(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES - An autopsy on Canadian tourist Elisa Lam's body failed to determine whether she was killed or died accidentally in a giant water cistern on top of a downtown Los Angeles hotel roof.

PICTURES: Cops: Woman's body found in LA hotel water tank

The results were inconclusive, so coroner's officials said Thursday they will have to wait for toxicological tests to determine a cause of death for 21-year-old Lam, of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Police have called her death suspicious.

Lam's body was found Tuesday in one of several water cisterns on top of the 600-room hotel near Skid Row.

The hotel has retained a consultant who submitted a plan to sanitize the water lines that will be retested before they are put back into operation, said Angelo Bellomo, the county's director of environmental health.

Only water for toilets is flowing for hotel guests who chose to stay at the hotel. Most have made other arrangements.

Guest complaints about low water pressure prompted a maintenance worker to make the gruesome discovery.

Before she died, hotel surveillance footage showed her inside an elevator pushing buttons and sticking her head out the doors, looking in both directions.

Water tested from the hotel didn't contain any live bacteria that would cause illness.

County health officials issued a do-not-drink order, but results that came back Thursday indicated the water was safe from a "microbiological standpoint," Bellomo said.

"We can't say what the quality of the water was prior to the samples" taken Tuesday, Bellomo said. "We can only say that the water met the standard at the time it was sampled."

Chlorine in the water probably killed any bacteria in the tank where Lam's body was found, Bellomo said. Two standard water tests were performed and samples were taken from throughout the hotel.

Lam, of Vancouver, British Columbia, traveled alone to Los Angeles on Jan. 26 and was last seen five days later by hotel workers. She intended to travel to Santa Cruz, about 350 miles north of Los Angeles.

High school classmate Alex Ristea, of Vancouver, called Lam's death shocking and said she was one of the friendliest people he knew.

"This is the last person I expect out of all my friends to have something like this happen to her," Ristea said.

University of British Columbia spokesman Randy Schmidt confirmed that Lam had attended summer school at the university, but she was not registered for the current session.

Ristea said he believes Lam had just gone to California for a holiday, saying she had posted pictures on Facebook from tourist locations such as the San Diego Zoo.
Complete coverage Elisa Lam on Crimesider
That's not what I'm saying tho you fool, have you looked around this thread? People talking about ghosts, and spirits, and hotels being haunted.

It's still not out of ordinary that someone on vacation takes drugs, ends up doing crazy things, and kills themselves because they were high or drunk.

If she didn't drown and was locked in, okay, then she got killed. But I'm not here connecting video images to imaginary hands and haunted spirits.

Given the dark history of the hotel, it wouldn't shock me if it really was haunted, I'm a fond believer of the supernatural... But that's besides the point.

Chlorine in the water probably killed any bacteria in the tank where Lam's body was found, Bellomo said. Two standard water tests were performed and samples were taken from throughout the hotel.

Obviously, someone knew what they were doing when they hid her body... Camera footage didn't add up either.
This might be a stretch but it could serve justice to her family and the person who might have murdered her:

They should use a polygraph test on every employee that was working that day and see if anyone may be lying about knowing what really happened.
Man, some of y'all just love the imagination too much or have watched way too many scary movies.

What do I think happened? She was on drugs man. I've seen people act more trippy and bugged out than that on shrooms, acid, or even dust. Go find videos of people on dust. She was on vacation, people tend to do drugs on vacation.

For all I know she took way to much Molly, and that's probably why she ended up in the water tank.

how did she get there if it was locked and 20ft high.

Also, why would anyone still want to stay at that hotel after that incident? Id flood that area completely says so in the article above.

straight outta la noire, more scary. A job for cole phelps
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was that tumblr that they posted on the comments hers?

"I don’t know to explain myself and I have a feeling that I never will know who I am so instead of an abstract and useless description I will assure you that I am not a nutjob that hunts for their next victim on the internet. I, however, will think everyone else is a pedophile thanks to To Catch a Predator. I’m logical like that.

Here are some bullet points

I am twenty-something student in Canada
I have no idea have some idea what I’m studying
I have typical twenty-something issues (specifically bipolar depression ) and every now and then I’ll talk about it sarcastically.
Despite saying I hate people a lot, I actually enjoy (and require) human interaction but my inability to go outside means I’ll only contact the outside world anonymously and over the internet
Feel free to ask a silly question. It could be an awkward magical adventure for us both. "

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Morning all, I agree with everything ELJEFE says.. this case is definitely doubt about it. If the LAPD somehow find a way to say it is an accident.. it would be an insult to our intelligence...

1) I've read online that she was supposed to meet someone in LA... but her final destination is expected to be santa cruz in central california.. she was suppose to check out of the hotel THE DAY of the elevator scene.. but didn't.  she stayed in touch everyday with her family - until the day she went missing.

2) I've read many different opinions about this. notice she was wearing only slippers.. / basketball shorts.. plus she is short sighted (but she didn't wear glasses at all)  that she was just saying good-bye to a friend on the 14th floor ( she lived on the 4th floor).  At 0:54 of the video, her reaction was seen in a way that she was shocked to see someone there. this somebody is familiar with the hotel.. and knows the Surveillance video angles very well...0:59 she goes back to the elevator.. 1:01 the person calls her back out to talk with her.. NOTICE 2:04-2:05 the video has been edited.. maybe she was pointing to the killer.. but the LAPD edited out?

3) This video has been edited multiple times.. notice 2:56 the time has been stopped.. then the elevator closed 1/3 of the way....VERY STRANGE

4) Yes, neither way IMO, maintenance workers or someone working in the hotel was be in this...

5) they were saying even if you HAVE a key to unlock the door OR BYPASS the alarm door... U WILL need a ladder to get up to the 10-15 foot water tank. 
Just wanted to add, 4 and 14 are both pretty unlucky numbers in Chinese.

4 is pronounced si, which is the same pronounciation as death.

14 is yao si, which can also mean "will die"

Just wanted to add, 4 and 14 are both pretty unlucky numbers in Chinese.

4 is pronounced si, which is the same pronounciation as death.

14 is yao si, which can also mean "will die"


are you mandarin? curious because what a coincidence that both in mandarin and cantonse, both 4s sound like death. In cantonese, 4 is pronounced "say" which is same as death. Unless you read it online, in that case si is a poor translation imo
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are you mandarin? curious because what a coincidence that both in mandarin and cantonse, both 4s sound like death. In cantonese, 4 is pronounced "say" which is same as death. Unless you read it online, in that case si is a poor translation imo
I'm mandarin, and in mandarin 4 sound closer to si.
Morning all, I agree with everything ELJEFE says.. this case is definitely doubt about it. If the LAPD somehow find a way to say it is an accident.. it would be an insult to our intelligence...

1) I've read online that she was supposed to meet someone in LA... but her final destination is expected to be santa cruz in central california.. she was suppose to check out of the hotel THE DAY of the elevator scene.. but didn't.  she stayed in touch everyday with her family - until the day she went missing.

2) I've read many different opinions about this. notice she was wearing only slippers.. / basketball shorts.. plus she is short sighted (but she didn't wear glasses at all)  that she was just saying good-bye to a friend on the 14th floor ( she lived on the 4th floor).  At 0:54 of the video, her reaction was seen in a way that she was shocked to see someone there. this somebody is familiar with the hotel.. and knows the Surveillance video angles very well...0:59 she goes back to the elevator.. 1:01 the person calls her back out to talk with her.. NOTICE 2:04-2:05 the video has been edited.. maybe she was pointing to the killer.. but the LAPD edited out?

3) This video has been edited multiple times.. notice 2:56 the time has been stopped.. then the elevator closed 1/3 of the way....VERY STRANGE

4) Yes, neither way IMO, maintenance workers or someone working in the hotel was be in this...

5) they were saying even if you HAVE a key to unlock the door OR BYPASS the alarm door... U WILL need a ladder to get up to the 10-15 foot water tank. 
Just wanted to add, 4 and 14 are both pretty unlucky numbers in Chinese.

4 is pronounced si, which is the same pronounciation as death.

14 is yao si, which can also mean "will die"

Pardon my ignorance what do does numbers have to do without this?
Oh ah I just read #2
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Here is an image of the elevator panel at cecil hotel elisa lam used -

Also, Richard Ramirez reportedly stayed on the 14th floor during his killing spree.... and guess which floor was elisa lam was on during the video? 
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