU let your girl wear anything she desires in public with you?

eNPHAN wrote:

Sorry to interrupt, but how is that corny when you yourself stated "Whew, i thought my girl was just average, turns out, TONS OF MEN stare at her"

apparently, you two arent the ONLY dudes who can't read very well...

(since you probably couldn't muster up the brain power to understand the rest of this post, i was mocking SGS MM when i typed that...hence the " and the ")

I'm glad you corrected me in such a way to insult my intelligence.

Just remember, the lack of insecurity is seen by what you have wrote. If you was secure and you live your life, there's no reason why you should be oglingother guys to see who's ogling your girl. Either you are a undercover *$*% or you are just looking for an excuse to validate your girl!

FTR, I have a girl and I have never seen another man look at her, either she is ugly or I just know who I am and who I choose to be my girl!

Take a page from a man, little boy!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by SGS MM

LOL .. you are funny dude .. I didn't pay attention to that ..

However, still remain you're insecure about what your self. If, it bother other oogling your girl maybe you shouldnt take her out or when ya do cover her with a sheet ...

Bottom line a real man/woman wouldnt have a problem with other blatant attemp to mind screw your partner because is life and there are bigger and more important things to worry about ...

X2 on you are so corny mofo!

i know, it's painfully obvious you (and them too, for that matter) don't pay attention.......

there is no however....when did i say it was a "big deal" in my life?

when did i provide a hierarchy of things that are important to my life, and ranked "dudes looking at my chick" above anything else on that list?

i was simply pointing out the logic of a dude having a problem with other men staring inappropriately at his significant other.....

he said
you should be happy other guys want to look at your girl!
i said

you must not have a girl
...which he doesn't.

he responded back TWICE with

you prolly whipped

you ARE whipped
out of his obvious saltiness that i was 100% correct.

Look, is it a big deal to me that dudes

Is it annoying and do i consider it disrespectful? yes....

Do i think that a man should be HAPPY his woman is being stared at inappropriately while he stands there being disregarded/disrespected? heaven's no.

and that, my friend, is where i differ from you two.....

but hey, at least you HAVE a girl, from which you can speak with experience on the issue....

this other dude is all "you should be least you have a girl"

(see? in quotes, meaning, i'm quoting someone other than myself, and there's also this thing you can do with the English language, it's called guys should really check out that new-age phenomena whenever you get a chance...)

then he has the audacity to ask for pics....


why are you restating what just happened in this post? people can read it on their own you know?

and we get it, your insecurity is justified... you can calm down now, we understand why you are insecure
then he has the audacity to ask for pics....

audacity? its is my duty as a NT member, when someone mentions their chick or any other in relation to themselves, pics must be requested...
xxhu5sl1npnoyxx wrote:

why are you restating what just happened in this post? people can read it on their own you know?

and we get it, your insecurity is justified... you can calm down now, we understand why you are insecure

Because he is salty .. He has 3 dudes stating the obvious but he is in denial ... LMAO
Because he is salty .. He has 3 dudes stating the obvious but he is in denial ... LMAO

nah man, hes not salty, hes just justifying his insecurity, hes just making it clearer how insecure he is... and thats ok, i mean its obvious he is afraid thatsomeone will steal his girlfriend...

who at this moment is ducktales, because he hasnt posted pics yet... but i understand because if he does post pics, he thinks it is disrespectful that she isgoing to star in a porn in some guys mind... unless of course she is ugly...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

you act like i have to actively search for dudes staring at my girl or something...

you the type of dude to turn your face away like "i didn't even see him calling me a +*%!#"?
LOL you still on your comedy strip .. Dont be mad cause homeboy schooled you .. Now you saying he is the type of dude that will look away whenhe's being called a +%@@*? SMH .. Maybe like he said, he does not need to follow other dudes eye around to see who is staring and keep it moving.
this makes me laugh because half the reason girls get guys attention in the first place is because her booty and **** are hanging why not allow her towear it after she's yours
Originally Posted by Emsterr

this makes me laugh because half the reason girls get guys attention in the first place is because her booty and **** are hanging why not allow her to wear it after she's yours
Exactly what I said on PAGE 7 ..
eNPHAN wrote:
you the type of dude to turn your face away like "i didn't even see him calling me a +*%!#"?

Excuse me Big Boy, tell me what exactly will you do if someone calls you *****?

Since I'm the type of dude that will turn my face and act like someone was not talking to me, a good assumption is that you are the type of little boy thatwill turn around and confront. RIGHT?

Just goes to show you, that although you are educated and of age, you are still a little boy!

What will I gain from confronting someone that's just talking? All they are doing is moving air ... That's how a real MAN handles things!!!

Learn little boy!!
Smh at these lames arguing.Just cause you dont want your girl out looking like a %#* you insecure now?*scratches chin*
I ain't never been reprimanded for dressing the way that I do. I mean, I'm not walking around booty buttcheeks exposed and breastesses hanging out soI'm good money
At the end of the day, tho, you shouldn't have to 'regulate' your girl - or anyone for that matter. If they don'talready knowww the deal you lost for wifing a clueless, attention craving broad.

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I ain't never been reprimanded for dressing the way that I do. I mean, I'm walking around booty buttcheeks exposed and breastesses hanging out so I'm good money
At the end of the day, tho, you shouldn't have to 'regulate' your girl - or anyone for that matter. If they don't already knowww the deal you lost for wifing a clueless, attention craving broad.



Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

I ain't never been reprimanded for dressing the way that I do. I mean, I'm walking around booty buttcheeks exposed and breastesses hanging out so I'm good money
At the end of the day, tho, you shouldn't have to 'regulate' your girl - or anyone for that matter. If they don't already knowww the deal you lost for wifing a clueless, attention craving broad.




Want some pics of me?Ever since they found out I was a dude no one loves me
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

for the first time ever, I would quote that he/she if I could.(msdunks)

these others confuse insecurity with selfishness....

I can admit that I'm

I mean, if you review the wild accusations and assumptions from, a.)a grown man who talks tough with phrases such as "big boy", b.) a mexican kid who is salty I think black people have been most severely mistreated minority in U.S. history and c.) a pinoy who's so geeked to be acknowledged, he posts like 4 times in a row. he's obviously feeling himself.....(pun intended)

because I know you'll need help:
(because you don't have a girl, get it?)
I have no clue what your talking about.But your avy has me trippin balls
Sounds like some of you guys are "controlfreaks" and abusive..... I'm glad to say that I am married and my wife has class, so NO never do I have to regulate what she wears, maybe yall got itall wrong
I like your way of thinking weekend girl
I think we should have an official NT wedding ceremony
nyk orange and blue will be the bestman...domski the ring bearer
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