
Originally Posted by TheYoungestGun

dream match would be bruce lee/ jet li and ali/tyson.. all in their prime... still have to go with martial arts.. you can dodge and block but what is tyson or ali gonna do when they get a low kick on their leg... cant dodge that...4 weapons(feet and fists) against 2 weapons (fists) that's not very hard to figure out... just cause martial artists arent as big as boxer doesn't mean a thing!! keep thinking that. not only are/were tyson and ali bigger than these two, they're also a lot stronger as well. i would love tosee any of them try to just block a punch from ali or tyson.

I mean, all im asking for, is for footage of one lee fight. One real one, against a legit opponent. that's all.
Originally Posted by ThiPham

sneakerheath what do you know about martial art? you are more bias towards boxing

How am I biased by saying a martial-artist with little actual fighting experience at a professional level vs a pro fighter who has excelled at his field willlose???

Listen...Tyson vs Rampage Jackson, Liddell, Rua, Couture, etc....I'll say its going to be a whole other kind of fight because these guys have actuallydemonstrated their prowess at a pro level...

Lee? None to speak of....
I trained in Western Boxing for about 5 years and still do today....

I have been training in JKD, Muay Thai, Dirty Boxing, Kali and BJJ for about 7 months....

Im the biggest Floyd Mayweather fan on NT...

Jet Li could destroy Floyd with a hand tied behind his back.

Y'all have no idea what y'all talking about.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ThiPham

sneakerheath what do you know about martial art? you are more bias towards boxing

How am I biased by saying a martial-artist with little actual fighting experience at a professional level vs a pro fighter who has excelled at his field will lose???

Listen...Tyson vs Rampage Jackson, Liddell, Rua, Couture, etc....I'll say its going to be a whole other kind of fight because these guys have actually demonstrated their prowess at a pro level...

Lee? None to speak of....
for martial art people spar to show off who is better, they dont need to go and kill each other to prove that they are better, for wing chun theystart out with sticky hands and go on from there. for lee he practice with people that are the best at their style by not knocking them out. Lee would sparwith people and win but he doesnt let his pride take him over he didnt go around and say i beat the champ at this "style of martial art" because hedidnt want to embarrass people with their style. he believed that one style of martial art is better than the other that is why he learn multiple and used themtogether.

Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[sup][31][/sup] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[sup][32][/sup]
Originally Posted by ThiPham

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by ThiPham

sneakerheath what do you know about martial art? you are more bias towards boxing

How am I biased by saying a martial-artist with little actual fighting experience at a professional level vs a pro fighter who has excelled at his field will lose???

Listen...Tyson vs Rampage Jackson, Liddell, Rua, Couture, etc....I'll say its going to be a whole other kind of fight because these guys have actually demonstrated their prowess at a pro level...

Lee? None to speak of....
Lee would spar with people and win but he doesnt let his pride take him over he didnt go around and say i beat the champ at this "style of martial art" because he didnt want to embarrass people with their style. he believed that one style of martial art is better than the other that is why he learn multiple and used them together.
Yeah he would, his temper mixed with his pride led to a lot of behind the scene fights/competition (i.e. the Enter The Dragon fight). Most wouldtell you that Bruce was a showoff, but at the same time, was focused on constantly improving and learning.

edit: ABH hit dead on with the boxing. Bruce used the blocking techniques that he learned to shield off most punches.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

See my only thing with Lee is this...

YES he had great physical talent...

YES he fought a few guys...(Supposedly dozens upon dozens on the streets over his life)

But realistically...

Against a prizefighter who has had recorded visual evidence of his fights...I'm going to go with Tyson...

Yes Lee could go to the ground, kick, use submissions etc...But has he EVER been hit by a guy like Tyson? Has he ever truly had his chin checked?

Thats what I want to know....If Tyson DOES connect, the result could mean some bad, bad, BAD things for Mr.Lee...

Who is to say Bruce Lee would have ever put himself in a position as intelligent and aware as he was a martial artist to allow someone who is known to do one thing well and that's punch...?

C'mon...that's like saying if someone ran out into the highway at night and were not paying attention to oncoming traffic that they'd not end up in serious condition.

We all know Tyson was a power guy. Had an attack first mode. But I'd pick Bruce Lee 99 out of 100 times to put Tyson on his back. Even guys like Michael Spinks ended up beating Tyson in his prime.......I know anyone can take an L at any time including Lee...but I just don't see how a guy as physically fit as Lee was and as astute as he was in the martial arts to allow himself to become vulnerable to a guy who can only punch hard.

UMMMM Guys like Michael Spinks...

Guys like Michael Spinks are BEASTLY DUDES...

BTW Mike Spinks got his @(#*# handed to him by Tyson IN THE FIRST ROUND...


I'm done, not even going to argue with dudes who don't know a thing about the boxing game....Please....

Get outta here with that nonsense!
We're not talking a boxer vs. a boxer here. It takes years and years of practice and dedication to be the kind of fighter that Bruce Lee was. I know about boxing homie. Don't try to play me with that B.S. just because you don't agree with my assessment.
So you're saying it doesn't take years of dedication and practice to be the type of fighter Spinks, Tyson, etc were?

You clearly don't know a thing about boxing man, I'm just saying....You're not speaking intelligently about the sport. All you're doing is dismissing it as some pedestrian slug fest that requires no experience...

I'm not dismissing anything here. But I'm not gullible enough to believe that some 220 lb. amazon boxer like Mike Tyson could easily take a guy whoonce was considered "one of the fittest men in the world". I'm sure Mike Tyson didn't live, eat, and breathe boxing 24/7 the way Bruce Leededicated himself to martial arts.

Tyson was a ferocious boxer. Undoubtedly. He was the real deal (no Evander Holyfield) in his prime. But he wasn't trained to be a thinking man's boxereither. He only had one thought and that was: Attack!

I just know that the martial arts is waaaayyy more versatile as a fighting technique than boxing is. To be a great boxer takes dedication and talent...but as Isaid many times before Bruce Lee was gifted in defending himself and trained extensively in perfecting his skills.

I don't think it's hard to understand that a boxer only thinks of cornering a smaller guy like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee thought extremely well on his feetand often pranced back and forth studying his opponent's stance and technique. So I definitely don't think Lee would have gotten beat by some respects you act like Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I trained in Western Boxing for about 5 years and still do today....

I have been training in JKD, Muay Thai, Dirty Boxing, Kali and BJJ for about 7 months....

Im the biggest Floyd Mayweather fan on NT...

Jet Li could destroy Floyd with a hand tied behind his back.

Y'all have no idea what y'all talking about.
...if it was that easy, why doesn't he just do it then..?..

and no, im not talking about him exclusively, but all of these martial arts movie masters. if it that's easy, they would just jump in the ring with some ofthese world-class boxers. Imagine how much a jet lee/mayweather fight would would be better than doing movies. But, my friend, it isn't thatis..and thus, they don't do it.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[sup][31][/sup] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[sup][32][/sup]

3-time champ Gary Elms huh?

Funny...He has no pro record...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Actual fights against professional fighters....

An actual fighting record...Actual exploits to speak of.
Heres a little list of fights I found in 5 minutes of research:
[h2]Bruce Lee Kicks %#* in Real Life
These are a few of the fights that Bruce participated in the ring and out.
1958: vs. Gary Elms in a tournament. (Won) 1958 or 1959: Against Chung on a rooftop in Hong Kong. (Won in 2nd Round) 1960 - Seattle: Bruce backfisted a guy and busted his nose after Bruce saw him harrassing a Chinese Girl. Bruce was taking a walk. This fight was witnessed by James DeMile. 1960 or 1961: vs. Uechi. (Won in 10 seconds) Summer 1963 - Hong Kong: Bruce snapped a low kick to a punk's shin after the punk and his friend harrassed him during an evening stroll.
Lee's celebrity and martial arts prowess often put him on a collision course with a number of street thugs, stunt men and martial arts extras, all hoping to make a name for themselves...

Bob Wall, USPK karate champion and co-star in Enter the Dragon, recalled a particularly serious encounter that transpired after a film extra kept taunting Lee. The extra yelled that Lee was "a movie star, not a martial artist," that he "wasn't much of a fighter." Bob Wall described Lee's opponent as "a gang-banger type of guy from Hong Kong," a "damned good martial artist," and observed that he was fast, strong, and bigger than Bruce.[sup][25][/sup]

Wall recalled the confrontation in detail:
"This kid was good. He was strong and fast, and he was really trying to punch Bruce's brains in. But Bruce just methodically took him apart."[sup][26][/sup]"Bruce kept moving so well, this kid couldn't touch him...Then all of a sudden, Bruce got him and rammed his %#* with the wall and swept him up, proceeding to drop him and plant his knee into his opponent's chest, locked his arm out straight, and nailed him in the face repeatedly."[sup][27][/sup]

After his victory, Lee gave his opponent lessons on how to improve his fighting skills.

Oh, just a little more information:
Lee had boxed in the 1959 Boxing Championships held between twelve Hong Kong schools, a tournament in which he beat the three-time champion from another school (a French boy).[sup][45][/sup]
Bruce Lee was a trained boxer. Add that to his list of martial arts he mastered and created, and you have histories best fighter.
Well, Haze beat me to posting this story, but whatever.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

See my only thing with Lee is this...

YES he had great physical talent...

YES he fought a few guys...(Supposedly dozens upon dozens on the streets over his life)

But realistically...

Against a prizefighter who has had recorded visual evidence of his fights...I'm going to go with Tyson...

Yes Lee could go to the ground, kick, use submissions etc...But has he EVER been hit by a guy like Tyson? Has he ever truly had his chin checked?

Thats what I want to know....If Tyson DOES connect, the result could mean some bad, bad, BAD things for Mr.Lee...

Who is to say Bruce Lee would have ever put himself in a position as intelligent and aware as he was a martial artist to allow someone who is known to do one thing well and that's punch...?

C'mon...that's like saying if someone ran out into the highway at night and were not paying attention to oncoming traffic that they'd not end up in serious condition.

We all know Tyson was a power guy. Had an attack first mode. But I'd pick Bruce Lee 99 out of 100 times to put Tyson on his back. Even guys like Michael Spinks ended up beating Tyson in his prime.......I know anyone can take an L at any time including Lee...but I just don't see how a guy as physically fit as Lee was and as astute as he was in the martial arts to allow himself to become vulnerable to a guy who can only punch hard.

UMMMM Guys like Michael Spinks...

Guys like Michael Spinks are BEASTLY DUDES...

BTW Mike Spinks got his @(#*# handed to him by Tyson IN THE FIRST ROUND...


I'm done, not even going to argue with dudes who don't know a thing about the boxing game....Please....

Get outta here with that nonsense!
We're not talking a boxer vs. a boxer here. It takes years and years of practice and dedication to be the kind of fighter that Bruce Lee was. I know about boxing homie. Don't try to play me with that B.S. just because you don't agree with my assessment.
So you're saying it doesn't take years of dedication and practice to be the type of fighter Spinks, Tyson, etc were?

You clearly don't know a thing about boxing man, I'm just saying....You're not speaking intelligently about the sport. All you're doing is dismissing it as some pedestrian slug fest that requires no experience...

I'm not dismissing anything here. But I'm not gullible enough to believe that some 220 lb. amazon boxer like Mike Tyson could easily take a guy who once was considered "one of the fittest men in the world". I'm sure Mike Tyson didn't live, eat, and breathe boxing 24/7 the way Bruce Lee dedicated himself to martial arts.

Tyson was a ferocious boxer. Undoubtedly. He was the real deal (no Evander Holyfield) in his prime. But he wasn't trained to be a thinking man's boxer either. He only had one thought and that was: Attack!

I just know that the martial arts is waaaayyy more versatile as a fighting technique than boxing is. To be a great boxer takes dedication and talent...but as I said many times before Bruce Lee was gifted in defending himself and trained extensively in perfecting his skills.

I don't think it's hard to understand that a boxer only thinks of cornering a smaller guy like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee thought extremely well on his feet and often pranced back and forth studying his opponent's stance and technique. So I definitely don't think Lee would have gotten beat by Mike some respects you act like Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime.
Just as Lee took time for writing, acting, family...

Tyson took time for smashing broads, and spending money...

Other than that boxing was his life..

I never said Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime....I think in his prime a few guys could've beat him. Not many and not Lee...

BTW Tyson knew how to counter-punch and exhibited it at times. The popular definition of Tyson ignores this...
uh oh this was def an argument starter OP.

Just because hes so skilled, im going with BRUCE.

Yall acting like strength always wins.
18key wrote:
[h2]Bruce Lee Kicks %#* in Real Life
These are a few of the fights that Bruce participated in the ring and out.
1958: vs. Gary Elms in a tournament. (Won) 1958 or 1959: Against Chung on a rooftop in Hong Kong. (Won in 2nd Round) 1960 - Seattle: Bruce backfisted a guy and busted his nose after Bruce saw him harrassing a Chinese Girl. Bruce was taking a walk. This fight was witnessed by James DeMile. 1960 or 1961: vs. Uechi. (Won in 10 seconds) Summer 1963 - Hong Kong: Bruce snapped a low kick to a punk's shin after the punk and his friend harrassed him during an evening stroll.

1. who is/was gary elms besides the guy lee beat? does he have any professional credentials?
2. Against chung on a rooftop in hong kong..? oh yea, right..that's pretty legit.
3. Saving the day against some scumbag who disrespected some lady. How nice. But still, who the hell are these people?
Originally Posted by MJsaver

uh oh this was def an argument starter OP.

Just because hes so skilled, im going with BRUCE.

Yall acting like strength always wins.
but you see, tyson wasn't only strong. He was pretty damn quick as well. I think you guys are limiting tysons skills too much, and stretching the capabilities of bruce lee.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Actual fights against professional fighters....

An actual fighting record...Actual exploits to speak of.
Heres a little list of fights I found in 5 minutes of research:
[h2]Bruce Lee Kicks %#* in Real Life
These are a few of the fights that Bruce participated in the ring and out.
1958: vs. Gary Elms in a tournament. (Won) 1958 or 1959: Against Chung on a rooftop in Hong Kong. (Won in 2nd Round) 1960 - Seattle: Bruce backfisted a guy and busted his nose after Bruce saw him harrassing a Chinese Girl. Bruce was taking a walk. This fight was witnessed by James DeMile. 1960 or 1961: vs. Uechi. (Won in 10 seconds) Summer 1963 - Hong Kong: Bruce snapped a low kick to a punk's shin after the punk and his friend harrassed him during an evening stroll.
Lee's celebrity and martial arts prowess often put him on a collision course with a number of street thugs, stunt men and martial arts extras, all hoping to make a name for themselves...

Bob Wall, USPK karate champion and co-star in Enter the Dragon, recalled a particularly serious encounter that transpired after a film extra kept taunting Lee. The extra yelled that Lee was "a movie star, not a martial artist," that he "wasn't much of a fighter." Bob Wall described Lee's opponent as "a gang-banger type of guy from Hong Kong," a "damned good martial artist," and observed that he was fast, strong, and bigger than Bruce.[sup][25][/sup]

Wall recalled the confrontation in detail:
"This kid was good. He was strong and fast, and he was really trying to punch Bruce's brains in. But Bruce just methodically took him apart."[sup][26][/sup]"Bruce kept moving so well, this kid couldn't touch him...Then all of a sudden, Bruce got him and rammed his %#* with the wall and swept him up, proceeding to drop him and plant his knee into his opponent's chest, locked his arm out straight, and nailed him in the face repeatedly."[sup][27][/sup]

After his victory, Lee gave his opponent lessons on how to improve his fighting skills.

Oh, just a little more information:
Lee had boxed in the 1959 Boxing Championships held between twelve Hong Kong schools, a tournament in which he beat the three-time champion from another school (a French boy).[sup][45][/sup]
Bruce Lee was a trained boxer. Add that to his list of martial arts he mastered and created, and you have histories best fighter.
Well, Haze beat me to posting this story, but whatever.

I already stated that he fought some amateurs...Whats your point??? How does this dispel my statement that he has not fought at a pro level against profighters???

Before you or Haze posted I knew of these guys Lee fought....
Nothingnew to me. Dudes were not pros...

Lmao backfisted "a guy"....

So if I go backfist some dude outside does that count as actual fight experience??? lmaooooo You guys are funny...
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[sup][31][/sup] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[sup][32][/sup]

I didn't even know that.............and this guy SneakerHeathenstill thinks he has a legitimate case.
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I trained in Western Boxing for about 5 years and still do today....

I have been training in JKD, Muay Thai, Dirty Boxing, Kali and BJJ for about 7 months....

Im the biggest Floyd Mayweather fan on NT...

Jet Li could destroy Floyd with a hand tied behind his back.

Y'all have no idea what y'all talking about.
...if it was that easy, why doesn't he just do it then..?..

and no, im not talking about him exclusively, but all of these martial arts movie masters. if it that's easy, they would just jump in the ring with some of these world-class boxers. Imagine how much a jet lee/mayweather fight would would be better than doing movies. But, my friend, it isn't that is..and thus, they don't do it.


Mayweather won't even step foot in the UFC against the lowest opponents (or boxing dangerous elite) you think hes going to square off with Jet Li?

Remember the unstoppable monster did he fare in MMA against absolute bums? No too good right?

Martial Arts is the perfected science of the entire human body...not just fisticuffs. Trained Martial Artists can efficiently kill with quick strikes that youcan barely see. Its a whole different ballgame. Lower body, grappling, dirty moves, trapping, small joint manipulation...
Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

18key wrote:
[h2]Bruce Lee Kicks %#* in Real Life
These are a few of the fights that Bruce participated in the ring and out.
1958: vs. Gary Elms in a tournament. (Won) 1958 or 1959: Against Chung on a rooftop in Hong Kong. (Won in 2nd Round) 1960 - Seattle: Bruce backfisted a guy and busted his nose after Bruce saw him harrassing a Chinese Girl. Bruce was taking a walk. This fight was witnessed by James DeMile. 1960 or 1961: vs. Uechi. (Won in 10 seconds) Summer 1963 - Hong Kong: Bruce snapped a low kick to a punk's shin after the punk and his friend harrassed him during an evening stroll.

1. who is/was gary elms besides the guy lee beat? does he have any professional credentials?
2. Against chung on a rooftop in hong kong..? oh yea, right..that's pretty legit.
3. Saving the day against some scumbag who disrespected some lady. How nice. But still, who the hell are these people?

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I trained in Western Boxing for about 5 years and still do today....

I have been training in JKD, Muay Thai, Dirty Boxing, Kali and BJJ for about 7 months....

Im the biggest Floyd Mayweather fan on NT...

Jet Li could destroy Floyd with a hand tied behind his back.

Y'all have no idea what y'all talking about.
...if it was that easy, why doesn't he just do it then..?..

and no, im not talking about him exclusively, but all of these martial arts movie masters. if it that's easy, they would just jump in the ring with some of these world-class boxers. Imagine how much a jet lee/mayweather fight would would be better than doing movies. But, my friend, it isn't that is..and thus, they don't do it.


Mayweather won't even step foot in the UFC against the lowest opponents (or boxing dangerous elite) you think hes going to square off with Jet Li?

Remember the unstoppable monster did he fare in MMA against absolute bums? No too good right?

Martial Arts is the perfected science of the entire human body...not just fisticuffs. Trained Martial Artists can efficiently kill with quick strikes that you can barely see. Its a whole different ballgame. Lower body, grappling, dirty moves, trapping, small joint manipulation...

Haze, you know better than to use Kimbo as an example of a proficient boxer.....Stop that...I know straw weights that would break his face.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I trained in Western Boxing for about 5 years and still do today....

I have been training in JKD, Muay Thai, Dirty Boxing, Kali and BJJ for about 7 months....

Im the biggest Floyd Mayweather fan on NT...

Jet Li could destroy Floyd with a hand tied behind his back.

Y'all have no idea what y'all talking about.
...if it was that easy, why doesn't he just do it then..?..

and no, im not talking about him exclusively, but all of these martial arts movie masters. if it that's easy, they would just jump in the ring with some of these world-class boxers. Imagine how much a jet lee/mayweather fight would would be better than doing movies. But, my friend, it isn't that is..and thus, they don't do it.


Mayweather won't even step foot in the UFC against the lowest opponents (or boxing dangerous elite) you think hes going to square off with Jet Li?

Remember the unstoppable monster did he fare in MMA against absolute bums? No too good right?

Martial Arts is the perfected science of the entire human body...not just fisticuffs. Trained Martial Artists can efficiently kill with quick strikes that you can barely see. Its a whole different ballgame. Lower body, grappling, dirty moves, trapping, small joint manipulation...
...if mayweather won't step into ufc, why doesn't ufc step into boxing then? The money sure would be better, no?

and don't equate kimbo with professional boxers, please.
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze


Bruce was also trained in Western boxing and won the 1958 Boxing Championship match against 3-time champion Gary Elms by knockout in the 3rd round. Before arriving to the finals against Elms, Lee had knocked out 3 straight boxers in the first round.[sup][31][/sup] In addition, Bruce learned western fencing techniques from his brother Peter Lee, who was a champion fencer at the time.[sup][32][/sup]

I didn't even know that.............and this guy SneakerHeathen still thinks he has a legitimate case.

Gary Elms was not a 3-time champ at a pro level...

My case is still far more legit than anyone else who has yet to post. Especially yours. BTW there seems to be alot ofthings you "didn't even know"....

So many people doubting BRUCE.

Gotta be some younger NT'ers i hope.

Bruce wasnt fighting in the days of the internet,

its not easy to find some Bruce lee fight footage.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

See my only thing with Lee is this...

YES he had great physical talent...

YES he fought a few guys...(Supposedly dozens upon dozens on the streets over his life)

But realistically...

Against a prizefighter who has had recorded visual evidence of his fights...I'm going to go with Tyson...

Yes Lee could go to the ground, kick, use submissions etc...But has he EVER been hit by a guy like Tyson? Has he ever truly had his chin checked?

Thats what I want to know....If Tyson DOES connect, the result could mean some bad, bad, BAD things for Mr.Lee...

Who is to say Bruce Lee would have ever put himself in a position as intelligent and aware as he was a martial artist to allow someone who is known to do one thing well and that's punch...?

C'mon...that's like saying if someone ran out into the highway at night and were not paying attention to oncoming traffic that they'd not end up in serious condition.

We all know Tyson was a power guy. Had an attack first mode. But I'd pick Bruce Lee 99 out of 100 times to put Tyson on his back. Even guys like Michael Spinks ended up beating Tyson in his prime.......I know anyone can take an L at any time including Lee...but I just don't see how a guy as physically fit as Lee was and as astute as he was in the martial arts to allow himself to become vulnerable to a guy who can only punch hard.

UMMMM Guys like Michael Spinks...

Guys like Michael Spinks are BEASTLY DUDES...

BTW Mike Spinks got his @(#*# handed to him by Tyson IN THE FIRST ROUND...


I'm done, not even going to argue with dudes who don't know a thing about the boxing game....Please....

Get outta here with that nonsense!
We're not talking a boxer vs. a boxer here. It takes years and years of practice and dedication to be the kind of fighter that Bruce Lee was. I know about boxing homie. Don't try to play me with that B.S. just because you don't agree with my assessment.
So you're saying it doesn't take years of dedication and practice to be the type of fighter Spinks, Tyson, etc were?

You clearly don't know a thing about boxing man, I'm just saying....You're not speaking intelligently about the sport. All you're doing is dismissing it as some pedestrian slug fest that requires no experience...

I'm not dismissing anything here. But I'm not gullible enough to believe that some 220 lb. amazon boxer like Mike Tyson could easily take a guy who once was considered "one of the fittest men in the world". I'm sure Mike Tyson didn't live, eat, and breathe boxing 24/7 the way Bruce Lee dedicated himself to martial arts.

Tyson was a ferocious boxer. Undoubtedly. He was the real deal (no Evander Holyfield) in his prime. But he wasn't trained to be a thinking man's boxer either. He only had one thought and that was: Attack!

I just know that the martial arts is waaaayyy more versatile as a fighting technique than boxing is. To be a great boxer takes dedication and talent...but as I said many times before Bruce Lee was gifted in defending himself and trained extensively in perfecting his skills.

I don't think it's hard to understand that a boxer only thinks of cornering a smaller guy like Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee thought extremely well on his feet and often pranced back and forth studying his opponent's stance and technique. So I definitely don't think Lee would have gotten beat by Mike some respects you act like Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime.
Just as Lee took time for writing, acting, family...

Tyson took time for smashing broads, and spending money...

Other than that boxing was his life..

I never said Tyson couldn't take an L in his prime....I think in his prime a few guys could've beat him. Not many and not Lee...

BTW Tyson knew how to counter-punch and exhibited it at times. The popular definition of Tyson ignores this...

Not Lee huh!?

I wonder what would work better in a fight....a guy who studied and perfected various fighting techniques such as Bruce Lee....or a guy who lifted weights allday and fought only with his fists like Tyson.........hmmmmmmmm........

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by thesimplestlife

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

I trained in Western Boxing for about 5 years and still do today....

I have been training in JKD, Muay Thai, Dirty Boxing, Kali and BJJ for about 7 months....

Im the biggest Floyd Mayweather fan on NT...

Jet Li could destroy Floyd with a hand tied behind his back.

Y'all have no idea what y'all talking about.
...if it was that easy, why doesn't he just do it then..?..

and no, im not talking about him exclusively, but all of these martial arts movie masters. if it that's easy, they would just jump in the ring with some of these world-class boxers. Imagine how much a jet lee/mayweather fight would would be better than doing movies. But, my friend, it isn't that is..and thus, they don't do it.


Mayweather won't even step foot in the UFC against the lowest opponents (or boxing dangerous elite) you think hes going to square off with Jet Li?

Remember the unstoppable monster did he fare in MMA against absolute bums? No too good right?

Martial Arts is the perfected science of the entire human body...not just fisticuffs. Trained Martial Artists can efficiently kill with quick strikes that you can barely see. Its a whole different ballgame. Lower body, grappling, dirty moves, trapping, small joint manipulation...
...if mayweather won't step into ufc, why doesn't ufc step into boxing then? The money sure would be better, no?

and don't equate kimbo with professional boxers, please.
Scary how Simplestlife mirrors my exact sentiments.
Bruce Lee, especially in a fight with no rules????? This is my scenario, Lee would be moving around and have Tyson chase after him. Lee would then use hisoffense as his defense, deflecting Tyson's punches with his hands and feet, and then countering with kicks or punches to the vital organ's region. Rapcity for Tyson. I think the only way Tyson might have a chance against Bruce Lee is maybe in a closed space like in a closet. Even then, Bruce Lee can musteredup all his chi in that space and knockout Mike. People that support Tyson in this discussion make it like Lee doesn't have enough power or can't take ahit. Lee's muscles are not as big as Mike, but they are super cut and packed with every last power from his body. I think Lee can take a powerful hit fromMike, but I don't think Lee would even allow that to happen to the point where he is caught with a haymaker.

Lee did fight professional fights. It may not be professional to the American public's eyes, but these fights were among Martial Artists Masters. Iwouldn't categorize a seriously respected Kung Fu or Martial Arts Master as a street bum or a amateur fight.
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