
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I already stated that he fought some amateurs...Whats your point??? How does this dispel my statement that he has not fought at a pro level against pro fighters???
He beat Chuck Norris in a tournament. Does that count? Oh, no... it doesnt does it because Chuck is an actor

Tell me why, without using the 'Tyson was a boxing champ' argument, why Lee cant beat Tyson, in their primes. I only read 2 pages, and the 10th. Ihavent seen an argument, at least a valid one, why Tyson would win.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

dream match would be bruce lee/ jet li and ali/tyson.. all in their prime... still have to go with martial arts.. you can dodge and block but what is tyson or ali gonna do when they get a low kick on their leg... cant dodge that...4 weapons(feet and fists) against 2 weapons (fists) that's not very hard to figure out... just cause martial artists arent as big as boxer doesn't mean a thing!! keep thinking that. not only are/were tyson and ali bigger than these two, they're also a lot stronger as well. i would love to see any of them try to just block a punch from ali or tyson.

I mean, all im asking for, is for footage of one lee fight. One real one, against a legit opponent. that's all.

so it's all about size and strength huh? sounds like you dont know much about martial really think that either of them would wait till ali ortyson would throw a punch? you have no clue...
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

dream match would be bruce lee/ jet li and ali/tyson.. all in their prime... still have to go with martial arts.. you can dodge and block but what is tyson or ali gonna do when they get a low kick on their leg... cant dodge that...4 weapons(feet and fists) against 2 weapons (fists) that's not very hard to figure out... just cause martial artists arent as big as boxer doesn't mean a thing!! keep thinking that. not only are/were tyson and ali bigger than these two, they're also a lot stronger as well. i would love to see any of them try to just block a punch from ali or tyson.

I mean, all im asking for, is for footage of one lee fight. One real one, against a legit opponent. that's all.

so it's all about size and strength huh? sounds like you dont know much about martial really think that either of them would wait till ali or tyson would throw a punch? you have no clue...
I just now saw this ignorant %*! statement...
The unstoppable punch:
Lee also appeared at the 1967 Long Beach International Karate Championships[sup][39][/sup] and performed various demonstrations, including the famous "unstoppable punch" against USKA world karate champion Vic Moore. Lee told Moore that he was going to throw a straight punch to the face, and all he had to do was to try and block it. Lee took several steps back and asked if Moore was ready, when Moore nodded in affirmation, Lee glided towards him until he was within striking range. He then threw a straight punch directly at Moore's face, and stopped before impact. In eight attempts, Moore failed to block any of the punches.
Tell me how Tyson would stop this, while a world champion Karate fighter cant... in EIGHT tries.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I already stated that he fought some amateurs...Whats your point??? How does this dispel my statement that he has not fought at a pro level against pro fighters???
He beat Chuck Norris in a tournament. Does that count? Oh, no... it doesnt does it because Chuck is an actor

Tell me why, without using the 'Tyson was a boxing champ' argument, why Lee can beat Tyson, in their primes. I only read 2 pages, and the 10th. I havent seen an argument, at least a valid one, why Tyson would win.

for the simple fact that you've ACTUALLY SEEN tyson fight. that's all the proof one really needs.
and if you're going to use chuck norris as the measuring stick for a great you think that norris could beat tyson?
Why doesn't Nascar step into the NBA?


They are two different sports with different athletes.

You see those things that boxers have to stand on to fight....martial arts has a hundred different ways to destroy them.

A quick take down and the fight is over.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

See my only thing with Lee is this...

YES he had great physical talent...

YES he fought a few guys...(Supposedly dozens upon dozens on the streets over his life)

But realistically...

Against a prizefighter who has had recorded visual evidence of his fights...I'm going to go with Tyson...

Yes Lee could go to the ground, kick, use submissions etc...But has he EVER been hit by a guy like Tyson? Has he ever truly had his chin checked?

Thats what I want to know....If Tyson DOES connect, the result could mean some bad, bad, BAD things for Mr.Lee...

Who is to say Bruce Lee would have ever put himself in a position as intelligent and aware as he was a martial artist to allow someone who is known to do one thing well and that's punch...?

C'mon...that's like saying if someone ran out into the highway at night and were not paying attention to oncoming traffic that they'd not end up in serious condition.

We all know Tyson was a power guy. Had an attack first mode. But I'd pick Bruce Lee 99 out of 100 times to put Tyson on his back. Even guys like Michael Spinks ended up beating Tyson in his prime.......I know anyone can take an L at any time including Lee...but I just don't see how a guy as physically fit as Lee was and as astute as he was in the martial arts to allow himself to become vulnerable to a guy who can only punch hard.

UMMMM Guys like Michael Spinks...

Guys like Michael Spinks are BEASTLY DUDES...

BTW Mike Spinks got his @(#*# handed to him by Tyson IN THE FIRST ROUND...


I'm done, not even going to argue with dudes who don't know a thing about the boxing game....Please....

Get outta here with that nonsense!
We're not talking a boxer vs. a boxer here. It takes years and years of practice and dedication to be the kind of fighter that Bruce Lee was. I know about boxing homie. Don't try to play me with that B.S. just because you don't agree with my assessment.
So you're saying it doesn't take years of dedication and practice to be the type of fighter Spinks, Tyson, etc were?

You clearly don't know a thing about boxing man, I'm just saying....You're not speaking intelligently about the sport. All you're doing is dismissing it as some pedestrian slug fest that requires no experience...

I'm not dismissing anything here. But I'm not gullible enough to believe that some 220 lb. amazon boxer like Mike Tyson could easily take a guy who once was considered "one of the fittest men in the world". I'm sure Mike Tyson didn't live, eat, and breathe boxing 24/7 the way Bruce Lee dedicated himself to martial arts.

Tyson was a ferocious boxer. Undoubtedly. He was the real deal (no Evander Holyfield) in his prime. But he wasn't trained to be a thinking man's boxer either. He only had one thought and that was: Attack!

I just know that the martial arts is waaaayyy more versatile as a fighting technique than boxing is. To be a great boxer takes dedication and talent...but as I said many times before Bruce Lee was gifted in defending himself and trained extensively in perfecting his skills.

I don't think it's hard to understand that a boxer only thinks of cornering a smaller guy like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee thought extremely well on his feet and often pranced back and forth studying his opponent's stance and technique. So I definitely don't think Lee would have gotten beat by Mike some respects you act like Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime.
Just as Lee took time for writing, acting, family...

Tyson took time for smashing broads, and spending money...

Other than that boxing was his life..

I never said Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime....I think in his prime a few guys could've beat him. Not many and not Lee...

BTW Tyson knew how to counter-punch and exhibited it at times. The popular definition of Tyson ignores this...

Not Lee huh!?

I wonder what would work better in a fight....a guy who studied and perfected various fighting techniques such as Bruce Lee....or a guy who lifted weights all day and fought only with his fists like Tyson.........hmmmmmmmm........

Tyson lifted weights all day???

WOW you have no idea how boxers train. Has little to do with actual weight lifting...

Please stop now. You're making yourself sound like you're completely ignorant to the world of boxing man. Please stop disgracing the sport with youropinions.
From a technical standpoint, once Bruce figured out Tyson's boxing he would go to his jeet kune do and Tyson wouldnt know how to handle it

Lee by TKO
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I already stated that he fought some amateurs...Whats your point??? How does this dispel my statement that he has not fought at a pro level against pro fighters???
He beat Chuck Norris in a tournament. Does that count? Oh, no... it doesnt does it because Chuck is an actor

Tell me why, without using the 'Tyson was a boxing champ' argument, why Lee cant beat Tyson, in their primes. I only read 2 pages, and the 10th. I havent seen an argument, at least a valid one, why Tyson would win.
Then read more, I stated my argument in the latter pages leading up to the 10th...
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Why doesn't Nascar step into the NBA?


They are two different sports with different athletes.

You see those things that boxers have to stand on to fight....martial arts has a hundred different ways to destroy them.

A quick take down and the fight is over.
two different sports with two different athletes?...ahah, the ol' apples-and-oranges argument. No, don't bring that out now. Because,since these supposed martial artists that we are comparing (bruce lee, jet li, etc) are supposed masters (or student-masters, in lee's case) of both theirhands and feet, they should have no problem diving in a sport that utlizies one, but not both. right?
Originally Posted by Club29

From a technical standpoint, once Bruce figured out Tyson's boxing he would go to his jeet kune do and Tyson wouldnt know how to handle it

Lee by TKO

Sure, because all it takes is simple logic to dispose of a person right?

If it were only that simple with a guy like Mike...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[sup][31][/sup] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[sup][32][/sup]

I didn't even know that.............and this guy SneakerHeathen still thinks he has a legitimate case.
Gary Elms was not a 3-time champ at a pro level...

My case is still far more legit than anyone else who has yet to post. Especially yours. BTW there seems to be alot of things you "didn't even know"....

Why would I have to know everything about Bruce Lee to know that Lee would have absolutely kicked Mike Tyson's !!%!?

Fighting is more perceptive than just a guy with power who is just trained to punch and counter-punch.
And what's up with this crap about "pro fighters"!? Granted Leenever fought a guy like Ali or Tyson..........but I am willing to bet that both of these guys would have some hard thinking to do before accepting a fight withBruce Lee whereas I'm sure Lee would love to accept the challenge. I don't distinctly recall Mike Tyson challenging a black belt or red belt to afight...You think in Don King terms of "pro fighting".....and show little to no respect for a martial artist the caliber of Bruce Lee.

And by the way.....your case isn't anywhere close to legit which is why other people besides me are in total disagreement with you.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I already stated that he fought some amateurs...Whats your point??? How does this dispel my statement that he has not fought at a pro level against pro fighters???
He beat Chuck Norris in a tournament. Does that count? Oh, no... it doesnt does it because Chuck is an actor

Tell me why, without using the 'Tyson was a boxing champ' argument, why Lee can beat Tyson, in their primes. I only read 2 pages, and the 10th. I havent seen an argument, at least a valid one, why Tyson would win.

for the simple fact that you've ACTUALLY SEEN tyson fight. that's all the proof one really needs.
and if you're going to use chuck norris as the measuring stick for a great you think that norris could beat tyson?
That. Is. ******ed.

You think you can announce a winner based on who you've seen?

Norris wouldnt beat Tyson. Lee would.
  • NABF Cruiserweight champion(December 12,1990 -�?)
  • IBF World Cruiserweight champion(September 7, 1991 - July 30, 1992)
at some of yall thinking that boxing is inferior in the realm ofmartial arts

On a somewhat smaller scale, go get some kung fu sifu or local karate blackbelt and see if they will spar a comparably golden gloves amateur boxer

See who wins..........

It aint the martial artist
Originally Posted by Mako28

at some of yall thinking that boxing is inferior in the realm of martial arts

On a somewhat smaller scale, go get some kung fu sifu or local karate blackbelt and see if they will spar a comparably golden gloves amateur boxer

See who wins..........

It aint the martial artist
No. We know boxing is a reputable, and very popular form of fighting.
Thats not what this is about though.

This is about Lee vs. Tyson.
The greatest fighter in history vs. one of the Top 5 boxers in history.
Greatest fighter > Top 5 boxer.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I already stated that he fought some amateurs...Whats your point??? How does this dispel my statement that he has not fought at a pro level against pro fighters???
He beat Chuck Norris in a tournament. Does that count? Oh, no... it doesnt does it because Chuck is an actor

Tell me why, without using the 'Tyson was a boxing champ' argument, why Lee can beat Tyson, in their primes. I only read 2 pages, and the 10th. I havent seen an argument, at least a valid one, why Tyson would win.

for the simple fact that you've ACTUALLY SEEN tyson fight. that's all the proof one really needs.
and if you're going to use chuck norris as the measuring stick for a great you think that norris could beat tyson?
That. Is. ******ed.

You think you can announce a winner based on who you've seen?

Norris wouldnt beat Tyson. Lee would.

You. Are. ******ed. for believing in myths that have no factual proof. No, i shouldn't say ******ed, but are naive.
And if tyson could, by your reasoning, beat norris, why'd you bring him up? If they both could beat norris, what good is he as an ability guideline?
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[sup][31][/sup] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[sup][32][/sup]

I didn't even know that.............and this guy SneakerHeathen still thinks he has a legitimate case.
Gary Elms was not a 3-time champ at a pro level...

My case is still far more legit than anyone else who has yet to post. Especially yours. BTW there seems to be alot of things you "didn't even know"....

Why would I have to know everything about Bruce Lee to know that Lee would have absolutely kicked Mike Tyson's !!%!?

Fighting is more perceptive than just a guy with power who is just trained to punch and counter-punch.
And what's up with this crap about "pro fighters"!? Granted Lee never fought a guy like Ali or Tyson..........but I am willing to bet that both of these guys would have some hard thinking to do before accepting a fight with Bruce Lee whereas I'm sure Lee would love to accept the challenge. I don't distinctly recall Mike Tyson challenging a black belt or red belt to a fight...You think in Don King terms of "pro fighting".....and show little to no respect for a martial artist the caliber of Bruce Lee.

And by the way.....your case isn't anywhere close to legit which is why other people besides me are in total disagreement with you.

Thats easy, because its popular to shout out "Lee" in these arguments.

Anyways, I show respect to those who earn it. Lee's caliber is in question, I'm questioning it. Why? Because he's not a pro-fighter. His lifewasn't dedicated to fighting others for money. People (boxers, mma, kickboxers, etc) who actually fight on a pro level because that's how they eat,THEY earn my respect.

Not sensationalized martial-artists/actors......Sorry I'm not buying into the hype like most are. I go against the grain when I have to.
i'd love to see this fight happen in real life...i wish bruce lee didn't die so early either. truly sad...

oh yea but let's be serious here i don't think any "professional" boxer could win against bruce lee so obviously not tyson.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

  • NABF Cruiserweight champion(December 12,1990 -�?)
  • IBF World Cruiserweight champion(September 7, 1991 - July 30, 1992)
Okay look up Yokuse Ninshijima....

Good as a boxer...

Great as a Martial Artist....

Plenty of youtube footage for him...
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