
Originally Posted by BIGTEEZY

that dudes name is EVANGELISTA CYBORG

easily the dopest name ive ever heard.

maybe with the exception of cruz gangstamonte. haha


His name is actually Evangelista Santos...
Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.


Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Top 5 boxer? Tyson top 5?

Lmao another dude who committed e-suicide and let it be known that he has no idea what he's talking about.

Tyson isn't top 5, p4p or HW.....
Where do you have him then? We both know he's not #1.

Ali, Robinson, Jones Jr., Joe Louis > Tyson.
As far as HW? Or in the grand scheme of boxing? I don't consider Jones JR. a HW let alone a great heavyweight...

Elaborate before I answer please..
Grand scheme. We're comparing apples to oranges already with Lee/Tyson. Might as well throw other weight classes in to the mix.
If you take off Jones, lets throw in a HW... say Foreman or Marciano. But then I think Tyson would beat them if all were in their primes.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.
Which is why we shouldnt even be arguing with that fool. He hasnt done any sort of research, and takes Tyson because he's seen him fight
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.


relax. just making a simple generalization. I know quite enough about lee and jeet kune do. still, i don't know how someone can brand lee asthe greatest fighter ever, when there are hardly any records of him fighting professionals. It just doesn't add up.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.

I classified him as a "martial artist" and a "movie star"....

Not as one in the same....

I know of his Jeet Kune Do. The way of the intercepting fist. The Style of no style etc....

Dude I've done my homework.....Don't even try and play me
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.

I classified him as a "martial artist" and a "movie star"....

Not as one in the same....

I know of his Jeet Kune Do. The way of the intercepting fist. The Style of no style etc....

Dude I've done my homework.....Don't even try and play me
Not talking about you with that post. The other guy in here on your side... thesimplestlife. He said Lee was only a movie star
Dude obviously has MA training though...hes throwing leaping punches in a boxing match....poor example.

Plus look what happened to him against a talented MMA fighter....destruction.

Hes one of those guys that dabbles in both worlds but isnt great at either one. Im sure he would tell you a talented MMA fighter would handle an equallytalented boxer in a no-holds barred fight...the video is proof positive.

Y'all are really arguing a moot point though. A boxer is trained purely in a no holds barred fight a MA has a distinct advantage. Its likedragging a shark onto land...its out of its zone.

How can you argue against someone who is trained to attack every part of the body, from every angle...with some one trained to throw only punches? Doesn'teven make sense.
boxers use gloves. without them tyson wouldnt be able to block and do you really think he can take kicks to the head without getting knocked out?
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Top 5 boxer? Tyson top 5?

Lmao another dude who committed e-suicide and let it be known that he has no idea what he's talking about.

Tyson isn't top 5, p4p or HW.....
Where do you have him then? We both know he's not #1.

Ali, Robinson, Jones Jr., Joe Louis > Tyson.
As far as HW? Or in the grand scheme of boxing? I don't consider Jones JR. a HW let alone a great heavyweight...

Elaborate before I answer please..
Grand scheme. We're comparing apples to oranges already with Lee/Tyson. Might as well throw other weight classes in to the mix.
If you take off Jones, lets throw in a HW... say Foreman or Marciano. But then I think Tyson would beat them if all were in their primes.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.
Which is why we shouldnt even be arguing with that fool. He hasnt done any sort of research, and takes Tyson because he's seen him fight

you guys are illogical. How are you going try to make it sound like it's dumb of me to take tyson because I've actually SEEN him fight, while no one(me, included) has seen lee fight, and yet still (w/o any real evidence of ability) takes lee to win this fight. The sad thing is, I probably know about leethan you clowns.
Sneakerheathen your whole argument is based off of the assumption that Bruce Lee isn't as great as he's perceived. But even if he isn't out of thethousands, millions, whatever amount of martial artist that there is or was at that time he was the one to build this hype around him. Regardless of if he wasthat great or not you can't possibly think that it's pure myth as if someone made up a couple lies and the whole world ran with it. So assuming that hetrained in at least a few of those martial arts he was said to train in. We have seen visual proof of his speed. So lets say Bruce Lee has the weakest chinever in the world. How many fighters with anything close to that kind of speed has Mike Tyson fought? Unless he has studied some other fighting form in hisspare time Mike Tyson has absolutely no training against the most basic of kicks. He hasn't been trained to evade illegal blows. If he has he's beentrained to block a low blow, a head butt, and a elbow. So with the kicking speed of Bruce Lee how would Tyson defend a simple kick to the nuts? Seeing as howBruce trains against martial artist even if he has never faced an opponent with Tysons strength most martial artist are fairly quick, so to think Tyson wouldsomehow surprise Bruce Lee with his speed and land an absolutely clean shot is kind of out of the question. Bruce Lee or any other fairly talented martialartist would only have to dodge a punch with a simple lean and if they kick Tyson can't defend it. There's just to many ways that Bruce could beatTyson and there's just to little ways that Tyson could beat Bruce. #*%! if Bruce Lied on the ground and just waited for Tyson how would Tyson go aboutdefending that? I doubt Tyson has been trained on punching at something that low while Bruce can attack in multiple ways from the ground. Boxing is just tolimited a fighting style to go against something that versatile regardless of how good a boxer you are. It would take alot of intelligence for a boxer todefeat an opponent with that many ways to attack. Tyson does not posses that intelligence.
someone clear this up for me if bruce lee and mike tyson were at the same weight class who would win from there?
Bruce, with no hesitation.

Seriously, everyone who's saying that it would take Tyson just one hit to knock him out are failing to realize that hewouldn't be able to touch Bruce Lee.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

you guys are illogical. How are you going try to make it sound like it's dumb of me to take tyson because I've actually SEEN him fight, while no one (me, included) has seen lee fight, and yet still (w/o any real evidence of ability) takes lee to win this fight. The sad thing is, I probably know about lee than you clowns.
Your first argument is illogical.
Also, I have seen videos of him fighting. Real fights; tournament fights. Google is your friend. If you put any effort into it, you can find a video.

I did a research project for college on Lee. I know everything the internet can give me on him. I wont claim to know more than you, but I definitely know a lot.

Am I to believe that Einstein wasn't the greatest scientific mind in history because I dont have any video evidence of him proposing the theory ofrelativity? No.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Sneakerheathen your whole argument is based off of the assumption that Bruce Lee isn't as great as he's perceived. But even if he isn't out of the thousands, millions, whatever amount of martial artist that there is or was at that time he was the one to build this hype around him. Regardless of if he was that great or not you can't possibly think that it's pure myth as if someone made up a couple lies and the whole world ran with it. So assuming that he trained in at least a few of those martial arts he was said to train in. We have seen visual proof of his speed. So lets say Bruce Lee has the weakest chin ever in the world. How many fighters with anything close to that kind of speed has Mike Tyson fought? Unless he has studied some other fighting form in his spare time Mike Tyson has absolutely no training against the most basic of kicks. He hasn't been trained to evade illegal blows. If he has he's been trained to block a low blow, a head butt, and a elbow. So with the kicking speed of Bruce Lee how would Tyson defend a simple kick to the nuts? Seeing as how Bruce trains against martial artist even if he has never faced an opponent with Tysons strength most martial artist are fairly quick, so to think Tyson would somehow surprise Bruce Lee with his speed and land an absolutely clean shot is kind of out of the question. Bruce Lee or any other fairly talented martial artist would only have to dodge a punch with a simple lean and if they kick Tyson can't defend it. There's just to many ways that Bruce could beat Tyson and there's just to little ways that Tyson could beat Bruce. #*%! if Bruce Lied on the ground and just waited for Tyson how would Tyson go about defending that? I doubt Tyson has been trained on punching at something that low while Bruce can attack in multiple ways from the ground. Boxing is just to limited a fighting style to go against something that versatile regardless of how good a boxer you are. It would take alot of intelligence for a boxer to defeat an opponent with that many ways to attack. Tyson does not posses that intelligence.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Sneakerheathen your whole argument is based off of the assumption that Bruce Lee isn't as great as he's perceived. But even if he isn't out of the thousands, millions, whatever amount of martial artist that there is or was at that time he was the one to build this hype around him. Regardless of if he was that great or not you can't possibly think that it's pure myth as if someone made up a couple lies and the whole world ran with it. So assuming that he trained in at least a few of those martial arts he was said to train in. We have seen visual proof of his speed. So lets say Bruce Lee has the weakest chin ever in the world. How many fighters with anything close to that kind of speed has Mike Tyson fought? Unless he has studied some other fighting form in his spare time Mike Tyson has absolutely no training against the most basic of kicks. He hasn't been trained to evade illegal blows. If he has he's been trained to block a low blow, a head butt, and a elbow. So with the kicking speed of Bruce Lee how would Tyson defend a simple kick to the nuts? Seeing as how Bruce trains against martial artist even if he has never faced an opponent with Tysons strength most martial artist are fairly quick, so to think Tyson would somehow surprise Bruce Lee with his speed and land an absolutely clean shot is kind of out of the question. Bruce Lee or any other fairly talented martial artist would only have to dodge a punch with a simple lean and if they kick Tyson can't defend it. There's just to many ways that Bruce could beat Tyson and there's just to little ways that Tyson could beat Bruce. #*%! if Bruce Lied on the ground and just waited for Tyson how would Tyson go about defending that? I doubt Tyson has been trained on punching at something that low while Bruce can attack in multiple ways from the ground. Boxing is just to limited a fighting style to go against something that versatile regardless of how good a boxer you are. It would take alot of intelligence for a boxer to defeat an opponent with that many ways to attack. Tyson does not posses that intelligence.
well said. im not good at explaining my points but that was what i was trying to get at. I seen a mma match before where one dude wouldcontinuously kick until his opponent couldnt stand anymore and the match ended from there.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Top 5 boxer? Tyson top 5?

Lmao another dude who committed e-suicide and let it be known that he has no idea what he's talking about.

Tyson isn't top 5, p4p or HW.....
Where do you have him then? We both know he's not #1.

Ali, Robinson, Jones Jr., Joe Louis > Tyson.
As far as HW? Or in the grand scheme of boxing? I don't consider Jones JR. a HW let alone a great heavyweight...

Elaborate before I answer please..
Grand scheme. We're comparing apples to oranges already with Lee/Tyson. Might as well throw other weight classes in to the mix.
If you take off Jones, lets throw in a HW... say Foreman or Marciano. But then I think Tyson would beat them if all were in their primes.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just you classifying Bruce a "martial arts movie star" proves you don't know what you're talking about.

Dude developed his own fighting style...still widely regarded as the best theory of street fighting in the world.
Which is why we shouldnt even be arguing with that fool. He hasnt done any sort of research, and takes Tyson because he's seen him fight

I haven't done any sort of research? Wow...Assumptions....

As far as the grand scheme and where Tyson fits in? He's not even on my top 20.

1. Ray Robinson.
2. Joe Louis
3. Ali
4. Ray Leonard
5. Willie Pep
6. Joe Frazier
7. Gene Tunney
8. Marvin Hagler
9. Roberto Duran
10. Emile Griffith
11. Jack Dempsey
12. Jake LaMotta
13. Evander Holyfield*
14. Tommy Hearns
15. Larry Holmes
16. Jack Johnson
17. Julio Cesar Chavez
18. Ezzard Charles
19. George Foreman
20. Archie Moore

And plenty more better than Tyson...

Actually come to think of it Holyfield's spot on that list is in question....He has used steroids so....

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

you guys are illogical. How are you going try to make it sound like it's dumb of me to take tyson because I've actually SEEN him fight, while no one (me, included) has seen lee fight, and yet still (w/o any real evidence of ability) takes lee to win this fight. The sad thing is, I probably know about lee than you clowns.
Your first argument is illogical.
Also, I have seen videos of him fighting. Real fights; tournament fights. Google is your friend. If you put any effort into it, you can find a video.

I did a research project for college on Lee. I know everything the internet can give me on him. I wont claim to know more than you, but I definitely know a lot.
Illogical on what basis? That we've seen tyson, and not lee? I was saying that I was taking Tyson based off of that; I was simply just tryingto re-emphasize that Lee has not really fought professionals. At least we have concrete footage of tyson fighting professional boxers.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I haven't done any sort of research? Wow...Assumptions....

As far as the grand scheme and where Tyson fits in? He's not even on my top 20.

1. Ray Robinson.
2. Joe Louis
3. Ali
4. Ray Leonard
5. Willie Pep
6. Joe Frazier
7. Gene Tunney
8. Marvin Hagler
9. Roberto Duran
10. Emile Griffith
11. Jack Dempsey
12. Jake LaMotta
13. Evander Holyfield
14. Tommy Hearns
15. Larry Holmes
16. Jack Johnson
17. Julio Cesar Chavez
18. Ezzard Charles
19. George Foreman
20. Archie Moore

And plenty more better than Tyson...
Again, wasn't talking about you. Thesimplestlife is arguing your points too, so things might have been crossed a couple times.

If Tyson isnt in your top 20 boxers ever... then how is he better than Lee?
Originally Posted by rjones416

boxers use gloves. without them tyson wouldnt be able to block and do you really think he can take kicks to the head without getting knocked out?
Boxers don't need gloves to parry and counter...

You do know what a "parry" is. Right?
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