You can see in the VIDEO..

she pressed all the buttons on the middle row on elevator panel.... all except the top button light up... which means she's on that floor...

and judging from the panel...   she is on the 14th floor!
Or is the building really only 13 floors but they skip the 13th and call it the 14th floor?
you'd have no reason to want to go to the "13th" because

nothing in the hotel would be labeled as located on the 13th

the 13 floor physically would be floor 14 in this case
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This may be a reach but just reading up on Richard Ramirez and a lot of his victims were Asian and his first killings were in a hotel. You don't think they're might be a "copy cat" of this serial killer?
Found it really strange, I know I'm reaching but with how shocking this murder has been nothing really surprises me now
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This may be a reach but just reading up on Richard Ramirez and a lot of his victims were Asian and his first killings were in a hotel. You don't think they're might be a "copy cat" of this serial killer?
Found it really strange, I know I'm reaching but with how shocking this murder has been nothing really surprises me now

i dont think its reaching

id say that too, its just her getting roof access and entering the water tank

maintenance has access to that so putting 2 and 2 together..
This may be a reach but just reading up on Richard Ramirez and a lot of his victims were Asian and his first killings were in a hotel. You don't think they're might be a "copy cat" of this serial killer?
Found it really strange, I know I'm reaching but with how shocking this murder has been nothing really surprises me now

I just tried to think about it and put it into perspective..

A lot of Ramirez's kills seemed impulsive and not upon people he might have had a problem with, and some of his attempted victims even survived his attacks, meaning he didn't stick around long enough to make sure they were dead.

Pulling people out of cars, attacking in public bars, etc. all points to impulsive attacks.

The fact that Elisa Lam's body was found in that water tank alone shows some sort of difference from Ramirez in the fact that the killer actually dumped the body somewhere. Ramirez simply left bodies for them to be found. Was it planned? Hard to say yes considering she was visiting from Canada, so it's doubtful that the killer knew her. Her body being dumped and hidden could simply point to a sign of remorse from the killer, after realizing what he's done.. although, I must say that whoever killed her isn't stupid. Autopsy didn't find anything, no marks on her body that we've heard of, nothing that stands out..

Also, Ramirez mostly killed with stabs and gunshots.. if there were any on Elisa Lam, we would've heard about it by now. That autopsy wouldn't have come back inconclusive.

Although the only thing that gets me thinking of Ramirez is the floor she was stuck on.. either that's one HELL of a coincidence, or there's something there.
This might be a stretch but it could serve justice to her family and the person who might have murdered her:

They should use a polygraph test on every employee that was working that day and see if anyone may be lying about knowing what really happened.
You can't just administer a polygraph without evidence suggesting it tho.
Yeah polygraphs aren't admissible in court. But some government jobs require you to take one. F'n stupid.
Oh never knew that.

I find it strange that the hotel doesn't have more sufficient surveillance cameras. Like how do they not have cameras in parts of the hotel (like the area that accesses the roof) that should be closely monitored? As if being near skidrow isn't bad enough, no one should be going to this hotel after all these stories.
Bath salts do that. Had a guy in my building strip naked and run out in middle of the street stopping traffic then got on the hood of a car and started stomping on it. And there was another guy few month back living in a building on the same street strip naked and jumped to his death off his penthouse loft while on bath salts. Not saying that she was on that but who knows.

Is the neighborhood as bad as the media portrays it to be?
Is the neighborhood as bad as the media portrays it to be?
that part of LA is one of the grimiest..

mentally ill homeless people running around, hookers,drug dealers/users,and thugs looking to come up on unsuspecting tourists or visitors.

alot of these old hotels let shady stuff happen,such as prostitution and drug dealing as long as they pay a cut to the front desk.
Can't get myself to watch this video.... Feels like society is becoming desensitized to this sh*t... Just don't understand why women travel alone.... I mean as a man I travel alone sometimes but I always have that feeling of needing to leave places early or what if something happens to me type scenarios...
God rest her soul doe...the world truly is a scary place
Can't get myself to watch this video.... Feels like society is becoming desensitized to this sh*t... Just don't understand why women travel alone.... I mean as a man I travel alone sometimes but I always have that feeling of needing to leave places early or what if something happens to me type scenarios...
God rest her soul doe...the world truly is a scary place

Wait, are you talking about the video of her in the elevator?
Can't get myself to watch this video.... Feels like society is becoming desensitized to this sh*t... Just don't understand why women travel alone.... I mean as a man I travel alone sometimes but I always have that feeling of needing to leave places early or what if something happens to me type scenarios...
God rest her soul doe...the world truly is a scary place

Society desensitized to mysterious ladies alone in elevators?

Nah you just hella scary bo.
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Can't get myself to watch this video.... Feels like society is becoming desensitized to this sh*t... Just don't understand why women travel alone.... I mean as a man I travel alone sometimes but I always have that feeling of needing to leave places early or what if something happens to me type scenarios...
God rest her soul doe...the world truly is a scary place
Society desensitized to mysterious ladies alone in elevators?

Nah you just hella scary bo.
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